Out for a hike near Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Ixtlahuacán del Río, just north of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico on Friday!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Valle de Bravo (day 7)

We arrived here a week ago today! Hard to believe. We're going to be staying a while yet because our couchsurfing host in the center of Mexico City can't accept us until Friday March 2. We're looking for a different host for a couple of days before that now, so hopefully we'll be heading to Mexico City this coming Tuesday.

Haven't done much the last couple of days. Just computer time and lazing around. Ruth does a little laundry by hand every day just to keep up with it, and spends the rest of the time reading and cooking. I've been doing a little more polishing on Sherman, and just tinkering with things. Ruth did bake some cookies the other day too!

Gluten free chocolate chip cookies. These are for you Chris!

We've been missing our dog Whiskey. There's a local dog here who reminds us of her, except this dog is golden in color. And it's a male. One of the locals told us his name is Bruno, and he's such a friendly guy. He comes to see us once or twice a day for a treat and a scratch.

Bruno reminds us so much of Whiskey!

This big guy comes by to say hello as well.

We don't know his name, but he's a real friendly guy too! He likes to have his tummy rubbed.

A pic for you bird people.

Gotta get some exercise so we're going to go into town today and find a new area to hike around, and then pick up some groceries.


  1. Beware!!!! Golden Retrievers can steal your heart in no time flat!

    We STILL miss "our" golden Sweet Pea. She wormed her way down into our hearts in no time at all!

    1. Bruno isn't a golden retriever, he is much smaller just like Whiskey was. Not sure what type of dog he is, a mix of something.

  2. Bruno does look like Whiskey. What a cutie!

  3. You will always miss Whiskey, but a little dog fix once in a while is nice. Enjoy your relaxing days.

  4. I can see why he reminds you of Whiskey. My son has sone some couch surfing, what a great idea.

  5. Whiskey was a part of your life for so many years, of course you miss her. but seems like you are 'godparents' to many of the dogs along your route, they know who the good people are, and they have Whiskey's spirit whispering in their ears.

  6. You're the second person to mention cookies in the last couple of days. I am just going to have to break down and make cookies. (sugar free at our house) It's wonderful to get a dog fix but it's hard also. I would want to bring them all home with me.

    1. We want to bring them with us too but know that isn't what we want at the moment. Instead we will just make a fuss of them while we are here.

  7. once a dog lover always a dog lover!.Bruno is a cutie!!

  8. Cute dogs ~ I know you miss Whiskey...
    Cookies look delish!
    Have fun & Travel safe

  9. Those dogs look like they've been well looked after. Not like the poor things we'd see in Puerto Rico. The "animal husbandry" skills in the area (and maybe the rest of the island) were somewhat less than optimum. Horses tied to old tires. Dogs and cats running loose and undernourished.
    That was the first place where I had ever seen a cat eat mashed potatoes, that's how hungry they were.
    The danger of course was, they'd keep coming back if you fed them, but I think you have a pretty good understanding of that.

    1. Most of the dogs in Mexico run loose and are very underfed but most are very friendly too. The dogs here definitely are better looked after, maybe because there is more money in this area or they are better educated, I don't know! Bruno could still use a bit more food though.

  10. wow Bruno sure looks like a golden retriever...they both look like they are very well looked after...glad you can get a doggie fix while on the road...tons of love without the responsibility....win win

  11. Nice for you to just sit and be...once you get to DF you won't stop!!

  12. I was going to comment the same--those dogs look as if they are fed a LOT better than all the ones we saw running loose in Alamos.

  13. Yummy! The cookies look good. We are getting more gluten-free products here in Monterrey and even though I don't have a gluten problem I can tell the difference in digestion, etc.

    Apart from the cookies, I know Ruth is a good cook. I hope we can get some eats this year!


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