Scenery near Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Not sure yet.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

One more sleep 'till Vegas!

Lots of planning going into our cheap Vegas Vacation. I have a list of 15 different casinos that give away free money. These casinos give you between $3 and $10 in free slot machine money when you sign up for their "players club".

You are not allowed to simply go to a machine and cash have to gamble the free money. But you ARE allowed to cash out your winnings. I figure we will end up with at least $200 in cash from these 15 casinos, and quite possibly a lot more. Free, without using any of our own money. And, we get the entertainment of the slot machines as well. This should take up a fair bit of time during the week, and should be enough to pay for all of our meals.

And, we'll do at least one timeshare tour. Probably end up with a couple of show tickets, or gift cards and free buffet meals. Maybe even some cash.

We plan on using the word "free" as much as possible for our cheap week in Vegas. I like that word.

And there are so many free attractions. Our only expenses for our week away will be airfare ($550), car rental ($128), gas, and food. We are staying with two different couchsurfing hosts for three nights each, and we are spending one night in a hotel suite at the Golden Nugget with RV'ing friends we met three years ago. They got the suite for free, so it won't cost us anything either.

Of course we also plan on visiting some of the surrounding parks and doing some hiking. That will probably cost a few bucks in entrance fees, but it should be relatively minor.

Wanna see how much fun and cheap a week in Vegas can be...? Stay tuned...


  1. Good luck with your winnings and I know you will have a great time!

  2. Good luck in Vegas....maybe you'll win enough to pay for plane fare and car rental!!! Didn't see how much it cost to get to and from Guadalajara airport (on bus??). Have fun.

    1. Barb and Sal are taking some of the campers to a spot near Guadalajara tomorrow and will be dropping us at the airport along the way. Yes, we will have to pay our share of gas. And on the return, we will have to pay our own way back but I won't forget to include that in the final tally!

  3. Believe me...we are watching since we will be there in a few weeks. The RV parks in that area aren't very inexpensive. We parked at Circus Circus a while back for $20/night now it is $50...that is ridiculous! We are still looking. If you see anything CHEAP, please pass it along. Enjoy your time in the city that boasts... "What Happens Here, Stays Here." ~wheresweaver

    1. I believe you can drycamp park and stay in your RV at the Tropicana for $7 overnight.

  4. Wish you a ton of luck at the casinos... Can't wait to hear about your time there!
    Have fun & Travel safe

  5. This will be interesting, travel safe and have fun!!

  6. you know of course that they didn't build Las Vegas on the 'winners'!!..have fun!..can't wait to hear the report when you return!!

  7. Ahhh--I love Vegas and I can't wait to see how you come along with your budget!

  8. We love FREE...we have learned though if casinos are affiliated then you will not receive the $ for first timers.

    We will be staying at Main Street RV Park right in Downtown Las Vegas come Monday. We have stayed in Vegas at many of the RV Parks as well as hotels many times but this will be our first at this park, but we only plan to stay one...maybe two nights.

    The FREE stuff has dwindled down from years ago, but you can still have fun for cheap if you are not a compulsive gambler...then we suggest to stay away from the casinos. Have fun!

  9. Now this is much better than "soap".
    Not like I'm not going to follow along anyway, but this should be even MORE fun.
    Have a nice trip.

  10. Have you thought about saving your car rental money and using the bus system? We've been told they run until 2 or 3 am.

    For anyone that is interested, Sam's Town Casino RV park is $20.12 a night for full hookups. They have a free shuttle to/from the strip, downtown, and airport.

    1. Yep, thought about the bus system, but other than the free casino shuttles the bus or tram is not dirt cheap like it is here in Mexico. Plus, we wanted the freedom to get out of town on occasion to do some hiking and see some of the parks.

      The Sam's Town price you quote is for the smallest back in space and does not include taxes. Larger pull through sites are $25 to $30 a night plus taxes.

  11. You guys should write a book about getting things cheap/free. You've got a knack for it.

  12. Even though he lives in NYC and and go to Atlantic city whenever he wants, our oldest loves Vegas. He travels all over the world on business, but when he takes vaca that's where he heads.
    have been there in decades, but when I was the food was so cheap at many restaurants outside of casinos.

  13. P.S. cute kitty. boys a couple of those kittens are really white

  14. Don't we all Love those FREE things. Hope in this case there is such a thing as a free lunch. Seems like you've got things well planned. Looking forward to seeing how it all turns out.

  15. Have fun. We stayed at San's town and used the shuttle. For RVers that stay there that works great.

  16. Awesome, Vegas on a dime!

    I can't see your followers list either.

  17. Sounds like a plan, maybe even a shot at a reality show:)


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