Out for a hike near Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? La Primavera Forest, just west of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Towards San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Guadalupe Day in Mazamitla

Yesterday was Our Lady of Guadalupe Day here in Mexico, so we could hear noisy fireworks coming from the surrounding towns all day long. Mexican people are 83% Catholic, and they sure love their religious celebrations! There have been celebrations in the town of Mazamitla in the days leading up to yesterday, and so we went into town yesterday evening for the final fiesta.

The weather was pretty much back to normal yesterday, as you can see from the pic with Ruth and Don Quixote...

Ruth and Don Quixote.

Puttered around for the morning, did our power walk around the park for 45 minutes, and in the afternoon I helped Chris with a little electrical problem on their trailer. Think we got it fixed and that it was just a bad connection. Then had a short nap. I like having a little afternoon nap! Before we knew it, it was happy hour again. Barb and Sal have the rec room pretty much finished and so we are all starting to gather up there. They have a ping pong table and it's kind of fun to have a few rounds of that for a change!

Action shot of Ruth and Barb playing table tennis!

After happy hour, we had a quick bite to eat and then a group of us headed into Mazamitla for the celebration. We love how the entire town and surrounding area come into the central plaza for local music and dance. What a party! Quite a few people stopped us to say hello and ask where we're from so we enjoyed the banter with both locals and their relatives who were visiting from the states.

The church was all lit up and decorated.

Local dance celebrations.

And more.

And more.

Lots of people!

Lots of song and dance.

And more!

What a fun night! They were supposed to have fireworks, and they had the fireworks display all set up to do it, but we think there was a dispute over the money and they started taking it all down. Only in Mexico!

Today, we're off to Chapala to try and fix our tourist visa problem!


  1. Now that is definitely a party. Too funny about the fireworks. All set up but it still didn't get to go off.

  2. I agree, that was a huge fiesta! Lots of fireworks and noise around here also. The dogs were hiding as it was too scary for them.

    What tourist visa problem? I know, I will read all about it tomorrow.

  3. Hope your visa problems are solved easily, if not you can winter at the ranch, Kevin would love plowing with John Deere.We miss you guys. Be safe out there. Sam & Donna..

  4. Good to know that each Mexican is only 83% Catholic. For two months a year they can sleep in on Sundays!

  5. Nice job on the night pics. It ain't easy. I know. I've tried.
    So did Ruth have to wash that ass for the festival?
    (I mean Don Q, by the way)

  6. Looks like a fun celebration. Love ping pong. Have played a lot over the years!


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