The spectacular Mexico City Cathedral at night.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? San Miguel de Allende, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Guanajuato on Friday.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Thanks for setting us straight!

First, I want to thank everybody who left a comment on yesterday's post. The vast majority of you said we should be going to Guatemala, and of course you're right! So, as our facebook fans already know, we have made the decision to do exactly that.

We'll stay here in Puerto Escondido for another five to seven days, then head to Huatulco for a day or two. We'll travel a couple of hundred kms a day, and before you know it that 800 kms will be behind us.

Plan on arriving in Quetzaltenango around Feb 12 and that will give us a full week to explore before our hike leaves on the 19th. Then a couple of days afterwards and we'll start heading north again around February 28. So really, only about two weeks in Guatemala. But it will be a fun two weeks!

Yesterday, we spent the morning helping our friend Tracy get some boxes shipped to Puerto Vallarta. The downtown area was pretty busy as there was a big religious celebration going on and the bishop was in town. They had some streets closed, so we didn't pick the best day to do it, but we got it done anyhow.

Then we just relaxed for the afternoon.

The view from our balcony. It's a pretty easy place to relax!

Our was going to write about our hotel this morning. But I want to get some more pictures of the Sunset Point Resort Hotel, so I'll make sure to get that done today. In the meantime, there's still lots to talk about.

I wanted to introduce you to another Mexico travel blog. We had met Bonnie and Dave in Acapulco, and they followed us to Playa Ventura and then we met up again here at the Sunset Point Resort Hotel where they stayed for a few days while visiting friends who were also here.

Dave, Bonnie, and "Dan the Van".

Their website is called VagaBon and Dave and they're located at

Found out about a local organic peanut butter factory near here. Well, it's about a half hour drive so we're going to take Mary, Nataly, and Gael out there either today or tomorrow if they want to come with us.

And, found out that construction has begun on the new toll road from here to Oaxaca City. The current drive time is between five and six hours on twisty windy roads. The drive time is expected to be reduced to two hours! Scheduled for completion in late 2014.

Sitting on our balcony yesterday afternoon, we noticed a big splash in the ocean. Pretty far off, but I managed to zoom in on this big whale...

He was jumping right out of the water. Played for at least 15 minutes or more, but these were the best photos I could get. He was about 1.5 kms away.

Hmmm. Wonder why they named this place "Sunset Point"...


  1. After those beautiful pictures today, I can see why you hesitated to leave from there. But, I think you made the right decision.

    1. It is beautiful here but we know that there will be some wonderful sights there as well. I think we made the correct decision too.

  2. Enjoy Huatulco. I hear there is a great waterfall that is a must to visit around there (didn't get to it last year as it's a bit of a drive and we had our two little ones with us). I hear Hotel Villablanca is a fantastic and affordable place to stay and has a great breakfast plan. Almost booked a round trip from Winnipeg to Villablanca for $385 plus about $300 taxes leaving of the 5th... pretty cheap for a week stays in a beautiful place! Too bad we have commitments and can't go. I'll be enjoying Huatulco through your eyes!

    1. I am hoping we will make it to that waterfall as well. We wanted to go there two years ago but it would not have been easy to get to using public transportation. This time, if we have time, the little blue car will be able to take us. Thanks for the info Hotel Villa Blanca, Kevin will have a look at that.

  3. Fantastic sunset shot. Hmm...hate to mention this Kevin but you have a dust spot on your CCD. Saw it in the whale shots. If you want to get it fixed it can be done here in Maz for 250 pesos.

    1. Kevin notice that as well but luckily it was just a dirty lens.

  4. I love watching whales and you have such a wonderful spot to watch from. Glad you made your decision. Guatemala is a favorite of one of my former co-workers, she goes there at least a couple times a year.

    1. Yep, it is a pretty great spot here.

      We have heard from anyone that has been to Guatemala, that it is a great spot. The main thing that was holding us back was the long drive in the heat (we don't have air-conditioning) but when we break it up, it will feel much better than trying to do too much in only a couple of days.

  5. Hmmm... Organic peanut butter, just need some organic, gluten free hotdogs and you will have a meal!
    Sorry Kevin could not resist it.

    1. Sorry George but it's not going to happen! BTW, Kevin likes peanut butter, it's me that doesn't really care for it.

    2. I didn't think it would happen, but could not resist the comment. Suzie does not like peanut butt either.

  6. It was great you managed to get photos of the whale. We had a similar experience at Burleigh Heads, Australia while on holiday a few years ago. Saw a whale from our hotel balcony early morning.

  7. Great! I was hoping to get to go to Guatemala!! Great shots of whales from so far away. They are so fantastic. Boy do I envy you seeing them.

    1. After we have been there maybe you will want to go even more! :)

  8. Interesting by popular vote.

    1. We knew we wanted to go but I guess we were having second thoughts about the long drive and just needed to be reminded why we brought the little blue car down with us to begin with.

  9. butterbean carpenterFebruary 1, 2013 at 10:29 AM

    Howdy R&K,

    Good decision!! Fantastic whale shot!! Before y'all were born there was no AC in cars in TEXAS and we made it THROUGH THE SUMMER, OKAY!!! Not as much humididity as you have, in the tropics and that's what hurts, but breaking it up, driving and stopping early will help a lot!!!
    Joyce and I go through a LARGE jar of PEANUTBUTER every 2-3 weeks, but organic PB will STICK to the roof of your mouth!!!
    Hoping everything goes okay and the trip is peaceful...

    1. We have never had air conditioning and for the most part never felt the need for it. If we were to live here full time I think maybe it is something that we would consider but I don't see that happening. We prefer the mountains much better.


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