Out for a hike near Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Ixtlahuacán del Río, just north of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico on Friday!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

$5 for drinking water?

Strangely enough, it seems that everybody up here buys purified drinking water. We haven't quite figured it out yet, but I would have thought that well water would have been good enough. Here at the campground, it's from a well, but they've got this chlorine drip system that it goes through and even though I'm sure it's safe, it simply doesn't taste very good!

When we arrived here, they had given us a 18.9 litre (5 gallon) jug of what we thought was "Culligan" brand purified drinking water. The jug itself said Culligan on it, so we asked one of the ladies where the Culligan store was in Prince Albert. Last time we did groceries, we couldn't find it although we hadn't written the address in advance. Instead, we stopped by the little corner store and gas station that has a self serve purified water dispenser, but that cost $3.25 to fill up. Apparently you could buy a card at Culligan that you prepay and it lowers the cost. Besides which, we figured out that the one jug doesn't last us a full week so we were going to have to spend $10 on another jug.

So yesterday we headed into the city of Prince Albert to do groceries. First stop was the Culligan store. For whatever reason, their office was temporarily closed and you couldn't buy the prepaid card. But the fillup station was open, and so we walked up with empty jug in hand and asked how much to fill it up.

The guy says "$5.00, but we're not supposed to fill containers that don't have our cap on them.".

"Huh"? I am understandably confused.

The guy goes on to say that the last time our jug was filled it wasn't done at a Culligan store so they aren't supposed to refill your jug. I guess it's somehow contaminated for good! Too funny. He then says to take the cap off and put it in my pocket and he'll forget he ever saw it.

Sorry buddy, not paying $5.00 for a jug of drinking water!

We went to Giant Tiger (a Canadian discount chain) where we used their self serve station and filled the jug for $1.97. We also bought a new jug for $10, which included the first fill up.

Another beautiful blue sky day here in Saskatchewan!

Sturgeon Lake.

It will be busy here in the summer!

One of our seasonals all set up for the summer. Nice campsite!

Looking east from the furthest western part of the lake. You can finally start to see some green on the deciduous trees! The leaves will be full out within the next few days. What a difference that will make!

Sites 14 and 13 ready for campers. These were two of the sites that were heavily damaged during the spring runoff. Wish I had "before" pics you could compare them to, but that was when we were without our camera.

Sturgeon Lake nearing dusk.


  1. We always buy our water but we only pay 15 cents a gallon. At least here in AZ. Other places we have paid up to 37 cents. Camping sites really look great and the lake is beautiful. My problem in Mexico was just getting back into the states with that stupid passport of mine. So we're seriously thinking of having the rest of our work done in Algodones.

  2. The photos are beautiful of the lake and campsites. That seasonal site all set up looks perfect by the water. We buy bottled water for drinking here at home and at our summer place in DE. We can recycle the plastic bottles. We don't do the big jugs or containers because of the guys that work for us, it's easier if they can just grab a bottle when they want it.

  3. Replies
    1. Not yet but I am sure we will. Have seen at least three different types of woodpeckers though, incuding the pileated woodpecker. Hope I can see it again to get a picture of it.

  4. We have used purified water for years, and prices vary from $1.00 to $3.00 we have paid for 5 gallons. Usually 1 jug a week or so for good tasting water.

  5. What a lovely place to call home....for how anyway! :)

  6. Since the drought last year we have been buying water, if we bring our own jug to the grocery store it is .47 cents to fill. Our well water used to have no taste which is the way its suppose to be, and hopefully will again soon.

  7. First let me say that the park looks fantastic! Congrats!

    Now on to water. In Texas, you get it at a Culligan machine for .75 for 5 gallons. Boy, someones got their fingers in this.

    In the U.S., many states are prohibiting water catchment, saying rain water that falls in their state belongs to them and you can be fined for saving water in a barrel. I can see where this is going. Warren Buffet bought up water rights all around the world ten years ago. He knew what was coming. What's next? Air?

  8. Wow, paying extra for drinking water! We have our own well. I sent samples to National Testing when we put the well in and all was great, Just really hard water. BUT that are studies that show hard water is better for your health. We pay pennies compared to our neighbors that did not sink a well when they had the chance. Since then AZ has changed Well Drilling & Rights laws and made it much more difficult to drill. Most of the machines that supply the purified water are really just large activated Carbon Filters. The water has to be safe before it reaches the machine but the Carbon removes taste and odors but does not make it any safer. You can buy units to use at home. Safe water does not have to smell or taste good to be safe. New Orleans, LA use to be rated as having some of the best tasting water in USA but was found to be unsafe to drink.

    rocmoc n AZ/Mexico

    1. The water here is hard water also and I have tried cooking with it but as soon as you boil it the water starts to turn brown, not really a pretty sight. I'm not sure if the water would pass the provincal testing or not, so we are going to stick with bottled water for drinking and cooking. Not so bad now that we found a spot where we can buy it for $1.97 for 18.9L.

  9. Lucky here in Vancouver the water tastes great

  10. That's piracy! The water company must be taking ideas from the oil companies. :c(

    1. If people pay the price then I guess they can charge what they like. We are not playing that game and found a spot where we can buy the same amount of water for $1.97.

  11. Sturgeon Lake looks lovely. A pain to have to buy water at that price. Is beer a cheaper option?

  12. The Place looks great, they are lucky to have you guys.
    My wife worked for Culligan around the time Vavendi, a large European conglomerate was buying up all the water treatment companys in North America. They did their usual slash and burn management technique, cutting jobs making those left due double the work load which made for a healthy bottom line, on paper. Next they put the company up for sale. By the second year end the new owners were losing market share and customers by the droves due to poor service and long delays for products and services. Now the company has to charge outrageous prices just to stay afloat. Awe corporate greed, don't you just love it?

    1. Thanks for the info John. You would think that they would get more business if they lowered the price rather than making it higher, but we see that with a lot of things.

  13. Does anybody know what might be causing the well water Kevin mentioned to turn brown when it's heated? I've not experienced that before. I agree that 'hard' water is generally better for us - minerals. I have concerns for people, especially young ones, who NEVER drink anything but bottled water. Minerals are important components of balanced nutrition.

    1. Mary-Pat, I don' believe that the water would pass the testing for being safe drinking water, so we will just stick with the bottled water. Having said that even in Mexico we used regular water for our cooking. Where we buy our water they do have a choice of getting drinking water with the minerals so maybe we will try that one next time.

  14. Our son uses bottled water as their well water tastes awful. five gallons of bottled water at the little rip-off neighbourhood store in Shawnigan Lake costs $8.95! Makes you wish you had brought some from Mexico!

    1. Yikes! That makes the $5 jug sound cheap and we won't even pay that. It is so easy and cheap to find bottled water in Mexico, not so easy here. They even come to you to sell the water in Mexico!


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