Igor, parked for the night at a municipal park near Ixtlahuacan del Rio, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Lagos de Moreno, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico on Friday!

Monday, May 20, 2013

The fish was "this" big...!

We're not into fishing, but it seems we're the only ones at this campground who aren't. Most people who come here, come here to fish. The lake has a good supply of pike, perch and walleye, and also the odd Sturgeon. I guess the name, Sturgeon Lake, came from somewhere!

But one guy has a fish story to tell, and I have the pictures to prove it...

We were doing the morning garbage run, when Ruth spotted one of the campers showing off a BIG fish. I went and grabbed the camera for a couple of photos...

This is the guy who actually caught the fish.

Ruth, with the guy who is going to cut it up. Apparently he's the resident expert for filleting the fish.

This one was an 11.5 lb Northern Pike. Apparently this in not an entirely uncommon event here and fish this big are pulled in a couple of times a year. But it is more common to catch ones that are maybe 6 or 7 lbs.

Not quite as busy yesterday. It seemed that most people were out on the lake for the majority of the day. It was yard waste day for the cabin owners and so Ruth sat up at the dump for four hours with a book and made sure people only dropped off organic waste. "The dump" is actually a closed landfill site about a mile away and so all of the garbage has been plowed over with fill. Only allowed to drop off tree branches and leaves and old unpainted wood of any sort.

Nice to receive several compliments from some of the regular campers here as well as a couple of the members of the board of directors. So apparently we're doing a good job and to be honest, we're having fun doing it!

Okay, we entered another travel contest. I know, after the Australia contest fiasco last year we said we wouldn't enter another contest that involved voting. But we did. This contest is only for our facebook fans (which now number 451!) so those of you who aren't interested in facebook don't need to read any further.

This contest is to win a trip to Namibia. The country of Namibia is on the southwest corner of Africa, beside the country of South Africa. We only need to be in the top five to be in the finals, and we're in 7th place already.

Here's the instructions on how to vote...

Go to the following link... http://l.inkto.it/6eli 

(I know the link looks suspicious, but it will bring you to a facebook page without any worries.)

While logged in to your facebook account, you need to "Like" the page for the contest. Accept the application, and then you will be brought to a photo that says "Drab Landscape" and you will see five stars to the right of the photo. Click on the fifth star on the far right to award us with five points.

Some of you may be worried about "privacy" issues because when you accept the application it says "Landscape Escape would like to access your public profile, friend list, and likes."

This is totally normal for any facebook application and I've done it many times and never had a problem. First of all, your public profile is public and available to anyone. And I don't care who knows about my friend list or my likes, so I'm not worried about that at all. My personal opinion is that if you're on facebook in the first place you shouldn't be worried about this stuff either. 

But each to their own. If you want to help us out by voting every day, great. If not, that's fine too. I don't think it's going to take a lot of effort to make the top five so we're not going to be bugging you all about it every single day. 


  1. That is a nice looking fish.
    Good luck with the contest.

  2. Sorry but I keep getting a "500 Server error" when I click that link :(

    1. Strange. Ruth just tried it and got the same thing, then I tried it and it worked fine from both facebook and our site. Maybe just a glitch. I would suggest to try again later?

  3. You talk about a fish story!!! That pic is great advertising for your wonderful lake's supply!
    Hey, Kevin, I've been reading a little about the Aurora Borealis - as it's quite a phenomenon for this California gal - 2013 has been predicted as a "peak year." Bet you'll have some more wonderful sightings. Also, check out my bee-hive photo from yesterday. I'm getting really interested in this bee-keeping idea; of course it's necessary to stay in one place for a while to get results of a hve!

    1. Some of the folks here may not be happy about us advertising that there is good fishing here, I think they want it all to themselves!

      We are hoping that we will get to see lots of evenings with northern lights, they really are beautiful to see.

      We did see you your post with the bee hives, I just hope that that farmer will just sell his honey as honey and not mix it with corn syrup!

  4. OK, thanks for the fish pics - now B is biting at the bit - that's a nice catch - and it helps to have an expert filleter - sounds like you all are having fun up there!!!
    Connie in PA

    1. You and Barry will just have to come and visit us so that he can enjoy the fishing here and maybe even catch one of these big ones too!

  5. That's the kind of fish that requires a picture. Who would believe it otherwise.

    Having followed you for a while when you were down south I thought a summer in the Canadian wilderness might be kind of boring. Seems not to be. Good work.

    1. Glad that you are enjoying our travels and even our time up here in the middle of nowhere Saskatchewan, Gil.

  6. I'm not a fisherperson either. I always feel too sorry for the fish, even the ones that are thrown back in. Their poor little mouths.

    Where DO you find these travel contests? Quite amazing.

    1. I am the same way. Guess that's why we are not fishermen. Kevin googles contest and it will come up with lots of different ones. He's doesn't remember exactly how he came across this one though.

  7. I've done it but I was a bit hesitant and without your reassurance would not have proceeded, why do they have to make these things so complicated?

    1. Thanks Glen! Kevin and I both have said the same thing ourselves.

  8. If you don't win you could just do a motorhome exchange and go there and travel yourself, it is a great country for motorhoming and the safari in your own vehicle is brilliant.

    1. That is definitely a thought, but hopefully we will win. If we did win we would see about staying longer than the contest requirement time.


There are more comments on our facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/TravelwithKevinAndRuth