Out for a hike near Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? La Primavera Forest, just west of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Towards San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

No more pictures!

For the time being, anyhow. Yesterday morning, we drove the 35 kms (22 miles) down to the town of Shellbrook (pop 1,433) and shipped our camera back to Olympus. They agreed to send us a new one as soon as I supplied them with a tracking number, so hopefully our new camera will arrive Friday. I'm not counting on it, but I'm hopeful. I don't like being without a camera!

While we were in Shellbrook, we stopped into their one grocery store. Picked up some cheese that was on sale, but we sure didn't see any other bargains.

35 kms (22 miles) to the town of Shellbrook. You can see the city of Prince Albert in the opposite direction of Shellbrook.

Arrived back at the campground to find that our new BBQ had been dropped off, and it was a nice enough afternoon that I put it together out on the front porch.

I mentioned the other day that our oven wasn't working and I had found a used one advertised for $50 in Prince Albert (pop 35,000). Made arrangements to go see it at 6:00pm, so Ruth and I hopped in the truck and left around 4:00pm. It's about a 35 minute drive, plus we had other stuff to do. We stopped at the bank, then the dollar store where we spent $33 on miscellaneous items for "the cabin". Stuff like a fly swatter, a soup ladle, a door mat, coat hangers, measuring spoons and cups...things you need in a house!

Went and looked at the stove, offered them $40 and they accepted. Loaded it onto the truck and off we went.

Then we went to a large grocery store and stocked up yet again. With the nearest small grocery store being 35 kms (22 miles) away, you don't want to be running out to pick something up every second day! The plan is to be doing grocery shopping once a week. We should be able to take some time off together every Tuesday or Wednesday.

Today is our first official day of work! We don't have campers booked to arrive until the 17th, although it wouldn't surprise me if we get some early birds show up this weekend. I'll make sure we have a few sites ready for them if they arrive. Lots to do, so we better get at it!

Posted our April expense report last night. Yikes!



  1. A late spring doesn't help in the "lots to do" department. I don't even want to write down how many little jobs I either have started or need to get at. Gah!

    1. Not having running water in the campground doesn't help with the "to do list" and of course all the snow. We still managed to find things to do though. We will certainly busy for a while.

  2. I am lost without my camera hope you get you back by the weekend. Good luck.

    We lived for 25 years in a small village and the closest grocery store was 30 minutes away. So got used to stocking up for a week or so.

    1. So are we! Coming back from sending the camera off, we saw a bald eagle sitting in a tree and then a herd of deer at the side of the road coming back from picking up the stove and then a pretty sunset tonight and we had no camera, oh well it will only be for a short time.

      In the motorhome we always shopped for the week or even longer. Once we get ourselves organized here, it will be no problem figuring out what we need for the week.

  3. Good deal on the stove but will happen to the old one.

    We have always shopped only once per week, just saves time in the long run. Usually I plan a menu for the week ahead to be sure I have all the ingredients.

    1. The old stove just went up to the pile of other old appliances they have in a compound in the park. We are going to see if a recycling company wants them.

      In the motorhome we always shopped for a week so it won't be a problem, it was just a pain in the car because we didn't have the room or a fridge to keep stuff fresh. Once we get ourselves organized I will go through the flyers and see what is on sale where and like you plan the meals for the week and then go shopping. It is nice to know that a small store is close by for the things you might forget and we won't have that option as the closest store is about 15 to 20 minutes away so we will need to plan carefully.

  4. Hey, this is like when you first went to housekeeping. Sounds like you are having fun getting organized, etc. Your life is like one big honeymoon - keep enjoying!

    1. Yep, we are having fun and yes it is like setting up home for the first time but we won't make the mistake of getting to much "stuff"! We want to keep things really simple.

  5. Is the park reimbursing you for getting its house all set up for you and the next folks who use it?? Hope the mud is drying up and the camera is in the mail!

    1. The park already had some things in the cabin like plates, bowls, cups, glasses and couple of saucepans and utensils. They also bought the BBQ. They were lacking a lot of other cooking implements that I wanted and many other kitchen items. So anything that we buy will be ours when we eventually leave. Providing the summer goes well we will more than likely be back to do this again for at least another summer or two.

  6. I'm anxious to see more of the area once spring and summer comes. I hope you get the camera quickly!

    1. We are too, both seeing what the area is like in summer and that we are not without the camera for long.

  7. Does the park supply gas and maintenance for the pick up truck? Also you're going to have to find a John Deere, or a Caterpillar cap to wear while you guys are in Sask.!! Just to blend in!

    1. Yes they supply both but I don't think they will cover the cost of a cap for Kevin to wear.


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