Out for a hike near Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Ixtlahuacán del Río, just north of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico on Friday!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Three hours? For grocery shopping??

If you really want to know how to plan your time and be efficient, just come grocery shopping with us!!

We had to go in to Prince Albert to pick up our camera. Oh! First, let me explain why we had to go to Prince Albert when the address on the shipping label was marked Shellbrook. This is a good one...

Purolator Courier is 91% owned by Canada Post which is a Canadian crown corporation, effectively owned and financed by the government.

We had gone into the Shellbrook (pop 1,400) Post Office and asked if we could have something shipped to that address, but to my attention. Sure, they said. No problem.

Olympus Camera America uses Purolator to ship to Canada. So when they said that, it was a pretty safe assumption that the item would arrive at a Canada Post outlet without a problem. Wrong.

When I saw the tracking information that said "Shipment available for pickup" in Prince Albert, I phoned the Shellbrook Post Office to see if it was there. After all, it was addressed to Shellbrook, which is about 45 kms (28 miles) west of Prince Albert.

Nope, not there.

So I called the Prince Albert Purolator outlet. Turns out they would have been quite happy to deliver the item to Shellbrook because they go there every day anyhow. But they said that Canada Post outlets won't accept air shipments from Purolator International, which is a subsidiary of Purolator which is 91% owned by Canada Post. Huh??

How is that for efficiency!

And so we drove into Prince Albert. We had originally been planning on doing grocery shopping today, but now that we were going into Prince Albert (and we had to be there by 4:45pm!) to pick up the camera anyhow, it only made sense to do grocery shopping at the same time.

We left the campground around 3:45pm and arrived at the Purolator depot just before 4:30pm and picked up the camera. Finally! Then we went to Canadian Tire and bought a nice Lagostina (very good quality!) brand frying pan for $9.99...regular price was $41.99! That was 75% off...what a great deal.

Then we checked out an expensive health food store, but the prices were too high and nothing worthwhile on sale. Then, Giant Tiger (a Canadian discount store) and then a big grocery store, then Bulk barn, then Walmart, ...and before we knew it, it was 7:30pm!!! And then of course it was just after 8pm when we got back to the cabin and we hadn't even had dinner yet. I was ready to head back by 6pm, but we really had to get these things and we like to get the best price. But we hadn't prepared ourselves by looking at the flyers ahead of time like we normally do. I was done. A three hour grocery shopping extravaganza! I can't believe we spent $178!! But we need to be well stocked up because you can't be running out of things mid week. It will be interesting to see what our month adds up to, but the cupboards and the fridge are full now, so we should be okay.

And so, so we got our camera! It's exactly the same as the one we had, but black in color.

Here's some pics I took this morning...

In front of the shower building, this is about the only snow left at the campground.

The boat rental hut, waiting for customers.

Ducks, waiting for the ice to disappear.

Still quite a bit of ice on the lake. 

The playground, waiting for the children.

I got the chainsaw out yesterday. Found the owners manual and read everything. I've used a chainsaw before but it's been quite a few years. Anyhow, I opened the case and everything was soaked in red chainsaw oil! There was at least half a litre of oil sitting in the bottom of the case. You're supposed to empty the oil and the gas from the chainsaw before storing, and of course nobody did so all the oil leaked out over the winter. What a mess.

But, got it all cleaned up and it fired up without a problem. I'll get Ruth to take a pic of me today with all my chainsaw gear on! I don't mind doing it, but it's hard work. You hold most of the weight of the saw in your left hand, and it doesn't take long to get tired. I'm enjoying the work and the exercise though.

Ruth was back at the raking yesterday. ALL DAY. Of course we did quit early to go into town, but still...six hours holding a rake. 

Can you tell where Ruth has raked, and where she hasn't??


  1. Glad you got your camera. Sounds like your postal system is as screwed up as ours. Don't they have a leaf blower. Maybe they need to get one!!

    1. They HAVE a leaf blower. A big-ass gas powered one. I'll get into that story tomorrow!

  2. Wow, those leaves look like they're kind of caked up and hard to rake - even more reason to admire Ruth's leaf raking job! Just a note - we can do this because all our trees are evergreens and we only have to deal with needles, not leaves - we let the pine needles pile up under the trees because it keeps the weeds from growing up through. Great pics with your new camera!

    1. Yeah, they are pretty caked up and packed down hard from the winter snow, that's why I am raking, I don't think the leaf blower will be able to lift them up. We might try it this afternoon except it has been a bit breezy today. There are some areas in the campground where there are more pine needles so those areas will be easier, really just need to rake up the little pine cones.

  3. Hold it.....I think she missed one on the far right hand side!!!!!!

    Great job guys, it will be amazing with you two at the helm. Be prepared for the fact that when you do leave for the season, they will block your exit until you sign on again for NEXT YEAR!!! They won't ever have had this much care and attention paid to such a great park before!!

    1. You're funny Nancy! If everything goes well we probably will return next year.

  4. That park should be very grateful they have such dedicated workers as you. You're certainly going the extra mile, oops, kilometer (forgot you were in Canada) in all you're doing. ;c)

  5. What a run around to get your camera, but it's finished now thankfully. If you didn't read any flyers how in the world did you know about a $41.99 frying pan for $9.99. You guys are amazing. $178 per grocery trip sounds about right to me. Unless you go more often than every 10 days that is. :-)

    1. We were driving right by the Canadian Tire, and they often have a few items on sale for 60% to 80% off. Good rule of thumb for Canadian Tire, don't buy anything unless it's on sale! So we walked in the store and checked the weekly flyer right away.

    2. Yes, they do routinely sell frypans and just about any other home/kitchen accessory.

      Sucks that you have to drive 90 miles to pick up your package, makes our drive seem like nothing.

    3. Glad that you hung around and were able to get your tires without having to do that long drive.

  6. Nice deal on the frying pan. I'm forever looking at the Cdn. Tire flyer. Mostly have enough "stuff" though.
    I don't envy you the chain saw work. It's been a long time since I've had to use a chain saw. Can't say I miss it.

    1. Yep, Canadian Tire can sure have some good sales.

  7. Ok Canadian Tire sells frying pans...does Canadian Kitchen sell tires? Andy always had to use one of those gas powered back pack type blowers...his biggest complaint in the summer they were sooo hot.

    1. Canadian Tire is a department type store. It started out with tires and automotive accessories and then expanded into home hardware and sports/camping equipment. It has been around a long, long time.

  8. oh, also looking at lake no one is going to go very far in the boats. just back and forth along the shore. Wish it would warm up here..suppose to be in the 50 and 60's over the weekend.

    1. They won't be going far at the moment that is for sure but once the lake opens up it is 7 miles long!

  9. At least you mad that long trip worthwhile, and great that you finally got your camera back.

    1. When you are driving that distance you want it to be for more than one thing.

  10. It is good that you finally got your camera. It is bad that Ruth has all those heavy damp leaves to rake. Could you fire up your ride on mowers and blow them to a central location for pick up?

    1. Where I am raking there are just too many trees to use a ride on mower. The worst area is finished so the rest shouldn't be as bad. Once Kevin is finished with some of the other things on his list he will use the leaf blower and I will follow behind and bag them.

  11. WOW....that was a busy day! All that work and a trip! Glad you got your camera! Mine has become attached to the hip!

    Things are looking pretty good around there! Your efforts are showing.

    1. Yes, we are much the same with our camera and we were definitely missing it. It's nice to have it back.

  12. Ok, you guys win, no way I'd last doing all of that cleanup. Throw in gravel and fuggetaboutit.

    Although, I'd trade in my job for where you guys are in a heartbeat. :)


  13. Gotta love Canada Post! Every year I make calendars on line to send as Christmas gifts. Every year those calendars go missing in the vast bowels of CP, even with the tracking numbers. Last year they told me the tracking numbers didn't really work in their system. Most times the calendars show up mid February. I should start making Easter calendars instead!


    1. Yikes! Have to say that when we had a house we really didn't have a problem with Canada Post we always found them to be pretty quick. Haven't had to use the mail system for a long time so I guess it just isn't as effiecent any more. I think the US Postal service is even worst, although they still have Saturday service.

  14. I am running down to get my frying pan! Thanks.

    1. Hope they had some in stock! Ours was the last one at the Cdn Tire store here.


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