Out for a hike near Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Ixtlahuacán del Río, just north of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico on Friday!

Friday, May 17, 2013

Bring on the campers!

Our hands and wrists are sore, but the raking and cleanup is finally over and the campsites are ready for the long weekend. We had a couple of early bird campers show up yesterday, and so last night we had four sites with people on them.

But by this evening, we expect it will be close to full!

We have 40 electrical sites and 15 non electric. Two of the electric sites are located on low ground and are still too wet to use. It will be interesting to see how many campers we get. First thing this morning, I'll walk over to the office and see how many reservations we now have. Last time I checked was Monday and at that point we had 23 already so now that the weather is looking good we're probably close to sold out.

We finished up the final bit of raking and noticed how green the grass has become in the last week. The raking is over, but by Tuesday we'll need to start cutting the grass. That's okay, we'd rather cut grass than rake leaves!

Kevin, bagging the final pile of leaves!

Our spring cleanup is essentially done, so this weekend will mostly involve looking after the campers. Each site gets a bundle of firewood included in their camping fees, so delivering wood will take up some time every day. And helping them get setup in their site if necessary. Yesterday evening I was asked if I could trim some branches because the campers couldn't open their RV awning all the way. No problem! Stuff like that.

Oh, and enforcing the rules. That part should be fun! Typical rule infractions? From what we hear, it's mostly keeping the boat trailers parked in the right spot, keeping dogs on their leashes, making sure vehicles all have their permits displayed, making sure people are reasonably quiet after 11:00pm...that sort of thing.

And generally, making sure the campers are happy! The decent weather forecast will make our job much easier in that regard...



Wish us luck...we'll tell you all about it tomorrow!


  1. Good Luck, sounds like a new phase of work is starting for you guys, I know you won't have any problems. Sam & Donna..

  2. Best of luck! You guys will do great! I don't think I've ever encountered the service you guys are talking about yet while out camping. Wish the weather was going to be nicer here, but calling for lots of rain all weekend.

  3. Boy you guys have sure worked hard. I too have never encountered the service you guys provide there. Guess we'd better come to Canada to camp. Hope the stuff on those fields is just lime. Also hope you have lots of happy, pleasant campers who violate no rules. :-))

    1. Sherry the whitish stuff on the fields is just the bottoms from last year's crop. Shortly after that picture was taken they were out in the field planting this year's crop, so now the field in much darker in colour.

    2. The "Bottom" is called stubble. Works great to clean the underside of your car. Follow a path though as farmers don't appreciate ruts all over the field. Plus you'd be trespassing. I trust the locals are treating you well and I'm sure you're enjoying yourselves. Started renovating the bedroom after your visit. Jean and Oreo say hi

    3. Ohhh and it's me, Mark, by the way....lol

    4. Thanks for the proper terminology, Mark. The locals are great thanks, haven't really had any chance to socialize though. Hope to see you and Jean up here soon. Say hi to Jean and give Oreo and nice pet for us.

  4. I'd choose mowing over raking any day. Hope its a beautiful weeked!

  5. Enjoy the holiday weekend if you can!

  6. I wish we were one of the campers! Have a great time. I imagine this weekend will be a huge learning curve. Looking forward to seeing photos.

  7. Yup, good luck guys - you will be great!!


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