The spectacular Mexico City Cathedral at night.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Mexico City.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Back to San Miguel de Allende on Wednesday!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

A great spot to spend a week or two in the motorhome!

After our non ballooning adventure yesterday morning, we made the best of it and got an early start to our destination in Taos, New Mexico. It was only a two and a half hour drive, so we knew we had lots of time to explore along the way. And explore we did!

Only a few miles north of Albuquerque, we stopped at a visitor information center to use the facilities, pick up some maps, and get a free cup of coffee. By the time we came out, there was a little blizzard on the go!

Hmm. This wasn't in the plan!

Snow? At this time of year??

Albuquerque and area does get the occasional dusting of snow in the winter, but it is extremely abnormal for this time of year. And of course the temperature has been a lot colder than normal as well! Payback for all the nice weather we enjoyed in Mexico these past few months!

But the temperature did warm up a little bit as we got a bit further north to the valley inside the Rio Grande Gorge. The high was maybe 52F (11C), so with a hat and a sweater we figured we were good for a hike.

Interesting scenery along the way.

Entering the gorge.

The little blue car taking a break at the side of the road.

There are several camping areas in this park. Some even have electric and water supplies for RV's at $15 a night. Or, you can find a primitive site for only $5 a night! I can see us coming here with Sherman next winter and spending a week or two. Hardly anybody around, and lots of beautiful hiking! It would be chilly at night, but comfortable for hiking during the day. We really like this area!

We had lots of time, so decided on a hike. This trail actually went from the canyon floor up to the rim, so it was listed as a short .8 mile (1.3 km) one way hike but because it was fairly steep to the top it was listed as "difficult". We had no problem though.

Ruth, about half way up.

Kevin, near the top. Can you see the fifth wheel trailer, camping beside the river at the bottom? You might want to click on the picture to bring it to full size. What a great camping spot!! 

At the top! When we headed out, we took that dirt road you see on your left!

That little dirt road took us another few miles to the Rio Grande Gorge Bridge.

This bridge is the tenth highest bridge in the U.S., with the roadway sitting 565 feet (172 m) above the Rio Grande River. The bridge was completed in 1965.

The view from the bridge.

Then, we made it to the village of Taos. We drove around a little bit, and did some grocery shopping. We had no plans on where we were staying, having contacted only one listed couchsurfing host who never responded to our request. That happens sometimes.

Stopped at a couple of empty hotels who wanted too much money and finally came across a nice clean Super 8 motel at $55 a night. Sold! 

Had a good sleep, and this morning we're off to Denver, Colorado. Really looking forward to this part of the trip. Denver has been on our "bucket list" for many years and we're looking forward to seeing the state of Colorado!

Temp went down to 19F (-7C) last night! Colder than it was in Reykjavik, Iceland!!! Strange.

Yesterday's drive, 152 miles (243 kms).

We're past the half way mark!


  1. Hope the snow is gone from Denver by the time you get there!

  2. Looks like the cold weather is settling in pretty good, maybe go away soon we hope.

    1. I don't think it is going to go away fast enough.

  3. looki for Room Saver Coupon Books from Rest area and Truck Stops some times you can get a deal if your near unless your in bumflip knoware usa

    1. We do look at the coupon books and have used them before. Sometimes though if you are late in the day and they are slow as molasses they may give you an even better price just to fill the room.

  4. Great photos of New Mexico. Isn't North America fascinating? Such diversity and such beauty. Enjoy.

    1. Thank you Mary-Pat and yes, North America is very fascinating.

  5. Glad things are working out. Beautiful pictures. I grew up in Santa Fe (before there was a Balloon Fiesta in Albuquerque.) I remember a little snow in March back in high school. I was on the golf team and now and then we'd get snowed out but not often. Taos is an interesting place. You never know when you could run into a famous person walking around. Love the view of the gorge!

    1. You wouldn't normally think of New Mexico as a place that would get snow but really they are fairly high up. Never really got the time to check out Taos by the time we got there we really just felt like relaxing so we will just have to explore it on another visit.

  6. Gorgeous header picture. I'm with you about the nicely priced camping spots in that area. Have to write that down. Looks like a great place to spend some time. I do hope the snow is gone in Denver by the time you get there. Are you going to Rocky Mountain National park? That's on my list.

    1. We really loved the area there and we love those prices for dry camping. We will certainly stop by there with Sherman. We won't be making it to Rocky Mountain National Park this year maybe next year, it's on our list too!

  7. We love New Mexico. Torn about this summer, whether to go to NM or Chihuahua. You have me going now!

    1. Why don't you spend a bit of time in both places?

  8. This spring weather is crazy. We are in the mountains of Montana with 50 degrees and no snow while the midwest has tons of snow and cold temps. Take care going into Denver, its one of our favorite places. I've skied Winter Park many times in my youth and it is a wonderful place.

    1. Yep, we think the weather is pretty messed up this year. Looking forward to skiing at Winter Park, just hope we don't break anything! :)

  9. encourage friends and lack less. God wants to reach their destination as planned. regards

  10. Wow, can't believe you had such bad weather in NM but I remember the first year we were there, we had a couple of inches of snow fall in April but then the blue sky appeared and it melted right away. Again sorry we weren't there to host you two. Have fun in Denver!

    1. It could have been worst Bonnie. We enjoyed our visit and really the only thing that was bad about the weather was that we weren't able to go ballooning. Maybe next year you will be around and we can stop by for a visit. Hope you too are having fun.


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