Out for a hike near Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Ixtlahuacán del Río, just north of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico on Friday!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Aren't you supposed to rake leaves in the fall?

I think so. And I think it would be easier to do them in the fall. The problem here is that the camping season ends September 30th, and possibly earlier depending on the weather. Most of the leaves are still on the trees when they close things up.

So then what happens is the leaves fall off in the first two weeks of October and then they get covered in snow. And packed down and stuck to the ground.

So the leaf blower, which is actually a pretty powerful unit, has a hard time dealing with the stuck leaves. In the fall, it would be easy to blow them into a pile.

They warned us that we would probably spend much of the first two weeks raking and cleaning up debris and dead branches. And that's what we've been doing.

Ruth, more so than me. It's getting pretty hard on her hands and wrists, but as she says, it's got to be done. At least there's a visible difference in the attractiveness of the place when you're finished an area, so you can see that you're making progress.

As soon as we've got fifteen or so bags ready, we drive them up to the dump and empty them.

This section was flat when we started!

But, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. We will have things ready and looking great by the end of this coming Thursday. Starting today, we will work on the individual campsites first at a rate of approximately ten per day and spend the remaining hours on the general grounds. That way, the sites will definitely be ready for Friday, and whatever cleanup that didn't get done, if any, can be done the following week. There is also a little painting to be done, so that will be a diversion from the raking!

A tree fell on this picnic table!

I took the wood slats off this picnic table and saved them. There are several older picnic tables up in the storage compound in various states of disrepair, so one day I'll take all the pieces and put them together into a few decent tables.

Thank you all so much for the anniversary wishes! Especially on our facebook page. We really enjoy your comments and love hearing from you all!


  1. I hate raking leaves after the snow has sat on them for awhile. It makes them so heavy.

    Hope your back isn't giving you too many problems after raking all those leaves, Ruth. Great job!

    1. My back isn't bothering me at all but my arms ache a bit and my hands and wrists are sore.

  2. What happens to that huge pile of leaves? Decomposition?

    1. The leaves are being dumped at the "old" dump. The site is closed now but the region lets us dump our yard waste there so nature will just do it's thing.

  3. I was thinking those leaves must have had a really bad odor.

    1. Nope, there doesn't seem to be any bad odor.

  4. A local weld shop should be able to fix the table frame as good as new and if they don't they shouldn't be in the business. Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. For now it is up in the compound, we will see later whether it is just scrape or if it is worth saving.

  5. Can you hire temporary local labors or kids to help with the major cleanup and then maintain the Campground there after by yourselves? Sure would save some wear & tear on the body! Place does look great in the pics and your saving on a gym membership. Really enjoying your blog!

    rocmoc n AZ/Mexico

    1. Yes, we could hire someone else to help but we are trying to do the work ourselves. It is great exercise for us and it is only for a short time. We have a rett good system going now with the two of us working on them together.

  6. Raking leaves, oh ghaaa! Next place we build, all local mesquite and palm trees. No leaves.

    1. There lots of evergreens here so they don't lose their leaves but they drop little pine cones everywhere and pine needles so we still have to rake those but at least they are easier to do.

  7. I actually like raking leaves but not wet leaves or that many. Hat's off to you Ruth. You'll sure have a lot of great compost one day.

    1. I don't mind the raking either but I am starting to get tired of it. Looking forward to next week when I can start doing something different.

  8. I agree with Sherry.. You are going to have some mighty rich compost. Will the campground sell it to locals?

    1. The leaves aren't being dumped on the camp property, they are being dumped up at the old dump site. If we are still working here in a couple of years then maybe we can go up there for the compost to put on the flowers. Unfortunately the locals don't have access to the old dump site so they won't be able to get the comost.

  9. No chance of us staying later, we will have a new little grandbaby to visit so we will want to leave here as soon as we possibly can.


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