Out for a hike near Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? La Primavera Forest, just west of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Towards San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Clear and chilly

The last couple of nights the sky has been crystal clear! That also brings some cooler temperatures. We haven't seen any frost here yet (we're at 6,400 ft altitude), but it was only 9C (48F) inside the motorhome when we woke up this morning!

Fortunately, it is still beautiful shorts and t-shirts weather during the day. By 9:00am when we go for our power walk it has already warmed up enough to be in those clothes and we're comfortable for the rest of the day until the sun sets around 6:00pm.

I did two more runs with the watering mule. I don't mind doing it. The tinaco (water tank) takes about a half an hour to fill up, and then I drive around and water the trees.

The watering mule. This is where we fill the tank. Notice that the grass is starting to get brown.

 We have only had one short rainshower since we got here almost 4 weeks ago. Oh, then we had another one yesterday. One of the campers said we had 6 inch rain! Huh? Yeah, the drops were 6 inches apart!

Another motorhome showed up yesterday. Max and Ingrid from Switzerland. Sound like they'll stay for a while, probably through Christmas. We actually had met them in Acapulco about three years ago. And, another motorhoming couple are coming in on Thursday! This is a new couple who have never been here before so we're looking forward to welcoming them.

We decided to have a big campfire under the stars last night!


  1. Aren't campfires wonderful. We always have such good conversations around the pit.

    Sounds like the campground is filling up. Enjoy your tie with old and new friends.

    1. Campfires are amazing. Especially on a beautiful starlite night with a bunch of people around it. And, yest the campground it filling up.

  2. Campfires, new and old friends sounds like a perfect ending to a wonderful day

  3. Looks like we will be on our way out of town on Thursday. Things are coming together.

  4. Sounds like things are going to busy there.......how wonderful.

    1. We are filling up for sure. Should be a great crowd of people here for Christmas.


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