Out for a hike near Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Ixtlahuacán del Río, just north of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico on Friday!

Monday, May 6, 2013

Every job has it's perks!

It looks like we're going to go straight from winter to summer, and we're okay with that! We had a great weekend in the weather department, and they're calling for a high of 26C (79F) today with sunny skies.

There was quite a bit of snow on the ground when we arrived here, and it's almost all gone. In fact, it could be totally gone by the end of the day today. There's still ice on the lake though. I can't wait for our camera to arrive so I can show you some pictures!

Ruth started off raking again yesterday, but it did get pretty breezy later in the morning so it wasn't good for raking. Still, she got another 12 bags done. So she trimmed some of the bushes and trees that were starting to grow into the roadways. Don't want people marking the sides of their RV's! We made two trips to the dump (just down the road) and emptied the bags and the brush cuttings.

I did a variety of small jobs. Got the flags up on the flagpoles, took down an old sign, repaired a sign that had been hit by a boat trailer last fall, played on my tractor for a couple of hours moving snow off two more campsites and the last of the snowbanks in the parking area around so it would disappear faster. Got rid of the empty water tank on our lawn now that we have a steady source of water.

Found out that we get another perk of the job. In the province of Saskatchewan, there is a refundable deposit placed on ALL drink containers when you buy them. Everything. Soda pop cans, juice boxes, water bottles, and of course beer and liquor containers. $0.10 a piece for single serving containers, and sometimes $0.20 to $0.40 for larger ones. Apparently the last couple pocketed $800 through the season! Strangely, only milk containers have no deposit. Can't figure that one out.

Today, I'm going to "play" with the chainsaw. Yes, I realize this is not a toy and we have all of the necessary safety equipment to ensure trouble free operation. They had a big windstorm come through here last year and there's still a few pieces of wood that need to be cleared.

But first, Monday morning trash pickup from the cabins! Part of the job, but definitely not a perk!

Today's header pic. Sherman, parked up at Meat Cove Campground on Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada on June 11, 2011.


  1. Ruth is a maniac when she gets a rake in her hands.

  2. Be careful with that chain saw - I know you will. That's great that you two are getting things in tiptop shape. Have a feeling that campground will be rocking with you two there!

  3. Let's hope that your camera shows up today. We are missing your photos as much as you are missing taking the shots. Great news about the drink container profit. Wish more provinces would do that.

    1. Ultimately, it's about the recycling. If the refunds were given back to the campground, the caretaker may not have as much reason to be concerned about sorting things and making sure they're returned. Everybody wins this way.

  4. In Alberta they do deposits on all milk containers but we just moved to BC and they don't yet - it was a really good idea in Alberta which seems unusual for a Province that gets such a bad rap environmentally.

    1. Different in every province, and we've learned that there are a LOT of variables when you get into different states. Some of them make it so complicated that nobody wants to recycle anything.

  5. You could save all those empties and maybe buy a cheap bottle of wine, or a lot more when you head back down south.

    1. Ha! It is not likely will we be putting money back into the system up here!

  6. Maybe because milk would be a nutritional necessity?

    1. Hmm. Didn't think of that. Could be, I suppose...

  7. Charge em' is the only way to make sure people will do something. Those deposits probably guarantee that there isn't any can litter in Sascatchewan. Love it and that you get the profits. Very fine!
    Hope the camera comes today. But you are doing a great job of painting pictures for us.

    1. Nope, charging a depoist unfortunately doesn't make much of a difference with guaranteeing that the can/bottle/drink container will be returned for a refund on the depoist. I think a lot of people are lazy or just don't care or can't be bothered with returning them.

  8. You sure have been busy! Look forward to more photos when your camera arrives. Be careful with that chainsaw!


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