Out for a hike near Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Ixtlahuacán del Río, just north of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico on Friday!

Monday, April 2, 2012

March expenses

March turned out to be the most expensive month of our six months in Mexico, but that was expected due to our one week in Mexico City, and our one week in Las Vegas. Total expenses came to $1,881.08 for March, but $797.60 of that was travel related in order to actually get to those two destinations.

Our six month average was $1,105.92, but that includes the last months travel expenses. If you take that out, we were at $960.95, nicely below our goal of $1,000 per month in total expenses.

Here’s the breakdown for March, as well as the monthly averages for the last six months…

Gasoline: We spent $172.20 in gasoline. $51 of that was put into our car rental in Las Vegas. Average for the last six months was $155 per month.

Toll Roads: $36.35 on toll highways to get from Valle de Bravo to Hacienda Contreras. Average month was $37.

Propane: We put $24.00 in the propane tank. Average was $21 per month.

Groceries: Despite quite a few restaurant meals in both Mexico City and Las Vegas, we still spent $205.09 for groceries during March. But $73 of that was in the last 3 days of the month so should make April that much cheaper. $205 is the average grocery bill for a month.

Alcohol: Right around budget at $121.27 for the month. Six month average is $118.

Miscellaneous: $187.75 for the month. For March, this is mostly because we spent $118 on clothing. Monthly average is $122.51 and includes anything from monthly internet to taxis and buses.

Entertainment: Considering this includes meals out in Vegas, it seems odd that we only spent $139.73 in this category. However it was appropriate that this is where I placed the credit of $205 cash that we got free from the Vegas casinos. Our monthly average is right on target at $100.

Overnight: Our expenses were $172.80 for March. Average over the last six months was $191, just below our budget of $200.

Motorhome expenses: $25.28 for a new faucet. Sherman hardly cost us any money in maintenance for the last six months. Monthly average is $10.

Travel: This is a new category that will be getting more use over the next few months. This is where we will be putting anything like airfare or long distance bus fare or car rental. We spent $797.60 in travel during the month of March. Six month average of $145 per month.

So the next few months will be interesting in the "expenses" department. April will be very cheap as we will just stay put. But there will be more travel expense in May and June as we fly to Canada in May, and to the UK in June and possibly Europe for the summer. But there will be less gasoline and overnight expense as we won’t have a vehicle and will be staying with relatives and using couchsurfing. Will we be able to do the UK and Europe for $1,000 a month? We’ll see… 


  1. Well done!

    So, Mexico will be your home base for the summer, but you won't be there much?


    1. Sherman will be staying here for the summer but we won't. It is cheaper for us to pay storage and leave him here and fly home than it would be to drive him back to Canada for the few weeks we will actually be there for.

  2. Hey, If you're in the UK in June, we'll have to compare notes. We're heading off to Shrewsbury, in Shropshire for the weekend of June 9th. Just trying to sort out if I want to rent a car or take the train. SOMEBODY wants to shop for material in Birmingham on the Saturday. Gah! Parking in Birmingham is pretty dreadful. We'll see.

    1. Bob, we won't arrive in the UK until June 13 and most likely in the London or Dorset/Somerset area to start off with. Should you be in that area around then, drop us a line, we would love to meet up with you and the Travelling Companion.

  3. Very nicely done. I'll be interested in whther you can do this in Europe too. I'm betting on you.


  4. Thanks for sharing this info, it's much appreciated and very useful.
    What do you guys spend on medical insurance while in Mexico, and which company do you recommend?

    Cheers, Peter.

    1. Hi Peter. We only have very basic medical coverage that came as part of our motorhome's Mexico insurance package. So we don't spend anything on specific medical insurance while in Mexico.

  5. Great job! Love the setting for your next six month stay. Enjoy your week. ~wheresweaver

  6. Perhaps you can couch surf in the UK? That would save a bundle right there.

  7. Well you are still sticking pretty close to budget and looks like you have a busy summer ahead of you.


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