Scenery in the Sierra Gorda mountains near Pinal de Amoles, Queretaro, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Not sure yet.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Bike ride to town

You would almost think that sunset photo has been touched up, but that was the true color of the sky. We have beautiful  sunRISEs almost every day here at Hacienda Contreras, but it's not very often that we have a sunSET this colorful.

You'll remember that we bought Ruth a cheap Walmart bicycle on our way through the states in September. Well, it is pretty much junk. So we got a whole three months out of it! Problem is that the design of the gear changing mechanism is such that the cables begin to bind after only a very short time, so now the bike is pretty much stuck in one gear. Yes, I've dismantled the cables and lubricated them, but it's the design itself that is the problem. Junk, and if we were in the U.S., I wouldn't hesitate to take it back and get our money refunded. It is simply not worth it to buy a cheap Walmart bike.

But, we rode into town anyhow yesterday, with Ruth stuck in one gear. We headed for the malecon first. They've done a nice job building the malecon, but the waterfront is a small lake created by a dam and the water level is quite low.

Ruth on the malecon in Valle de Juarez

For you bird people. I'm not a bird person, so I neither know, nor care what kind of bird this is.

Looking back at the malecon from the top of the dam.

The lake. We find it odd that there is very little activity in the lake. A couple of fisherman, but no recreational watercraft at all.

The malecon.

Then, we rode to the central plaza and relaxed for a few minutes.

Just a relaxing kind of day. Watched the movie "Thor" in the evening...pretty good entertainment. Haven't watched that many good movies lately, but we enjoyed this one!

Sunset at Hacienda Contreras.


  1. The Malecon looks wonderful too bad there is not more water in the lake to make it more inviting. Love the awesome sunsets like we have only seen in Mexico. We are not really bird people either so I would call it a big white bird.

  2. The biked I buy at Wal Mart are one speeds 20 inch for Adam and Nicole, no gears, I have been told that about the multi speed ones so we are waiting to buy better bikes for Donna and I, I have a girls 24 inch English 3 speed that is 35 or 40 years old but still reliable changes speed with the handlebar selector it has always been kept well oiled, tires are getting hard to find though.Have fun maybe you will see a bike down there in a flea market cheap.Be safe out there, Sam & Donna...

  3. Thanks for teaching me a new Spanish word...malecon. What a beauty. And speaking of beauts...that sky is BEAUTIFUL!

  4. When we moved to Europe in 08 we shipped along our two bikes, only to discover that neither of them were the proper size.
    Since I was riding mine every single day (this was the Netherlands) I soon discovered having a bike that was too small was just way too uncomfortable. (I won't explain the male anatomy issues, we'll just leave that be)
    So we ponied up the dough for a matching set of proper bikes from one of the many, many local bike shops and were so much happier.
    It's sometimes a false economy to go with the Walmart or Canadian Tire abominations that they pass off as bikes. This I know.

  5. well at least the Malecon looks flat so one gear on a bike would be okay as long as it's the right one!!!..have a great day in sunny Mexico!..the two of you seem to be the only ones in consistently nice weather!!

  6. What a gorgeous sunset picture. Just takes my breath away.

    Now more than ever I think it may be absolutely true that you get what you pay for. Sorry to hear about the walmart bike but DO take it back as soon as you can and complain.

    Our retirement presents were 2 really nice Trek 18 speed bikes and we have never been sorry for spending the money. They'll outlive us and have taken us up hill and down although even with all those speeds, I'm not much of an uphiller.


  7. Looks like you had a beautiful ride and the bird is....if you don't care or don't want to know, don't read on... it is a Great Egret. I have one that hangs out on the pond outside of my office window.

    Be safe & be well!

  8. Must be that time of year for the perfect sunsets. So glad you got to enjoy that one.

    Maybe when you are ready you can pass your bike on to a poor Mexican child!

  9. Nice sunset for sure!
    Too bad about the bike. I have saved money on buying SD's bikes from Walmart because he usually outgrows them before he outrides them.
    I got a really good bike from Canadian Tire (last one in the store) and it seems to work good after I had it checked out by the local bike guy.

    SD will need a more permanant bike this year so will look away from the big box stores for that.

    The boats might not be in the water because the levels are so low?

    Big white bird that eats fish.
    Thats the extent of my bird knowledge too.


  10. I was going to post that the water level was high when we were there, but then I remembered it rained everyday too this summer.

    Take the bike back when you go home.

  11. Enjoyed looking at your photos. How frustrating that you had bicycle troubles!

  12. A fantastic sunset. Great contrast of colours. I empathise with your bike troubles as it's a regular occurence here.

  13. Sorry for the bike trouble. I was thinking of buying a couple of bikes from Wal Mart. But I guess your better off paying a little more for a little better one. I don't think you will have a problem taking them both back when you go north. And one last comment on the bird. It is from this far north a "MEXICAN Big White Bird" :)

  14. We have walmart bikes and have to fix them every time we use them.Its at the point where I don't want to use them.Great picture.And cant wait to get back down there.


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