The spectacular Mexico City Cathedral at night.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? San Miguel de Allende, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Guanajuato on Friday.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

What's worse than having to put mosquito repellent on?

Well, that would be if you didn't have any mosquito repellent to put on!

Fortunately, we have lots. And we sure do need it now.

We had some rain on Sunday night and I guess that woke up all the mosquitoes. There had been very few until this point, but they are out in swarms now. They don't seem that hungry though. I'm sure their appetite will increase daily!

We have nine varieties of mosquito repellent left behind by the previous people!

But, we cannot believe the weather we've had. It's been far better than we expected. Oh, and the crabapple trees in front of our cabin are in full bloom!

Almost can't see the cabin!

Compared to exactly one month ago...!

Just normal daily duties around here. The grass is growing like crazy, especially after that rainstorm overnight Sunday. We split the campground into four sections so that we cut grass once a week every morning Monday through Thursday and then Friday morning we re-do the section around the office and restaurant so that things look fresh for the weekends.

Lots of woodpeckers around.

The lake was pretty and calm yesterday evening. This was taken at 8:10pm.

Ruth, about to swat a mosquito!

Then she realized I was taking her picture. Too funny.

Went and took the fish guts up to the dump, as I do every evening. This time, we saw a big skunk running out of the hole. He's been in there eating the fish guts. I knew an animal had been in there the last several days because of the number of carcasses pulled out of the hole, but I thought it was raccoons. Never thought about what skunks eat, but I guess they eat fish!

Kevin, dumping the fish guts! Yuck.

They sure do use some huge farm equipment in these parts!

Some of you have asked us to include the contest voting link here, so here it is...

Don't forget to click on the star on the far RIGHT! The picture is titled "Drab Landscape".


  1. Oh those mosquitoes.
    Something we had very few of in Vienna. (Other parts of Austria had them, so I had heard)
    My nephew is in Algonquin for nine days. Said he took along lots of bug spray. I say, "good luck with that."

    1. Kevin had some friends that were in Algonquin Park last weekend and they had bug hats on! I'm thinking about getting one myself, I really hate to use the bug spray.

  2. Mosquitoes haven't hit here yet, just the ticks. :P

    1. We haven't seen any ticks yet but apparently they get them here. Whiskey always had a problem with ticks even with Frontline on, luckily we never had a problem with them.

  3. Few mosquitos in Virginia yet but it's going to be in the 90's the next few days so that will definitely bring them out. Seems to do this 90's thing every single time we stop by here. I'm going to have to come up with a better plan. Like skip June maybe? Seems hotter here in early June than in July. Crazy weather.

    1. The hot weather isn't so bad, it is worse when it rains and then gets hot. Usually the drier the weather the better it is for not having mosquitos. Hope they don't get bad there.

  4. One thing about the area we are in southern Ontario hardly any mosquitoes or black flies, perfect at this time of year.
    Keep that bug spray on, they can be nasty.

    1. We will definitely be covered up or have bug spray one, you can be sure of that.

  5. There are a few creatures out there that I just can't explain the need for their existence.

    1. We have said that many times ourselves about mosquitos!

  6. I agree with Peter...ants in Mexico being one of them.

    1. Never really had a problem with ants in Mexico at least not in the RV.

  7. What a difference a month makes! Grace (in Tucson)

  8. I just can't say enough bad things about mosquitoes! It's sad - they are one of God's creatures but I find no positive use for them either.

    1. They are food for the bats and dragonflies, that is the only thing I can think of, that they are good for.

  9. living in midest, we have it all. mosquitoes, ticks, ants, flies, fire ants (those hurt).
    being allergic to chemicals, i just swat away!
    Donna w

    1. Unfortunately here you just can't swat them away as there are hordes of them. I was totally covered up even had a hoodie on and it was pretty warm out but I would rather sweat than use the bug spray.

  10. The competition link took me away from your website whereas normally you have it set up to open in a new window. Take care with the mozzies and equally with the amount of repellent you use, have heard some bad reports about the deet etc causing long term problems.

    1. Thank you Glen, Kevin has fixed it. We have heard the same bad things about deet and will use it sparingly if and when we have to, unfortunately the mozzies are going to be bad here.


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