The spectacular Mexico City Cathedral at night.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? San Miguel de Allende, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Guanajuato on Friday.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Geese can be mean!

A bit of a lazy day yesterday. You don't want to be doing very much activity's pretty warm down here. By 11:00am or so the temperature is up to 32C (92F) where it stays until the sun goes down.

We did go for a walk down to the beach though.

Mary, Kevin, and Nataly. You can see our tent on the far left.

Mary was heading down to the little store nearby, so we walked along with her until we got there, then Nataly decided she wanted to come with us on our walk. Okay...she's getting old enough that she's not much of a problem anymore.

That's where we're heading!

Passed by some fields of bananas.

And an "organic" herb farm. Sure does make you wonder what that stuff is on their backs.

On the beach, somebody's building project gone bad. These unfinished buildings have been here for quite a while. A thousand years from now, maybe this will be a famous ruins site! Too funny.

Nataly and Ruth. She's a pretty happy kid. Ruth too!

This beach goes for miles! Not good for swimming though.

So we're heading back to the house, and we decide to go part of the way back through the river. The river is wide, but it's very shallow at this time of year. Only between your knees and your ankles for most of it. Anyhow, we get close to shore and where we wanted to get out there were a couple of geese, and a guy taking pictures of them. As we got out, one of the geese got a little upset and he was pretty close to attacking Ruth. Don't know why I didn't have the camera handy, but it was pretty funny. Turns out the guy taking pictures had videotaped the whole thing. We gave him our info and hopefully he'll get it posted to youtube. Hilarious.

Gael was born nine months ago. Nataly's little brother.

Bath time for Gael!

Alfredo's sister Olivia, and friend Paty. Alfredo's mom Sylvia, and Ruth in the background. Ruth is not having a beer...she is holding mine!

Kids having fun. Nataly (in the middle with the big smile) and her cousins.

Alfredo's day off work today! We're headed out for a day at the beach and then back to his mom's place for pollo a la barbacoa!


  1. Another great day in the heat on the beach, winding up with a great pollo dinner, yummy.

  2. All this makes me wonder why the US makes it sound so bad and unsafe in Mexico..

    1. Yep, we don't get it! Maybe they just don't want the US citizens or Canadians for that matter spending their vacation money down there instead of at home.

  3. I have to agree with Kenny and Angela on their comment.
    Closing the day pollo is my kind of thing....cheers.

    1. We agree too and that's why we are down here enjoying the simple and relaxing life.

  4. butterbean carpenterJanuary 27, 2013 at 3:58 PM

    Howdy R&K,
    I wrote a long comment, went back to get the baby Gael's name and lost it, so, I'll just say I hope everything's going great and y'all are are doing well...

    1. Sorry you lost your comment, I have had that happen to me, very frustrating! Definitely enjoying ourselves.


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