Out for a hike near Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Ixtlahuacán del Río, just north of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico on Friday!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Fantastic show of the Northern Lights!

Well we had a treat last night!

I walked out to do my final check of the campground at around 11:15pm and the sky was alive with color! I wish the pictures were better, but you can get an idea of what we saw. I'm gonna have to mess with some settings on the camera to try and get some better ones, hopefully they'll be out again tonight.

The campers started arriving before lunch, with the busiest time between 3pm and 6pm. Most of the job in looking after them was driving around doing wood delivery!

The overflow area is full of young people tenting (and partying!). There is also one older couple up there in a travel trailer. I was a little worried about them being bothered by the young people, but when I went and spoke to them they had a good attitude. They said "that's okay, we've got a generator we'll just drown them out!".

I think there's five empty sites in the main camping area and nine in the overflow. I'll do a count today, but I think we've got 36 sites being used.

We didn't have time to take any pics of the campground, but we'll do that today.

Four sites in the main campground all taken up by young people having a good time. I was a little concerned about them and when I went out at 11:15pm (quiet time is 11pm to 7am) there was still some music and laughter coming from that area. But when we came back from looking at the Northern Lights around 11:30pm, it was pretty quiet although quite a few people were still around campfires throughout the park so there was some general chatter but nothing you would say was loud. So we left them be.

What I saw when I walked outside the cabin at 11:15pm last night!

I ran in and got Ruth and we hopped in the pickup to go up the hill to get a better look.

What a show! The photos don't do them justice. I tried taking a video too, but it just shows up as black. I didn't have time to try and mess with the camera settings but I'm confident the lights will be back sometime this weekend because the forecast for each night is similar to what the conditions were last night.


  1. I have only seen the northern lights briefly once in my life on a trip to Churchill Manatoba. I am so envious of your being there where you may see them numerous times. What a universe we live in!!

    1. You must have been in Churchill, Manitoba to see the polar bears?! We are hoping to visit there sometime in the future and yes, that would be a great place to see them.

  2. A spectacular start to your long weekend. Colin thinks you did a good job with the photos! I am so very jealous of you. Just enjoy and watch.

    1. Thank you Contessa and Colin. We are hoping we get to see them on numerous occassions this summer/fall.

  3. What a cool header photo! What a wonderful experience to see those gorgeous lights!

  4. Now that is the icing on the cake for the day - awesome!
    Connie in PA

  5. Wonderful! I've only seen Northern Lights once or twice in my life - and there you are. Yes, I hope you can capture some more photos of them. Is there any way to predict when and how they'll present?

    1. I think they are hard to predict but generally you need to be in northern latitudes in order to view them and depends a lot on the solar activity up near the pole. This website can also help www.spaceweather.com.

  6. WOW!!! I got to see the lights when I was younger growing up in Kansas. Every so often they would creep far enough South so we could enjoy them. Has been a long time since I got to see them in person.

    rocmoc n AZ/Mexico

  7. Sherry is right you guys are lucky to have found a cool job for the summer , hoping G/F retires sooner then plan so we can make that trip from the east coast of New Jersey. Can't wait for the video..

    1. We hope that it won't be long before you are on the road too! Sorry there won't be video of the northern lights, we tried it and we just got a black screen so our stills will just have to do.

  8. Always a dream of mine! Good pics, thanks for sharing.

  9. WOW...what a show! I have never seen the Northern Lights......lucky you!

  10. I've always wanted to see the Northern Lights.

  11. Those pics of the northen lights look pretty good to me, such a wonderful show.


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