Igor, parked for the night at a municipal park near Ixtlahuacan del Rio, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Lagos de Moreno, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico on Friday!

Sunday, September 16, 2012


You may have noticed that we are going to Iceland! I don't know why, but I've always wanted to go to Iceland. It's not really a place that you make a point of going to though. But we were trying to figure a way back to Canada, and this interesting deal came up.

We had been looking at a cruise to get back across the pond. In fact, there's a fantastic cruise deal on right now, one way from Copenhagen to Miami. 14 nights for only $379 plus tax. Works out to about $500 per person...only $35 per person per day. And when you figure that includes meals, it's a pretty good deal. But then we were also going to have to try and make our way to Copenhagen, and then from Miami to Canada.

And one of the reasons we wanted to go back to Canada is to visit our daughter and her family near Halifax. And there's no easy way to get from Miami to Halifax. And then back to Ottawa. The $500 cruise deal all of a sudden didn't seem such a deal when we figured all the extra travel.

And then I came across a deal from IcelandAir. They fly from Manchester, England to Halifax, Canada, with a stop in Reykjavik (pronounced Raykaveek). However, for exactly the same price we can stay in Reykjavik a few days and then carry on to Halifax. They call it a "stopover" flight.

It's not dirt cheap, but it's still a fair deal. Cost was $482 per person, taxes included. When you figure that the cheapest deal across the pond that I could find was from London to Toronto $550 per person, this was actually a pretty good deal.  I notice that since we booked it, the price has doubled.

And so we're going to Iceland. We arrive October 3rd, and fly to Halifax October 8 so we've got 5 days to explore the island. Still trying to work out accommodation and details, but we've got a couple of weeks to sort it all out. Yes, it will be cold there! Hence the name "Ice"land! Expected highs around 8C (46F) and lows around the freezing mark.

But, back to the present. Took Helen and Tony out for a walk on the common yesterday. Chester and Harvey are getting along fine now. Chester wants to play too much, so Harvey growls at him every now and then to say no.

Tony, climbing over a stile. This one has had a dog gate installed recently, so you simply lift up the center post to let your dog through.

Chester, getting a drink.

Beautiful day for a walk.

Then we sat outside and relaxed the day away.

We fired up the charcoal bbq and cooked up some delicious boneless ribeye's for dinner!

Sat down for dinner. Helen, with her eyes closed. Maybe she was praying for tender steak?? Well it worked!!


  1. The "doggie gate" is the perfect idea. I can't imagine trying to hoist a dog the size of either of those two over a fence. On the Bruce Trail I used to have to navigate stiles with a pack, and that was hard enough.
    I do seem to think I can see a sock tan line? Duly noted.
    Maybe stick yer feet out in the sun for a while? Not a lot of time left for that though.

    1. Yes, Bob you certainly did see a sock tan. Definitely have to work on getting the feet into some extra sun.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Let me try that again ...
    Will be looking forward to reading about your stay in Iceland; we have plans to be there for 7-10 days in Sep 2013.

  4. Actually Iceland and Greenland got their names muddled so Iceland should be called Greenland, it's still b....y cold though! Tons to do from Reykjavik so a great base for you. Hope you can sort out at least accommodation as that is the biggest expensive, on the other hand for you guys booze may be !

    1. Yes, the accommodation will definitely be a big expense but I am sure we will work something out. Booze won't be a problem if it is too expensive, we will just drink a lot less.

  5. Looking forward to visiting Iceland with you.

  6. Cool! So that's a stile. Thanks guys. You will be here sooooonnnn......

    1. No problem Barb. Looking forward to see you two again.

  7. Oh Iceland goody goody! Should be beautifully green. I've always wanted to go there. Now I can at least through your pictures.

    1. We certainly hope it will be nice and green and not white.

  8. I too have always wanted to go to Iceland and will one day...

  9. What a great deal for sure! A place on my bucket list for sure.

  10. I saw something on Facebook the other day about Petra, Jordan. It's fascinating and thought of you two right away. It would be perfect for a place to see. I love following you, thanks for posting.


    1. Petra, Jordon has been on our list of places to visit for at least the last five years. Hopefully one day we will make it there. Thank you for thinking of us and passing it along.

  11. can't wait to see your pics of Iceland!!!! Safe journey..yahhoooo

  12. No couchsurfers in Iceland? You may want to out an rv rental there. Chuck, from RvTravel.com, made a trip there in the last year, he may have some info on his webpage. Sounds like fun. The pictures he took were out of this world.

    1. Thanks Chris, Kevin will look into it but we are sure it will be very expensive and probably pretty cold for that time of year.

  13. Iceland is actually a place my husband and I talked about going. We read about some flights out of Minnesota. I still plan on going there someday.

    1. We are looking forward to our visit there. Hopefully after our posts about it, it will make you consider booking a flight there in the near future.


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