Out for a hike near Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Ixtlahuacán del Río, just north of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico on Friday!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Living out of a backpack.

The type of travel that we're doing right now sure is interesting, but I have to admit that I miss traveling in a motorhome.

One of the things we realize though, now that we're two and a half months into this kind of a trip, is that you sure don't need very much "stuff". But there are drawbacks. For example, footwear. I have my hiking boots, which are comfortable, and I love them for hiking. And I also have a cheap pair of flipflop sandals that are pretty much only good for walking around the flat. But I think I should have brought a better pair of sandals as secondary shoes. In the motorhome, we have all of our "stuff" with us.

Laundry isn't easy. We've been fortunate to be able to use a washing machine a few times while staying with couchsurfers, but otherwise Ruth has been doing a few items each day by hand, and hanging them to dry. It keeps us going alright, but it's not as simple as it was in Mexico where you could find a laundry place where they will wash, dry, and fold for one cheap price and have your things ready to pick up the same or the next day. Or in the U.S. where every small town has a laundromat.

Missing driving the motorhome.

And meals are always interesting. Sure, we could go to restaurants more to make things easier, but that's more expensive, and we like our own cooking so we always manage to find a way to eat something healthy. But in the motorhome, you've got everything you need to make delicious healthy meals easily.

We think we've decided that this type of living is good for us for a maximum of three months at a time. Not saying that we're tired of it, and we will do it again, but we've got enough experience that we now understand the limitations. 

However, we've got another month to go yet! And we're still excited about that part of it, so let's carry on. 

Sorry for the poor excuse of a header picture today, but we simply didn't do anything yesterday! We left the flat only to go to pick up a couple of items at the grocery store. It rained in the morning, and in the afternoon we watched some movies. But we needed a rest day after all that hiking.

Today, we're headed for the city of Poprad at the eastern side of the Tatra Mountains. We take a bus for 40 minutes and then a train for 40 minutes.

Once again, not sure of where we're staying tonight, but we have some ideas.

Can't believe it's only 10 days until we fly back to England!


  1. Glad to see you guys are having fun, I agree I love living out o our camper, so does Rigg's, glad he is only 4 years old so hopefully he will be a traveling companion for years to come. Be safe out there. Sam & Donna...

  2. Can't beat the convenience of having your belongings with you in the motorhome, but you seem to have gotten the backpack travel down to a science, too.

    1. Traveling for the first time over a reasonably long length of time, we are pretty happy with how well we have been doing. Not sure we have it down to a science yet though.

  3. My wife worked as a travel agent for years and travelled much of Europe in a suitcase. Just the loves the convenience of living in our coach.

  4. Yes, I like the comfort of having everything with us when we travel. I am not sure I could do just a backpack like you guys are doing. It's amazing what we think we need for comfort. (as I sip outta my favorite coffee mug, perked in my favorite old pyrex coffee pot) LOL heck, I can't even pack enough in a backpack to get us through a half day event with the grandkids, like at the parade last month!

    1. We agree it is nice to have some of our favourite things with us but we are also enjoying this life too. We really didn't have a huge problem with packing our bags lightly but we know a lot of people wouldn't be able to do that so easily.

  5. I think the header photo is unique. Gives me a feel for the countryside.

  6. life would be simple out of a backpack..never any decisions about what to wear because the choices are minimal..enjoy your day today!

  7. I like the header photo, love the vibrancy.

    Fortunately you are able to do it all, backpack, live in and RV and a home at times.

    1. Yes, we do feel fortunate that we are able to do all that and enjoy it all.

  8. We have downsized quite a bit in our travel mode, but doubt we will get down to backpacks:)

    1. Yep, backpacking isn't for everyone that is for sure.

  9. I went to EU for almost 6 months. The strange thing was I did not drive ANYTHING for the entire time. Oh, and I was very unhappy with the food in every country (9 of them) except Italy. Their food was incredible!

    1. Kevin is missing driving I think, this is the longest he has ever gone without driving. Kevin isn't having a problem with the food, it is a little harder for me because I have to go gluten free, part of the reason we cook most of our own food rather than buying out, plus the expense of it.

  10. "Things" become a burden when you travel. I've been to Europe for 3 months with a small pack. No problem. You can always buy something you need if you get in a bind. Otherwise, you're free! Many people are owned by their "things".

    1. We agree. We haven't bought anything that we didn't alreay have with us for this trip and other than wishing we had better quality sandals we have been happy with what we have. I think it is more important to have better quality "stuff" than quantity.

  11. Love the header picture too. The colors are striking.

    I used to live out of a backpack with not a problem but the older I get the more creature comforts I want, like sandals AND hiking shoes and maybe even running shoes. :-)

    1. We happy with just having a pair of hiking boots and sandals, just wish they were good quality sandals. Next time!

  12. Just proves one does not need ALL that stuff - I think you're doing great!

  13. We live in an RV as well and have wanted to do some international traveling. We have wondered how long we might feel comfortable backpacking so I was glad to hear some of the points you make. We have really been enjoying your blog. Safe travels to the two of you!

    1. We hope that you can give it a try. If you aren't sure than try it just for a short time at first maybe a month or so. That should give you a better idea and then the next time you can make whatever adjustments needed and maybe go for longer or you may decide that it's not for you. Hope that we have given you some insight into what life is like living out of a backpack.

  14. Sounds like you have got it pretty close although as you say Kev a good pair of sandals are probably better than flip flops and we purposely buy clothing that is really easy to wash and dry. Our max was a 12 month trip and boy was the motorhome welcome at the end of it!

    1. We still have a few things to improve upon but for a first attempt I think we did pretty good. Most of my clothes were lightweight but Kevin had a couple of pairs of heavier shorts. Other than that and needing to havebetter sandals we are pretty happy with what we had.


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