Out for a hike near Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? La Primavera Forest, just west of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Towards San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

A beautiful part of the world.

I was looking forward to our visit to a little mescal distillery up in the mountains near here. Ruth and I had been there last year with a couple of the campers and while the distillery itself is interesting, I absolutely love the scenery up there.

I'm not going to repeat the details of the distillery and it's process, since you can read our post from January 3 when we visited...


This time, we took the little blue car and we had Derek and Teresa and their 3 year old daughter Cassia with us. There was a caravan of campers who also went, so I think there were six vehicles in total!

We had to go 3.2 kms (2 miles) off the main road on this little single lane road. Most of it was paved, but some was bumpy cobblestones. The elevation drops almost 1,000 feet in those two miles.

Arriving at the property.

The view in the opposite direction of where we parked!

We spotted these five little ones...then found out that there are five more! They are about 4 weeks old.

Here's the distillery...still bubbling away!

Everyone trying a sample.

Our hosts Barb and Sal have five daughters, and two of them are here visiting. Amanda and Andrea have come down to spend Christmas with their Mom and Dad!

When we were done with the distillery, everyone else was going to a nearby cabin for lunch, but we wanted to go for a hike in this beautiful area. So we asked the owner, Don Jesus, if he could point us to any trails. Well it turns out that there's a dirt track that goes about 5 kms (3 miles) into his property and he said we were welcome to come up and go hiking at any time. In fact, he even said that we could take horses next time if we like. We're going to make a point of coming back here again in March.

I love it here.

Derek, Ruth, Teresa, and Cassia.

Guess who?

"What are you lookin' at"??

Did I mention I love it here?

Don Jesus said that we were welcome to build a little cabana on his property if we wanted to live here. Don't know if he was kidding or not, but we may just follow up on that some day!

We came across one of the neighbours milking some cows. This fellow was hand feeding an eight day old calf!

Here's Kevin giving Cassia some help up the hill.

What a fun day. And it's not stopping....today we're headed to a nearby farm to see some Friesian horses, and then tonight we're out for dinner for a big gathering because it's Barb and Sal's anniversary! Stay tuned...


  1. Always fun to tour in a group for a change, glad you had a nice day.

  2. Ummm, guys, could you post these blogs in a little more timely manner please... I saw you out there in the morning saying good bye to people, chatting, etc. 10 am is a little late, we like to see these posts about 8 am...Just kidding. I really like seeing where we go thru your eyes.It makes it look new and fresh. Keep up the good work and see you in a bit.

    1. Too funny...we were just saying that we're running a little behind schedule this morning!

  3. I'm sure that being with Cassia makes you miss your grandson even more.

  4. Looks a lot like the foothills in California.

  5. What were the distillery samples like. Sure looks a beautiful place! Have a great Xmas!

    1. Mescal is like tequilla, but is generally a clear liquid and is made from the maguey plant (part the agave family). The mescal we sampled is smooth but quite strong.

  6. Great photo of the two of you. Looks like a wonderfully, peaceful place. Grace (in Tucson)

  7. I do remember your post from January What a gorgeous area. Hope you have many more beautiful, memorable days there.

    Merry Christmas


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