Out for a hike near Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Ixtlahuacán del Río, just north of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico on Friday!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Anybody wanna go to Cuba?

I know this doesn't work for most of our American readers, but one of the few benefits we get from being Canadians is that we can travel to Cuba, and there are sometimes some VERY cheap deals to do so.

Yesterday, I came across three different cheap last minute deals. Leaving Toronto to Cuba on May 29, May 31, or June 1. These are all inclusive deals including flight, 7 days hotel, meals, activities, and booze! Now, taxes are fairly expensive out of Canada, so that's most of the cost. But still...

From $372 for an all inclusive week in Cuba.

We've seen some cheap deals before, but rarely under $450. And we've been to Cuba before, but for this kind of price we almost thought about going again!

On to other things...facebook is kind of neat sometimes. Yesterday, Ruth got together with a girl she used to work with 25 years ago. They came across each other on facebook and became facebook friends. Yesterday, Wendy came over to say hi and renew the friendship in person.

Wendy and Ruth, reunited after 25 years.

This morning we are off to The Diefenbunker! Make sure you check in tomorrow for a full report on this interesting "Cold War" museum. This once very secretive bunker is where Canada's government would have been safe in the event of nuclear attack!

Time to vote...


  1. We have some Canadian friends that travel to Cuba frequently. They love it there and are always telling us how inexpensive it is to go.

  2. Sounds like some great deals to be had there for sure. Thanks for sharing, off to vote, twice!

  3. I would love to go to Cuba. But I am one of dem dar 'merikans. And I can't quite bring myself to go via another country or on some "study" tour. Too bad the cold war still lives.

  4. When I taught, I had a very special class...back in 1982. One of the gals found me on FB. Pretty soon 18 of the 20 gals in the class ask to be friends. We had a wonderful time reminiscing via FB. They want to have a reunion when we get back to Ohio.

    Love the header photo. Ottawa is just lovely!

  5. And just think how close I am to Cuba and I can't go while you are thousands of miles away and can go for less than $450. SIGH.........

  6. Where DO you find these things Kevin??

    1. I use a lot of different travel sites Sherry. Too many to list, and one might have no good deals for months and then it shows up. It takes a lot of research to come up with deals, but sometimes it's also related to the time of year.

  7. Great prices! When we go again, we will head for Havana and stay there for the whole week (or two). It is a wonderful country.

    Leaving from Vancouver Island of course adds about a thousand each to the cost. Air travel within Canada is expensive! Maybe you could list a couple of the links to where you find these deals.

    1. There's really too many Croft, but one of my favorites is www.pricebeat.ca

      And don't forget that travel booking is negotiable. The price listed in not always written in stone!

  8. Haven't been to Cuba, oddly enough. After spending just over a year in Puerto Rico, we didn't think we'd go back to the tropics for a while. We'd had enough of being hot. We're funny that way. (sounds weird, I know)
    But then we went to first Jamaica and then to the DR in 06 and 07. Closest we've come to anything "sub-tropical" from Vienna is Barcelona, Spain.
    Off to vote!

  9. Sounds interesting. Never been in that part of the world.

  10. I have actually wanted to go to Cuba for a very long time. I understand they have some very pristine scuba diving there.


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