The spectacular Mexico City Cathedral at night.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? San Miguel de Allende, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Guanajuato on Friday.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013


We're normally really good at being decisive about something. You weigh the pros and cons, and you make a decision. Simple, right? Well for some reason we've been having a hard time with this Guatemala thing. But I think we've finally made up our minds.

The main reason we want to go to Guatemala is to do a mountain hike with a group called Quetzaltrekkers. It sounds like a fantastic experience, and it's fairly inexpensive for the six day hike that we want to do. The one we would do is leaving on February 19.

So we have a fair bit of time to get there. If we stayed here in Puerto Escondido for another eight or nine days or so, we would have a week to get there and still have a couple of days to see things before the hike leaves. And then we would make our way back to Sherman via the city of Oaxaca for a few days and arrive back at Hacienda Contreras mid March.

But my mind keeps going back to the 800 km drive each way. Even though we are now pretty far south in Mexico, we are still 700 kms (435 miles) from the Guatemala border, So while we want to do the hike, we don't want to drive 1,600 kms (1,000 miles) to do it!

700 kms (435 miles) to the Guatemala border.

The alternative is that we stay here in Puerto Escondido as long as we want to and then head directly up into the mountains and the city of Oaxaca where we would probably rent an apartment for two weeks. We've never been to that area and there's a lot to see and do. Then, back through the city of Puebla, which is another place we've never been.

So, that was the choice. We've still got time to change our minds, but we've pretty much decided NOT to do the drive to Guatemala.

In the meantime, look at the beautiful swimming pool we have here at the Sunset Point Resort Hotel...we can't wait to tell you more about this place!

Dive right in!

EDIT: I just re-read our blog post from early January.... 

And now we're starting to lean the other way again!


  1. Reckon you should still go to Guatemala, after all wasn't that the main reason for taking the car down there in the first place ??

    1. Ultimately, yes. Thinking we were just having a lazy morning and didn't have any ambition at the time.

  2. Now with the little car is Sherman must be getting lonesome without you there.

    1. Sherman is probably missing us but I am sure he isn't missing the topes that he would have had to go over.

  3. That's a tough one! Based on your post I was going to say to scrap Guatemala and spend the time in Oaxaca ..... but after reading the first comment I'm thinking - ya - you are this far without Sherman you should just go for it.

    I'm with you about the driving!

  4. You are very close right now and who knows what the future will bring. Go for it!

    1. "...who knows what the future will bring."

      Yep, correct Contessa. I think we're heading further south.

  5. Don't know about the decision to drive the car or not, but I am sure you guys would love it here. I have now been in Antigua for about 10 days doing the Spanish language school thing. I agree that the motorhome would have been a challenge and the low costs for hotels and hostels and eating out seems to make that the way to go here. I flew in last week and next week will be doing the visits of various places, traveling mostly by private bus or van. And interestingly enough I am planning on doing the Quetzaltrekker's thing too at some point over the next few weeks, but don't know which hike. (But I have read the hostel most people say in for convienience is a dive, but I guess that is part of the trip). There are a couple other volcano's I plan on hiking as well. Another route might be to take a bus in from wherever you might decide to leave the car. Good luck.

    1. I think we're coming south Mike. Would be very cool to do the hike with you!

    2. And if you enjoyed SMA but felt it was just a wee bit too developed you will enjoy La Antigua even more. I know this sounds absurd, but I suspect you will even enjoy the great Guatemalan coffee and near perfect view of the volcano at, of all places, McDonalds.:

  6. My vote is for Guatemala!

    1. Thanks for voting Janis! I think our readers support the idea of going to Guatemala!

  7. A nice looking resort. The drive must be a little off putting. Enjoy reading about your travels and seeing all the wonderful photos.

    1. Thanks Paul, hopefully we can visit you one day!

  8. Replies
    1. Uh huh. Exactly why we were having second thoughts.

  9. From reading your blog for the last few years, its not like you guys to give up the opportunity for an adventure. Do you think it might be that you feel like you've traveled enough this year and are ready for some slower relaxing time. I'm guessing there's a lot to do in Guatemala and the 1,000 miles to get there. Maybe another year when you have more time would be better. Just a thought.

    1. "'s not like you guys to give up on the opportunity for an adventure."

      Thanks for reminding us! I think we're heading further south!

  10. Finish a week in Puerto, drive to Oaxaca City, spend the time you want there. Leave the Little Blue Car at the Hotel. Get on the Ado GL evening bus from Oaxaca to Tapachula. Leave the driving to them.

    Spend your time in Guatamala, Get back on the evening Ado GL bus to Oaxaca City and continue on your merry way.

    Hugh in Dallas.

    1. Great idea Hugh, and one that we would have considered except that because of our Mexico vehicle permit, we are not supposed to leave the country without taking the car with us! Now, whether or not they catch this in practice is up in the air.

  11. Boy I can see why you are having trouble with this one. I would too. Is there any chance you would get to Guatamala any other time or way? Seems like you really wanted to see it and do that trek but that really is a long way to go. Can the budget handle it?

    1. Yeah, I think we would probably spend about $400 more for the month than if we don't go to Guatemala. So not a big deal in the whole scheme of things.

  12. Sounds like it is a no lose situation, both options sound great.

    1. It is pretty much, we would have fun which ever way we decided.

  13. Hi guys, Such a great photo of the Sunset Hotel. Hope you are both staying healthy and enjoying your stay there. Was so great to have time with you there and in Acapulco, Playa Ventana and Puerto Escondido. You two are the best!!

    1. Thanks Bonnie, it was great spending time with you guys as well. Hope you are enjoying the beach just a little further south of us. Enjoy your travels, we are following along.

  14. I wanted to post a reply but it took forever to get to the end :) I have only one thing to say: Guatemala, Guatemala, Guatemala! Go for it! More will follow.

    1. We are going to go for it Chris, we remember you telling us how you enjoyed it!

  15. So if you are not supposed to leave the country without taking the car how do you leave without taking Sherman who also has a Mexico permit. If you remember we left our motorhome in Yucatan and back packed into Central America and that was easy to sort. Not sure about the bus idea, kind of negates the whole reason you took the car with you.
    Final thought is that having read all the comments you should do what you and Ruth really want to do and not do anything just because you have said you were going to or to please the blog readers!

    1. Ah, two differences. The motorhome is on a 10 year permit and we can leave it behind because it is not tied to our passport or tourist visas. The car is on the new program that began in Mexico in late 2011 where you have to pay a deposit (around $300 dollars in our case) and it is refunded when you remove the car from the country. If you don't you risk losing the deposit.

      And we like pleasing our blog readers!

  16. Best of all is that they have all the time in the world. take the desicion will be best for you. regards

    1. I wouldn't say we have all the time in the world but we do have time to explore a small part of Guatemala. I am sure after seeing part of it we will want to come back next year and see even more of it.


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