Out for a hike near Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? La Primavera Forest, just west of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Towards San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Iceland update

We're going to be pretty active over the next four days so you'll probably see more than one post per day from us. That being the case, our regular readers might want to back up a post or two and make sure you haven't missed something!

So, we left off yesterday heading out to find something to eat for dinner. We really weren't looking for a sit down dinner, and we asked at the desk if there was anything simple in the area. We were pointed towards one place and made our way there.

We've already looked at menus in the windows of some of the restaurants, and so we knew what to expect. So when we saw that it was 2,390 koronas ($19.00) for a chicken salad, we weren't surprised. But it wasn't what we had in mind.

We had done some grocery shopping earlier, and we found most items to be not far off what you would pay for them in Canada. Some items are definitely higher though. A pack of three fairly small chicken breasts was like $16.00, so maybe that's one reason the chicken salad was so high priced at that restaurant. But we had bought some buns and sandwich meat and cheese and peanuts and milk...and we don't think we paid any more for that than we would have paid in Canada.

Anyhow, we walked around looking for somewhere to get some food. By this time it was getting close to 8:00pm. We walked over to the huge Lutheran church and I did get one picture but it was so windy I couldn't hold the camera still. I'll go back for another one later in the week.

Hallgrimskirkja Church at dusk.

Very weird cloud formations. These clouds look like a volcano spewing ash into the sky. Neat!

We finally came across a take out place and the girl was about to close the door because it was around 8:00pm by now. But, she welcomed us in and showed us what was left. She had a nice lamb soup that Ruth had, and I had a meat patty with a fried egg on top, and some veggies and cabbage and potatoes. Total cost was 2,000 koronas ($16.30), so that wasn't too bad. The place was called Mamma Steina at Skolavordustig 23. Delicious traditional Icelandic home cooking!

Ordering food for takeout. One of the items was horse meat. Maybe next time!

Food in a styrofoam container never looks that great, but it did taste pretty good. The lamb soup was actually really good, although a tiny bit salty. We had full stomachs though.

Okay, it's almost 8:00am here and we're heading downstairs for breakfast. It's included with the room rate, so we'll see what they're serving up!


  1. Sounds fun. The church is really neat too! horse meat? the only way that be good is stewed, otherwise it'd be pretty tough. See you in 4 days :)

    1. We will have more photos of the church and some info on it too! I believe the meat was stewed and salted and then they coated it with something. See you soon!!!!

  2. Your header photo looks like a postcard - what a huge feathered flock! The church pic is neat. Enjoy your day!
    Connie & Barry in PA

  3. Kevins sister ElaineOctober 4, 2012 at 9:44 AM

    Impressed with the water, church and clouds pictures.
    Were those canned peas with your dinner? - eww.

    1. Thank you Elaine. Not sure if they were canned or not but Kevin couldn't eat them! They sure looked like canned ones, that or they sat around all day, everything else was great though.

  4. Spectacular photos! Very different country!

  5. Great picture of the church. Never been to Iceland and may never get there, so will enjoy thru your visit:)

    1. Thank you! You may have to reconsider by the time we are finished our visit here. Happy to show it too you.

  6. Great photo's. Sounds like grocery shopping may be the way to go in Iceland.

    1. It is definitely cheaper to buy your food and cook it, than it is to eat out, as long as you have the facilities to do it in. So far though we have found two reasonably inexpensive places and had two great meals.

  7. I'm in catch up mode again - man, work just gets in the way.
    Beautiful header photo, what awesome country there, looks so serene. What a cool looking church. Everything is so different now that you have left Europe.


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