Scenery near Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Not sure yet.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Went to Bath and had a shower

My uncle and some of his family are having a vacation in England just now, and it turned out that we were getting fairly close to each other. So we drove up to Bath to have lunch with them!

Bath is a nice city to visit anyhow, but it's also fairly touristy. It's a city of about 85,000 people, and famous for the Roman Baths that were built around the third century.

Because Bath is a busy tourist place with a bit of a parking congestion problem, Tony parked at the park and ride outside the city and we took the bus (£3.00 each or $4.95) into the city. Because there was four of us it probably would have cost about the same to actually park in the city but this way we didn't have to deal with the traffic or hassle of finding a space. The bus dropped us right downtown, and that price included the ride back to the park and ride lot.

We arranged to meet my relatives in front of the Bath Abbey and went to a Wetherspoon pub for lunch. We are learning that Wetherspoon pubs do offer good value, but beware that they are most expensive when you find them in more touristy and larger cities!

From the left, my cousin's twin daughters Amy and Jill (or Jill and Amy...sorry girls!), my aunt Melissa, Tony, Helen, Ruth, my uncle Dave, my cousin Michelle.

Had a good meal and then wandered around seeing the sights of Bath with them. They had already visited the roman baths yesterday morning, and we had been in there some 25 years or so ago so we didn't need to see them. It was a drizzly, overcast day though! Temperature didn't get much above 18C (65F) so it felt more like April than July!

We walked up to "The Circus" and "Royal Crescent" to see the Georgian style homes built around 1770. 

Homes in The Circus.

Homes on Royal Crescent. 

There are 30 townhomes on Royal Crescent. Although the facade is almost exactly the same, the interiors are all completely different. The builder made the structure and then each unit was sold to other builders who were free to do what they wanted with the interiors. Each unit is 5,000 square feet. Actor Nicolas Cage recently sold his unit (complete with indoor swimming pool!) for £4.2 million ($6.7 million). 

Said goodbye to the relatives as they wanted to see some different things we weren't interested in. Glad we were able to get together though. They live in British Columbia, so we don't get to see them very often. Funny that we should meet up in England!

Tony and Helen on one of the narrow shopping streets.

We sat and had a nice hot coffee and tea at this little cafe on the left. Although it wasn't raining at the time, we are sat under the awning!

Bath Abbey. 

Unfortunately, the interior was closed until 5:00pm so we couldn't go in. There has been a church of some kind on this site since the year 757, and the current Abbey was completed in 1611!

The Parade Gardens. Beautifully done, but empty of people because they charge you to wander around.

Went for a walk along the River Avon.

Looking back towards the Pulteney Bridge.

So, a bit of a drizzly damp day, but we still enjoyed ourselves. This morning we woke up to rain, and it hasn't really let up yet!

So nobody has guessed where we're going to next! We booked the trip last night and we fly out on July 23rd. We'll let you guess for the rest of the day and if anybody can come up with it, we'll let you know that you're right. Otherwise, maybe we'll let you know tomorrow because I can't wait to tell you! One guess per person, please! 


  1. Flying, eh - my guess = Paris.

  2. Curious that you ended up in Bath, as one of my sisters-in-law, her husband and their then two year old went there some 18 years ago. I was going to mention it, but it IS pretty touristy I hear, so I didn't think you'd be interested. Seeing relatives changes things though.
    Flying eh?
    I'll have to look back and see what has been guessed so far. I can't see that you'd want to come south right about now, since it's HOT, but maybe you got a dealski.
    I'll be back.

  3. Well I am torn between two guesses. I am going to say Poland.

    John and Ellen

    1. Nope, not Poland. Good guess though, because we DO want to go there!

    2. Darn - I should have gone with my original guess which could have been equally wrong. By the way, I thought your photos of Bath were very interesting and excellent!

  4. Love the title. Another wonderful post. I love the homes!
    I am guessing AFRICA.

  5. It may be a touristy place, but it looks like a wonderful place, especially for taking great pictures. How about Australia?

  6. Another great report!

    My guess is Barcelona!

    Cheers, Peter.

  7. I'm with Elaine. I guess Ireland, too. Your header photo boggles my mind and scares me a little, too! I know how easily boats can get out of control and I wouldn't want to be near that when it happened.

    Have fun wherever you go!

    Grace (in Tucson)
    Still enjoying your green photos!

  8. Replies
    1. Nope, not Sweden. And not Ireland either. Or Spain, or Australia, or Africa (which is a continent) or Scotland. Nope, nope, nope.

      Keep on guessing...even though we're going to tell you tomorrow anyhow!

  9. Kevin's sister, ElaineJuly 3, 2012 at 2:15 PM

    I've got it - Czechoslovakia - so you can research some more family history.

    1. Yes! Well sort of. It's actually Czech Republic now! But you are correct. We arrive in Prague, Czech Republic on July 23rd!

  10. Russia!!

    (from South Carolina)

  11. Calvin and BrendaJuly 3, 2012 at 8:09 PM

    Love the pictures of Bath, it looks like a beautiful place to visit. I can't believe the housing complex, I thought they were squeezing in hundreds of apartments but you say they are 5000 sq. ft., that's unreal. Nice that you were able to meet up with David and Melissa and the gang, that's pretty cool.

  12. Sounds like an amazing adventure you are on! The photos are wonderful.

  13. Just fantastic shots and thank you sooo much for taking us along on your journey!

    Karen and Steve
    (Our Blog) RVing: Small House... BIG Backyard


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