Scenery in the Sierra Gorda mountains near Pinal de Amoles, Queretaro, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Not sure yet.

Friday, August 30, 2013

B-17 Bomber flies into town!

I think we were beaming all day yesterday with the news of our granddaughter's birth. Oh by the way, they've named her Sadie! We like that name! A little sister for our grandson Cameron. Can't wait to visit them in October. We sure have a lot to look forward to this fall!

Yesterday's planned post got put aside due to the much more important news so we can now get back on schedule.

Ruth went into town on Wednesday to do the grocery shopping. Which is actually kind of tough to do now because we could only be here for another two weeks or so and we don't want to be stocked up at all. Or, we could be here until the end of September. I guess we'll see.

Anyhow, she was driving in to town and listening to the radio when she heard them say that a rare World War II era B-17 Bomber had flown into Prince Albert and was on display at the airport. So she made a little detour over that way and took some pics...

There were over 12,000 B-17 bombers produced by the Boeing Corporation during World War II. Only about 40 of them are left in existence, with most of them as display pieces in aviation museums. Apparently only two left that are still flown regularly in North America, and less than 15 around the world are considered airworthy.

It was in Prince Albert because they are trying to develop the city into a regular air show venue. The city's airport is located close to downtown, with wide viewing areas on each side of the runway. Apparently they held a very successful airshow here last year and they're looking to make it a regular event.

Betty Grable on the side of the "Sentimental Journey".

I went into town yesterday myself, but didn't stop to see the plane. I was on a mission to pick up all the different filters and oils for all of my various pieces of mechanical equipment so that I would have everything I need to winterize things and get them ready for storage until next season.

Hardly any campers here, but it's just the calm before the storm. This is Labour Day long weekend beginning today, and the campground is supposedly close to "sold out". I guess we'll see, because they're calling for 80% chance of rain all day tomorrow and that might put some people off.

Fantastic sunset here last night...

A storm cloud had rolled in and it was brightly lit up by the setting sun. It never did rain though!

The same sunset, taken a few minutes later from the top of the hill.


  1. nice pictures of the plane! and Sadie is a beautiful name!!

    1. It was pretty cool to see the plane, it would have been nice to see the inside but I didn't want to pay and I didn't want to wait in the long line.

      Yes, we like that name too!

  2. I like Sadie. Had an Aunt Sadie. So I'm guessing it's not short for "Sarah"? Sometimes that's where Sadie comes from.

    1. I'm not sure what Sadie is short for but in this case it is just Sadie and that is what will be on her birth certificate, just like our son Alex, it's just Alex not Alexander.

  3. Fabulous sunset shots. Love the name Sadie.

    1. Thank you Contessa, is sure was a beauty last night! We love the name too, it's not one that you hear much anymore.

  4. Wow what a sunset!!!
    Beautiful name sadie for your new grand daughter.

    1. Yep, it sure was a gorgeous one last night. It is a beautiful name for a beautiful baby.

  5. Love the name Sadie.
    And again excellent sunset photo.

  6. Nice pictures of the B-17. I'm a history buff and a big fan of the B-17. A couple of years ago I got a chance to tour through one, it is pretty tight inside.

    Keeping these machines airworthy is a labor of love.

    1. It looked like a beautiful plane and yes it would be a labour of love and lots of money to keep it in such good condition. They were letting people tour the inside of the plane but I didn't have the time to stand and wait my turn and they were charging a fee, just not sure how much that was though.

  7. Air shows are dangerous propositions. Looks like you're preparing to return to the same spot next year.

    1. I guess they will have to decide if they have enough of an audience to make it worth their while.

      As for returning, we still haven't been asked if we want to return and we are still up in the air about if we want to or not, but having said that Kevin still wants to get the all the equipment maintained and stored properly for the winter.

  8. My FB page came up, Can you ID this bird? in Namibia. It looked like a Anhinga to me, but it is in the same family. African Darter.

    Enjoy your trip. Good place to see birds.

    1. Yes, I saw that on the Gondwana Collections Namibia fb page. Thank you for letting us know what type of bird it is. We are looking forward to seeing many different species while we are in Namibia.

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