Scenery near Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Not sure yet.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Beautiful day for a hike

We took off for a hike yesterday around 10:30am. We had spent much of the morning on the internet, and it had finally started to warm up. It gets chilly overnight, but daytime temperatures are about 22C (72F).

Our host Jorge had pointed us towards a peninsula that juts out from the nearby village of San Andres. The land on the peninsula is community owned, and can only be bought or sold by members of the community. Most of the land on the west side of Lake Patzcuaro is held under similar terms so you don't find any expats or development here.

We found the "road" that leads to the path. 

Eventually, the road became a path.

The path is walled on both sides, with basic entrances to lots. Not building lots, but farming lots. Small areas where the locals grow corn or beans, or keep a few livestock. Only saw one other person along the way, and was he ever surprised to see a couple of gringos! He had a big smile, and we talked for a few minutes. I should have got a picture of him!

Scenery along the way. We walked almost to the end of that point.

Looking across the bay towards the town of San Jeronimo. 

In the foreground, you can see one of the small lots. This one was being used to grow corn.

On our way back out, we walked into the village of San Andres. We were looking for a meat shop, and it's not a big place so we figured maybe there would be a "carniceria" near the central plaza. We sat and relaxed at the square, but it's a pretty quiet place. School had just been let out, and quite a few children staring at the gringos in town. They don't get many visitors here! 

The church was very plain looking, and Ruth wanted to have a look inside. I said no, and then she reminded me how sometimes they can be plain outside, but lavish inside. Boy, was she right! This church was all decorated for Dia de los Reyes Magos (Three Kings Day), which is today!

The church, decorated for today's celebration.

Three Kings Day is a big celebration in Mexico, essentially marking the end of the holiday season that began December 1st with fiestas celebrating Guadalupe Day December 12. Today is the day many children receive toys because it is the day that the three kings brought gifts for baby Jesus.

After admiring the church, we asked at a local shop where the carniceria was, and he directed us down a street and around the corner. We asked again at the corner and were sent down that street. Found another shop, and asked there. It turns out the lady who runs the carneceria was out of meat for the day and wouldn't open again until tomorrow. Oh well, eggs for dinner I guess! This tiny local shop had a few people around, and they were quick to ask questions of these gringos. Two of the ladies were drinking beer, and offered me one as well. The lady behind the counter had a daughter helping her, and she spoke a little English. We had a good chat with the locals!

Made it back to Sherman, and figured that we probably walked close to 10 kms (6 miles). It was a good hike, and I laid down for an hour nap after our late lunch.

Spent a couple of hours talking with our host Jorge, and he brought us out to his vegetable garden where he gave us some fresh carrots and lettuce.

It is overcast and foggy this morning...almost looks like it could rain!


  1. You sure got a nice long walk done today. The church sure was nicely decorated too.
    The weather here is similar to yours as well just perfect.

  2. Love the community property idea. No wonder the views were still so fine.

    Also love the idea that the holiday season begins in DECEMBER not in October.

    Those vegetables look delicious. Do these folks use fertilizers or pesticides?

  3. Enjoy Three King's Day! I remember it was a pretty big deal in Puerto Rico as well.

  4. and once again another wonderful day for you in paradise...

  5. I am certainly enjoying your adventures from my table top. :)

  6. What a wonderful area to explore... you guys sure are finding some wonderful places!

    Karen and Steve
    (Our Blog) RVing: Small House... BIG Backyard

  7. I love the low stone walls that separate the properties

  8. A 10k walk and fresh produce, sounds like my kind of day. :)

  9. Thanks for explaining what Three Kings Day is. We were in the grocery story yesterday and saw several HUGE cakes decorated with Three Kings Day on it. We had no idea what that meant. So now we know the rest of the story.

  10. Looks like you had a lovely hike! So pretty there! And wow, that church is so nicely decorated!

  11. butterbean carpenterJanuary 14, 2012 at 5:49 PM

    Howdy Kevin,
    This must have been the day you were
    in the hammock!!!


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