The spectacular Mexico City Cathedral at night.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Mexico City.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Back to San Miguel de Allende on Wednesday!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Drive to Sahuayo

We took the little blue car for a drive yesterday. The nearest large grocery stores are located in the city of Sahuayo (pop 60,000), about a 43 km (27 mile) drive from here. There is a large Bodega Aurrera (owned by Walmart) store there as well as a Soriana grocery store.

On the road to Sahuayo...

We needed to stock up on a few things that aren't as readily available in the small town nearest to us. Also, Sahuayo has their weekly market on Friday's, and it's interesting just to wander around there. It's a really busy place though, and so we found a parking spot near the main highway and walked up to the central area. The market is really interesting, but we didn't want to look like tourists so we didn't even take the camera out!

Even then,  we stand out like a sore thumb. It's not a touristy place, and it is likely that we are the only gringos in town on any given day! We had three different people try and talk to us in English. Some of the locals have at one point lived or worked in the U.S., and they don't get to use their English very often.

Anyhow, we did get a couple of things at the Sahuayo market even though we like to get the majority of our fruits and veggies at the market in the local town this morning.

Three cups of huge blackberries cost 20 pesos ($1.60) but the real deal was the delicious fresh strawberries at 7 pesos (56 cents)!!

Then we went to the Bodega Aurrera and did a big grocery shop. We also stocked up on things like toilet paper and other household supplies. Ended up spending almost 1,200 pesos ($96.00) there! But there were some deals to be had...I bought a bottle of VAT 69 scotch. This is one of the better blended scotches out there and a bottle normally sells in Canada for about $30. I've never bought it in Mexico because there's usually something cheaper, but this time they had it for an unbelievable 99 pesos ($7.92)!! It tastes even better at that price!

These guys were finishing a hard days work. Can you see the dog?

Sal came over and offered us a couple of "chayotes" to cook up for dinner. These are actually a fruit, but are cooked like a potato. They're actually a variety of squash. Very little flavour, similar to a cucumber.


Dinner. I was doing chicken on the grill anyhow, so we did the choyotes on the grill too. They were okay, but I think I like potato better!


  1. Chayote is better cooked in soups. It takes on the flavor of chicken for example and is quite good.

    We had a good time in Sahuayo too. I think I want to milk some cows when we are there. Sounds like fun.

    1. I will have to put this into my curry recipe then. I had put camotes (wild potatoes) in it last year and it tasted great.

  2. Just so nice to wander about, enjoy the scenery and pickup supplies at the same time. Good deals there for sure.

  3. The header photo of corn shocks (at least I think that's what it is) looks like the way the Amish do them. Nice day to be out and about and to do your thing.

    1. Yes, Connie they are corn shocks and I think I remember seeing the Amish do it as well. I can't believe it but it is all cut and stacked by hand. There was one or two guys working for a couple of days on the field beside us. It is all cut but they still have to stack it.


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