Out for a hike near Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Ixtlahuacán del Río, just north of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico on Friday!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Vote for us...

Entered a travel contest. Gonna be tough to catch up to the guy who already has 2,000 votes, but you've gotta try, right?

Just go here...


and click on the "vote" button. We can't win if you don't help us out...thanks!

Edit: Turns out you can vote once per day, until June 7th!


  1. My wife and I voted! Good luck!


  2. I voted, but it says zero for votes!

  3. Just voted - it shows zero after you vote but when you go back and click on it again it shows the number of votes. I think it was 32 after I voted. Good luck!
    Connie in PA

  4. Done! I've been a 'lurker' for a couple of years now so high time I gave something back.

  5. Got 'er done. Good luck you guys. Can we vote more than once?

  6. We voted...but it says zero votes...hope you win

  7. Have voted. All the best in the competition!

  8. Done. Never know. Could happen. Good luck.

  9. I just voted again and when I went back again to view it, it showed 85 votes. So it looks like you can vote again but only once a day.
    Connie in PA

  10. ok, voted...have set up on tool bar so will vote everyday at work....will also send to my home email
    and will recruit a couple friends.
    few years back we did that here at work for a couple trying to win a free wedding....dress...diamonds, venue flowers honeymoon the whole package...and they won...got married home plate at busch stadium.

  11. You can vote each day!! We have just voted for day 2, you are now up to 120!!

  12. butterbean carpenterApril 9, 2012 at 6:33 PM

    Howdy R&K,
    I went to the contest, put in all of the info, but it didn't register, so, I did it again and it still didn't register.. I think it's a scam to get email addresses!!

    1. Put in all what info? All you have to do is hit the "vote" button!


There are more comments on our facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/TravelwithKevinAndRuth