Igor, parked for the night at a municipal park near Ixtlahuacan del Rio, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Lagos de Moreno, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico on Friday!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

What do you think?

Do you like our new facebook header photo? It was designed and produced by someone from the fiverr.com website we told you about. I think it's pretty good for five bucks, no?

Those of you who don't "do" facebook might not have seen that we hit a milestone yesterday and that Travel with Kevin and Ruth now has over 500 facebook fans! We're pretty excited about that!

It's a little busier here at the campground this weekend. I think we've got 12 sites occupied. And the day use area was busy too with lots of people fishing.

I gotta ask two questions. Does wearing camouflage clothing really help when you're fishing? And do they wear their fishing vest when they're hunting? Just wondering.

We had eight cords of firewood delivered yesterday. We go through a lot of wood here at the campground because every paid night includes a bundle of firewood. Plus, quite a few people buy extra.

We'll probably need another load like this half way through the summer.

We don't need to stack the wood that was delivered up to the compound, but we do bring a load down to the shed at the campground just to have it close at hand.

Hard at work!

Site 24.

Ruth finished the site cleanup she was doing at #24. We forgot to take a "before" picture, but if you look at the pic above you'll see they have a nice view of the lake. Prior to Ruth's hard work, you could not see the lake from this site because of all the underbrush and dead trees and branches. I think we brought about eight truckloads of stuff out of there!

We have now gone 33 days without a day off. We tried to take it easy yesterday, but stuff kept coming up. What kind of stuff comes up? Well, here's a good one...we have a two room changehouse down at the beach. From the outside, it looks like it could be an outhouse. Without getting into too much detail, someone apparently thought it was an outhouse and the fact that there wasn't a toilet seat inside didn't change their opinion! This was not a child by the way!

But, children will be children. They think it's funny to go into the washroom building and into a toilet stall. They then lock the door and crawl out the tiny opening under the door. Not so easy for an adult! I figured a way to reach over the top and unlock it.

Then, I was called to a site that complained of having no electricity. Hm, that's strange, I thought. At these sites, they have a post that has both 30A RV outlets and 15A household outlets. These were tenters, and sure enough, there's no power at the 15A outlets. So, I go get some tools and take it apart. The wires were all cut at the plug! Why? Well, it turns out the plug was bad. Been like that for a while though from all the spider webs and crap in there. So rather than replace the plug, they just cut the wires to it. Strange. I replaced the plug. Working fine now.

Our picnic table boneyard.

After lunch, I went up and fixed up a picnic table. The one that a tree had fell on that you can see on the right in that picture. I replaced all the top boards and I'll get a coat of paint on it at some point today.

Ruth got a picture of this young beaver swimming close to shore.

Okay, time to go vote...if you're one of our facebook fans, please take a minute out of your day and go through the procedure to vote for us.

Find the photo "Drab Landscape" and click on the far right star to award us with five points!


  1. I like the new header photo!! looks good!!

    1. Thank you Sue and Doug, this is our header picture for our facebook page.

  2. Love the new header! Great deal at $5.

  3. Your header looks great! Nice price too!

  4. Pretty full day for trying to take it easy. How disgusting about the change room incident. Great deal for $5.00, love the collage.

    1. Yes, that was disgusting and I am hoping that was the first and last time for that!

  5. I have always enjoyed your header photos. This one is super.

    You two are sure working hard.

    1. We will keep changing our header picture on this blog, it is our trademark now but this particular header picture is the one we are using on our facebook page.

  6. Love the new header - it is awesome! You two have a wonderful work ethic - it's great to see someone go ahead and make things better than it was before - you're always looking out for others - you deserve a big reward!!!!!!
    Connie & Barry in DE for a couple of months

    1. We can thank our parents for our work ethic, they were great role models for both of us!

  7. Great new header picture. I noticed in each snapshot on it you two are holding on to each other. You must be in love or something... ;c)

  8. Love the new header! You are definitely getting to do a little bit of everything. I wish our campsite came with a bundle of wood.

    1. We sure are, it makes for a different day everyday, can't get bored that way.

  9. You sure earn your keep at the campground! Well done on your facebook!

  10. 33 days without a day off? WOW! That seems above and beyond the call. Is that what you signed up for? Hope you are being paid by the hour. And the camping season hasn't even really started yet. I think I'm tired just thinking about it.

    1. Yes, it is what we signed on for. Kevin is on call 24/7, I technically can have 2 days off a week but then we have to hire someone on those 2 days so I might as well get paid for it rather than pay someone else. And, yes I get paid by the hour but Kevin doesn't he is on a set salary.

  11. Finally figured out how to vote for you. It was really easy. You two are amazing. I thought being camp hosts just involved greeting the campers and making sure things ran smoothly. Sounds like you are going way beyond what most camp hosts do. It looks beautiful there.

    1. Thank you for voting for us Jan, remember you can vote every 24 hours.

      We are not camphosts, we are managers of the campground and we are paid for our work. This is why our work is very involved and busy but we are enjoying the work and being outdoors. Yes, it is beautiful here.


There are more comments on our facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/TravelwithKevinAndRuth