Out for a hike near Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Ixtlahuacán del Río, just north of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico on Friday!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

A facebook milestone for us!

We passed the 1,000 "likes" mark on our facebook page yesterday!

We know that many of you don't "do" facebook, which is why it's taken us a while to reach this particular milestone. This seems to be a generational thing and the number of facebook users declines dramatically over the age of 45. And most of our readers are between the ages of 45-65, so it's definitely a factor for our page.

It took us a while to get there, but we made it anyhow!

I happened to look at it yesterday when it was at exactly 1,000!

For those of you who don't do facebook, did you know that you can still read our page even though you haven't signed up? You won't be able to comment or interact with us like so many do, but we do post other pictures there and you'll see things there that you won't see here.

You can check us out here, without signing up...

Our facebook fans are the best! We get more interaction, discussion, and "likes" on our posts and pictures than many travel pages that have from 2 to 5 times as many fans! And we have fun chatting with many of you who have included us in your daily internet activities. So, to those of you who are our facebook fans... thank you for being one of the 1,000 people who "likes" us!


  1. Hey. No problem. Well *thinks*, I think I'm a fan. I musta hit "like" or something or other at some point. I have trouble going with the herd, since most times I can't even see the herd.

    1. Thanks for "liking" us Bob, we enjoy your comments, they always make us smile and laugh.

  2. I liked, I'm in the 45 and up range, been following you since your "other" blog (travel journal, remember that?). LOL

    1. Thanks Karyn Lee for sticking with us for so long.

  3. Gee Whiz, don't wear out your Facebook account! :cD

  4. good job on the milestone..I am sure I was one of those 'likes'!

  5. Congrats on the milestone. I like how diverse, and concise (not long winded,and with a bazillion pics), your blog is. It keeps me coming back.


    1. Thanks John, that is exactly what Kevin's intentions are when he writes the blog posts.

  6. Congratulations! I have really enjoyed interacting with both you and Ruth on Facebook. It feels like we really are "friends!"

    Grace (in Tucson)

    1. Thank you Grace, we love that interaction as well. We are friends, in our mind, not just feeling like we are friends! :-)

  7. Congrats! Just got another like from me!

    Just found your blog due to the Top 100 list recently...congrats on that as well!


There are more comments on our facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/TravelwithKevinAndRuth