Out for a hike near Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Ixtlahuacán del Río, just north of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico on Friday!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Scrumpy Cider

Spent the morning on the internet researching our next destination, and in the afternoon went for a walk and then had a look at some British motorhomes.

British motorhomes are much smaller than American ones, and a bit more expensive considering what you get. I only snapped one photo, but you get the idea.

Most have 4 cyl engines and standard transmission. A typical American motorhome would be far too expensive to operate in the UK or Europe, although you do see the odd rare one that has been imported.

Driving on the other side of the road. Getting used to it from a passenger perspective, but still not confident enough to drive in a city. The countryside and villages I'd be fine though.

Then we met Helen and Tony's daughter Kelly, with her son Rorie, and boyfriend Paul. We went to a little pub called Uncle Tom's Cabin and had a glass of traditional Somerset cider. The general term for this cider is "scrumpy" cider, which refers to a smaller brewed local cider, that is typically quite strong, and still cloudy looking. Interesting drink, but not something I would order on a regular basis!

This is the one we tried.

From the left, Tony, Kevin, Helen, Kelly, Rorie, Paul.

Uncle Tom's Cabin pub dates back to 1861.

Then we went to an all you can eat curry house down the road. It was really good, but it's easy to eat too much...I don't think I need any breakfast today!

Had some good news a couple of days ago that our friend Steve is back home from the hospital. Hope it stays that way!

Glen and Steve

For those of you wondering about the Australia contest, we really don't know because they haven't announced the winner! But we don't think it was us...they had said they would contact the winners last week, and we haven't heard a thing. And they say they won't announce the winner or the nine finalists until the winner has signed all the appropriate paperwork. Thanks for all you help and support...it was fun doing it, but I don't think we'll ever enter something again that takes so long. Felt like it kind of dragged on for a while!

Reader Chris suggested we have a contest for you to guess where we're going next. Problem is, we haven't yet booked it so it's not written in stone yet. Should be over the next couple of days though. But you can go ahead and guess anyhow. One guess per person please, and we'll tell you if anybody guesses correctly! Don't have anything to offer as a prize right now though, so it's just for fun!


  1. A little confused...is Somerset cider an alcoholic drink? If so, does it contain a beer?

    1. Cider here is made with apples or pears. Yes, it is alcoholic, and can be as strong as 6% or more. No, it does not contain beer.

  2. Love Uncle Tom's Pub - looks kind of like a loaf of bread, a few dips here and there. My guess will put you in France.
    (Wasn't us that won either, haven't heard a thing. I'm thinking they may be in a bit of a pickle and really struggling with it being things went a little haywire at the end...but you never know).

  3. Please convert the average price of the RV's over to dollars for us?
    Curious minds want to know. LOL
    (Steveio is the curious mind--- I told him to google it, but he'd rather ask you)

    Karen and Steve
    (Our Blog) RVing: Small House... BIG Backyard

    1. Well the one in the picture is about $32,000. The average for something new is probably around $70,000, but for a much smaller unit than you would get in the U.S.

  4. Remember the land you came from and made all this possible for you------yesterday was our 145 Birthday Happy Canada Day

  5. It ain't over yet....don't give up hope!!

    I guess Spain.

  6. butterbean carpenterJuly 2, 2012 at 2:58 PM

    Howdy R&K,
    Thank you, for all of the nice side-trips and the wonderful pics!!
    I would guess Hungary or Austria, because I'd like to go there.. The
    $$$ situation in Spain, Portugal, Italy and Greece would not be good guesses!!! Where ever we go, with you two, it'll be a great trip!!

    1. Are you guessing Hungary or Austria? Remember, one guess per person!

  7. My guess would be Spain which is good value at the moment with great weather unlike Blighty.

    1. No correct guesses yet! And the trip is booked...we arrive in __________ on July 23rd!

  8. Replies
    1. Nope, not Scotland on this leg...but we may make it there yet!

  9. Ireland! Please say Ireland - a dream of ours!

    1. Nope, but we'd like to make it there someday as well!

  10. Replies
    1. Lol, nope can't afford to return to Canada yet!

  11. Well what the heck, I'll say Amsterdam. But just remember, Tourists can no longer visit those "special cafes".

    1. Lol...nope, not Amsterdam although we make our way through there eventually on this trip. Hard to say. Beer is my drug of choice, so no interest in the "special" cafes!

  12. You drank Cheddar!! How was it for you? My friend is bringing me 2.5L back from Weymouth! Okay.. I think I've guessed your destination.. Berlin/Germany, am I right? Only because of the beer reference!

    1. It's a different drink Isabel. I'm sure you'll go through 2.5L no problem. try and remember to let us know what you thought of it.

      Nope, not Berlin, or anywhere in Germany. Although we DO want to go there!

  13. Ha ha I drank quite a lot when you were here, that's not normal for me, maybe I was nervous?! I know cheddar well, it's my favourite cider but you can't buy it in Leeds so it's a rare treat and gonna save it for a special occasion. Have fun in Prague; gorgeous city.


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