The spectacular Mexico City Cathedral at night.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Mexico City.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Back to San Miguel de Allende on Wednesday!

Saturday, July 20, 2013

A pretty good week.

After our not so great last weekend, we ended up having a pretty good week. Surprisingly not that busy here at the campground, and because the weather wasn't ideal, the day use area didn't get that much use either.

All of that makes both of our jobs a little easier. Ruth has not so many wet and sandy people wandering into her nice clean washrooms!

And I don't have as many day to day problems arise. So I tinkered with some of the equipment and I fixed our pressure washer that had a broken handle and picked up some parts that I had ordered for one of the lawnmowers and puttered around on a few other things. When we first arrived here, I questioned why they had six lawn mowers of various sizes. Turns out there's always a couple of them breaking down! Our heavy duty push mower that they had bought only last fall broke down and it turns out that it's got a broken camshaft in the engine. Covered under warranty, but it will be out of commission for a couple of weeks.

Always interesting talking to some of the campers. One guy came in with an old camper on the back of his fairly new pickup truck. The camper looked like it had a layer of moss growing on it! Turns out that he had only just bought it that day...paid $100 for it off kijiji (similar to craigslist)! It was actually in really good condition and I bet all it needed was a good scrubbing and powerwashing. What a deal.

Did you know that they call Saskatchewan "The Land of the Living Skies"? Well there's a reason for that. Almost every day that we've been here we've been able to take an interesting picture of the sky.

The were taken on my drive back from town on Thursday.

Ruth was out working on the flower garden yesterday morning and heard a "knock, knock, knock"...the type of sound a woodpecker makes. So she grabbed the new camera and went hunting for it. Turns out there were two of them, and she thinks one was the parent trying to teach the younger one how to feed itself. This is the first time Ruth has used the new camera and so all she did was turn it on, zoom in, and shoot. I won't show you the eight or ten pictures that didn't turn out at all, but amongst them was a great shot...

A young Pileated Woodpecker. Or at least we think this is the younger one!

So I'm looking at the camera afterwards, and it turned out that it was left on the "landscape" setting. Hmm. With pictures like that, maybe we'll leave it there! What a great zoom lens. The more we use this camera, the more we like it!

The people in the registration office keep saying things like "we're sold out this weekend" and "we're fully booked" but there always ends up being a couple of empty sites due to cancellations or something else. So out of our total 50 sites or so, there were around 7 empty sites last night when I did my final rounds. The people who are here are mostly families, older people, and fishermen. Turns out we had no problems overnight and I only had to ask two sites to keep it down.

So we're hoping for a decently peaceful weekend!


  1. Yep, you are correct about the young Pileated Woodpecker. It has a dark eye, as an adult has a orange/yellow eye. Nice pic.

    1. Thank you for the confirmation on that, I would have had no idea it was a young one if I had not seen the mother feeding it.

  2. Great picture Ruth. At our farm we had a pair of pileateds who returned every year to test in a tree off of our second story bedroom porch. They were great fun to watch. Glad things were easy for you this week. Your jobs sound pretty demanding but you do have gorgeous skies to do them under.

    1. I had seen one earlier this spring but hadn't seen one since, so I was happy to get a good photo of one. Actually things have been going pretty good, just that one weekend that sort of put a damper on things and brought us down just a little but we are over it now.

  3. Prairie skies are always something to be amazed at. Storms come in pretty fast over there!

    1. Yep, they are forever changing. The storms come in fast but they also go out fast.

  4. Glad you had a better week. After the last one, you surely deserved it!

  5. Hey, Ruth and Kevin, don't those skies remind you of the skies in Valle de Juarez? I took so many cloud pictures from the campground. Happy Saturday!

    1. Yep, they sure do. The sky there was also so beautiful!

  6. Good that things worked out a lot smoother this weekend, nice to take it easy.

  7. Great picture. I'm sure you're going to enjoy that big zoom. It sure opens up the world for you. I often use my zoom as binoculars.

    1. We can't wait to try it out on the lions, zebras, elephants and all the other wonderful creatures we will encounter in November.


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