Scenery near Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Not sure yet.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

A rare post from Ruth

Well today you will get a post by me, Ruth.  Kevin went out the door this morning at 7:30am with Tony to help him put up the ceiling at Kelly and Paul's place.

It's about time he went to work!  Yesterday he did nothing but sit on his butt at the computer.  OK, he was working, I'll give him that.  He spent most of that time doing research into our trip to the Czech Republic, planning on what towns and cities we want to visit.  Bus and train travel for getting us around, where we will stay, what attractions to visit and where we can do some great hiking.  After hearing about all there is to see and do, we are getting very excited about this trip.  It is also very good talking with Helen and Tony because they have visited the Czech Republic about a year or two ago, so it's great to get their perspective on it as well.

While Kevin worked on that, Helen and I took Chester and went to visit her Mum, my aunt, about 20 minutes away.  Helen goes over there every week to do her hair for her.  Yes, Helen is a hairdresser as well!  Once we got to my Auntie Enid's we had a cup of tea (this is England after all!) and then had some lunch and headed out the door for a walk.  We headed to Wincanton, and stopped in to show Auntie Enid, Paul and Kelly's new to them, little house as she hadn't seen it yet.  After that we headed out for a walk across the fields behind Paul and Kelly's place.  The scenery is very beautiful here and would have been even prettier if the sun was shinning.  At least it wasn't raining at that point.  On our way back to the car Helen took us on a slight detour to visit with some alpacas.  We weren't able to get all the way back to the car before the rain started again!  It wasn't too bad but enough to get us and the dogs wet, which made the car smell of wet dog for the ride back.

A narrow road on the way to my aunt's

Out the back door of my aunt's house

Chester, Helen, Rico and Auntie Enid in a field near Wincanton and Bayford

My Auntie Enid and Rico

Lots of wild flowers

The alpacas were quite interested in Chester and Rico

After Helen finished up with her Mum's hair we made our way home again through the village where she and Tony used to live.  The roads in this area are very narrow but the countryside here is really lovely.  I think we will probably head back here one day soon for a really good walk.

Another narrow lane which is a busy enough country road and has two way traffic

It hasn't rained this morning so perhaps we will head out somewhere for a hike.  Also just got a phone message from Tony saying they were headed back home, for some reason or another they aren't going to be working at the house after all so Kevin gets out of work again!


  1. Those narrow roads and hedgerows remind me of our first trip out to Shrewsbury, and I WAS DRIVING! I don't know how many times I thought, "Man, I sure wouldn't want to come through here with a Class A motorhome!"
    Even if it were right hand drive.
    Curiously enough, both our hosts for that day said they'd never drive "On the continent". Perfectly understandable.

  2. Very narrow roads there but wonderful looking country side. Hope the rain stops long enough for you to get some hikes in.

  3. England is so pretty. When we went in 2000 as we were coming over land I thought I'd never seen so many shades of green! Must be from all the rain.

  4. Love that garden! Just lovely.
    Not ever day you see alpacas in the backyard.

  5. excellent pictures....not sure I'd want to run Ossumer down those country roads tho....hope you get better weather...

  6. A 'spot of tea' and view of the gardens..sounds like a good afternoon for the ladies!!

  7. Lovely header photo, I would love to have that view out my backyard.

  8. Wildflower pic is very nice!

  9. Love the header and the wildflower photos - so neat!

  10. So nice to hear from you, Ruth! Glad you got a chance to get out and about too, while Kevin toiled--- tee heee

    Karen and Steve
    (Our Blog) RVing: Small House... BIG Backyard

  11. Calvin and BrendaJuly 5, 2012 at 8:21 PM

    Just beautiful scenery - nice work on the blog Ruth!


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