The spectacular Mexico City Cathedral at night.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? San Miguel de Allende, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Guanajuato on Friday.

Friday, May 24, 2013

An interesting analogy

I don't read the vast majority of  "forwarded" emails. You know, the ones you receive daily that are 99% a waste of your time. Everybody's got that one friend or relative who clutters your email inbox with everything they come across whether it's worthwhile or not. So I simply delete most of them after reading the first line or two.

But I found one was interesting, and without posting it word for word, I'll explain why...

Let's say you win a contest that awards you with $1,440 deposited into your bank account each and every day.

Great, right?? However, there are two stipulations to being awarded this prize. First, you have to spend the entire amount each and every day, and if you don't, the leftover balance is taken away from you and you never see it again. Second, the prize can stop at any time, without warning. Never to be started again.

Anybody who won a prize like that would surely try and spend every penny, wouldn't they? And they would surely have fun doing it, wouldn't they??

But we all have a prize like that. Only it's time, not money.

Each day, we are awarded with 1,440 minutes. If we don't take advantage of that time and simply waste it away, it is gone forever and we don't ever get it back again.

And, the time can stop without warning!

That's the way we try and live our lives. As if the prize is going to be taken away without warning! So go out and do something different. Do something to improve your life. Change a bad habit, or go out and have some fun without worrying about it! Our point is short, go out and live it!

Speaking of contests, we have pulled into 4th place in our Namibia quest. We need a top five to make the finals, so thanks to our facebook fans who are voting...keep it up, remember you can vote daily. We'll only pester you about this for the next three weeks! Here's the link for those of you interested in helping us out.... Facebook contest

Finished cutting the grass yesterday, although we've still got some weed whacking to do. I put the new battery in our third ride on mower yesterday. I figure it's been sitting for at least two seasons, maybe more. It turned over three times and fired right up! Needs some adjustment of the mower deck, but other than that it works really well.

Our friend Pete in South Carolina once told me "You never know when you might need a tractor", after I asked him why he had five tractors. I guess the same applies to our six lawn mowers. Still can't figure out why we've got all of this grass cutting equipment, but better to have too much than not enough! We're going to break the park into four sections and only do grass cutting from Monday to Thursday, that way people aren't annoyed by the noise when the park is busier on the weekends, and also we're not trying to get it all done at one time.

We have learned that we get beautiful skies at dusk here!

Have a great day! Go out and do something fun and rewarding!


  1. So true about life, never take it for granted.
    Break up the grass cutting makes much more sense.
    Excellent sunset photos too.

  2. Great photos!!! Ruth your arms are going to look so fit by the end of the summer with all that mowing! :)

  3. Love that analogy and the way you explained it. That is how we should all strive to live. Who new that northern Saskatchewan could be so beautiful!

  4. With all the hard work and equipment repairs you're doing, they are going to cry when you leave.

    1. Not if they know that we will come back next summer!

  5. I will think about that 1440 minutes now, everyday!! Good analogy!!

    1. Yep, we don't want to waste one minute of those 1440 minutes!

  6. A neat, eye opening blog today! Thanks

  7. Well we did - took the Class B for a spin - visited a mennonite store (yummy baked goods) - lunched at Longhorn Steakhouse - shopped for summer clothes at Kohl's - enjoyed peanut butter ice cream on the way home! Gorgeous photos!!!!
    B & C in PA

    1. Glad you made the most of the day, now you just need to head that Class B of yours our way!

  8. A great post!
    But look at Ruth peeling rubber in a 15km/hr zone!


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