The spectacular Mexico City Cathedral at night.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Mexico City.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Back to San Miguel de Allende on Wednesday!

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Villa Corona to Hacienda Contreras

Or vice versa. Hacienda Contreras to Villa Corona.

At the town of Villa Corona, there is a popular RV Park and Waterpark. Many RV'ers often make there way from there to here and the other way around. Using the main roads, there's really only one route, and part of it is on a stretch of busy, narrow road that isn't really "RV friendly".

But I was looking on the maps for an alternate route, and I thought I found one. But to make sure, Ruth and I went out in the little blue car today just to confirm that this new route was in fact "RV friendly".

And it was. It's not perfect, but we think it's better than the normal route. You still have to watch for the odd pothole and rough section, but you can take your time because there's not much traffic around.

This is the normal route. It's 113 kms, but the section circled in red beside the south shore of the lake is narrow and busy. And there's one town that's tough to make it through.

Here's the alternate route. It goes through the town of Teocuitatlan (where the little white circle is). The road actually bypasses Teocuitatlan, so you don't need to worry about being places where it's a tight fit for RV's. It's 130kms, but likely takes the same amount of time because a section of it goes on the autopista. Oh, and the road that looks like it's in the middle of the lakes is actually an area that is probably pretty wet at certain times of year, but right now it's all dried up. The road is raised at that point anyhow, so it's never a problem.

Heading towards Lake Chapala, take the turn towards Teocuitatlan.

The sign even tells you that this road goes to the autopista.

The road is not in great condition, but it's not bad. You still have to watch for the odd pothole.

But there's hardly anybody on it so you can take your time and relax.

When you reach Teocuitatlan, you want to turn right. Trust me, your RV would not be happy on the streets in Teocuitatlan!

The road from that turn to the autopista is straight and in good shape.

Going the other way, from Villa Corona is just as easy. Take the turn from the autopista heading towards Teocuitatlan. Then, follow the signs for Mazamitla and it will take you back to the road leading up from Lake Chapala.

Follow the signs for Mazamitla.

Turn right towards Mazamitla.

Follow the signs to Mazamitla, and you're back on the road heading up from Lake Chapala.

It's a slightly longer route, but I think it would be much easier on the nerves.  A lot less traffic, and no tight squeezes to get through. And part of the route is on the autopista, so it would likely take the same amount of time even though it's a bit longer.

And you get to avoid this kind of thing that you encounter going the route along the south shore of Lake Chapala!


  1. Good job K and R! We might try it ourselves some day.

  2. I agree - nice job! Although it is not something we will probably every do, but thanks for taking us along on your journeys!

  3. I really like these kind of well-illustrated highway-oriented posts! It's almost like going along for the ride.


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