Out for a hike near Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Ixtlahuacán del Río, just north of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico on Friday!

Friday, May 3, 2013

A little stiff and sore today

But that's okay, the muscles are getting used to working. I'm enjoying the feeling of getting some physical exercise for a change. And I eat a lot more, and sleep like a rock!

We started the day with two more pickup truck full loads of firewood brought down from the upper storage area to the lower bin. That warms you up nicely when it's a little chilly out. Then, we maneuvered the two canoes out of the crawl space below our cabin and brought them down to the little boat house where they do the rentals. Sturgeon Lake Regional Park has two canoes, two kayaks, and a paddle boat that they rent out.

The water lines are still frozen, so the campground washrooms are not yet usable. There are two outhouses though, and of course they don't get used very often when things are running normally so they haven't been very well maintained. Ruth took it upon herself to give them a good cleanup, and that occupied her time for a couple of hours after lunch. Then I went and installed a missing toilet paper holder in one of them.

While Ruth was doing the outhouses, I tried to fix a water culvert down near the lakeside. It was plugged solid and the water was eroding another section of the road. It turns out that the provincial emergency assistance fund is going to pay to have our main road repaired, but given that it's government money it will probably take a month or two. In the meantime, we had a contractor come in and do temporary repairs now that the government engineer has had a look at the damage. After two hours of digging, I got the water running better than it was, but I think there must be some big branches or something in there blocking it. Too much work for one guy with a small shovel!

After that, Ruth did some more raking, while I sorted out the tool shed. There is nothing worse than trying to find a tool and not knowing where stuff is or exactly what tools you have to work with. Not done yet, but it's getting there.

Wish we had pictures to show you some of this stuff, but unfortunately it seems that our replacement camera is not going to arrive before the weekend. I would be very surprised if it did, but you never know. The tracking number seems to say that it only left New York yesterday before midnight, so will it get to the middle of Saskatchewan today? I guess it's possible!

Looks like summer is coming. We're apparently not going to have a spring...straight from winter to summer!

And for those of you who are metrically challenged, here it is in Fahrenheit...


  1. Looks like you having some good weather there too!

  2. I was wondering when those muscles would become sore! Too bad you don't have a hot tub there. It really sounds a wonderful place to be spending the summer.

    1. They actually weren't too bad considering what we have been doing. A hot tub does sound nice though!

  3. WOW! What a pretty park. Cant believe it will be so warm there! Things will be greening up real fast!

    Doesn't it fill great to be outdoors and getting work done? Worth all the sore muscles for the satisfaction!

    1. It is wonderful working outdoors and getting some real good excerise. We may not be saying the same thing on a day when it is pouring rain or blistering hot but it will still beat sitting behind a desk all day.

  4. WOW that's some jump in temperatures. You'll get your green grass PDQ and then you can get out the mowers. LOL Ruth I commend you for VOLUNTEERING to clean up the outhouses. You are a better woman than I. :-))

    1. Someone had to do it, and since we are the managers and I couldn't see Kevin doing it and we don't have anyone else working at the moment, the only other choice was me! Really the worst part was just cleaning away all the dust, dirt and cobwebs from the outside and inside.

  5. Good job with all the work! Don't go too hard at first, so you don't strain yourself. I hear you about the tool shed, I am slightly OCD about my tools as well

  6. I know what your eating more of too, that good cookin' of Ruth's. Yummy!

    In a week or two you'll have the place running like a top.

  7. Hm, I'm all too familiar with that "break-in period" in the muscle department. I think I'm more "broke" than "broke in" however.

    1. Lol, we always get a laugh with your comments Bob!

  8. You sure have been busy! Looks like you're both going to earn your keep!

    1. We've been told that come July and August we will be run off our feet.

  9. Metrically challenged? Hey, I resemble that remark! ;c)

  10. Hey, nice temperatures! But remember, you are in the prairies so that means you will probably get one more snowstorm (Just sayin'!!) We know, we used to live on the prairies!! Our favourites were the ones that would sneak up on you on the May long weekend!!

    We know what a great job you guys will do up there. They are VERY lucky to have you!!

    1. We figured we weren't through all the bad stuff yet. The weather report is calling for 10C by next Friday so we'll enjoy this beautiful weather while it lasts.

  11. Until your camera arrives can't you take photos with your phone? Would love to see what you are up to - can't beat watching folks hard at work !

    1. We can't take pictures with a phone because we don't have one. We should have the camera either Monday or Tuesday and then we will be back in action and will show all the work that we have been doing as well as better pictures of the campground itself.


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