Igor, parked for the night at a municipal park near Ixtlahuacan del Rio, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Lagos de Moreno, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico on Friday!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

We have a granddaughter!!

Big news today folks!

Lindsey and Justin had a healthy 7 lb 2 oz baby girl this morning in Ottawa! A little sister for Cameron!

First email I checked this morning read.. "The baby's here...call my cell phone!"

Our yet to be named granddaughter...only two hours old!

She wasn't due to arrive until September 6th! 

You'll remember that we posted some pictures of our very pregnant daughter on Monday from the wedding she was in on the weekend. 

Being this close to her due date, she was well prepared and they brought all the baby things they thought she might need in case the baby arrived early. They live in Nova Scotia, and had done the 16 hour drive to be in the wedding. She had even contacted the Ottawa hospital to confirm that it was no problem with regard to using her Nova Scotia health insurance while in Ontario.

And so she started having contractions in the middle of the night. They were up at Ruth's father's place and had a 45 minute drive into the city. They never made it to the delivery room! She had the baby in the triage area of the emergency room, and the doctor hadn't even made it. Apparently one nurse was on the scene, quickly followed by four more! She said it was a ten minute labor at most and when the doctor did arrive he said it was the first baby he'd seen delivered in the triage area in the 8 years he's worked there!

So, that's our totally exciting news for the day!


  1. Congratulations to all. What a quick delivery!

    1. Thank you Osage Bluff Quilter and yes it certainly was a quick one, lucky Lindsey.

  2. Congratulations to your family. Glad it all worked out so well!!

  3. Very exciting and wonderful news indeed! You and Ruth must be beaming today! Congrats to you from Jerry and me!

    1. Thank you Paula and Jerry! Yep, can't get the smiles off our faces, only thing better would be to be there with her.

  4. Congratulations to Lindsay, Justin, Cameron, you and Ruth! Fantastic! I'd says the gods were with them; next time might be at home or in the car!
    I assisted in the delivery of a baby while I was in Nursing School, when a doctor didn't make it and the nurse who was proctoring me delivered the healthy baby. Was I ever nervous! But it set me up for my first hospital position after graduation - Labor, Delivery and New Born Nursery.
    What a joyous time for your family!

    1. Thank you Mary-Pat! Don't think there is going to be a next time, two children is all that they want. I knew someone that had their baby in the elevator going up to the maternity ward, glad that she at least made it to the ward.

  5. Congratulations, sure was a quick delivery, glad everybody is doing well.

    1. Thank you George. Lindsey said she is doing really well and so is the baby.

  6. Congratulations! I like that fast labor! Grace

    1. Thank you Grace. Yes, that is the best kind of labour.

  7. congratulations! It is very exciting time. We are in week four with our new grandson.

    1. Thank you Chuck and Anneke. Sorry I missed your post on the birth of your grandson, we have been so busy this summer we really haven't had lots of time to read other blogs. Congratulations to you too as well.

  8. Congratulations, a new granddaughter to dote on. Lindsay certainly was organized except for the last 10 minutes, no control over that. At least she was in the hospital, we had one delivered in the parking lot of our hospital last week. The baby refused to wait a second longer.

    1. Thank you Contessa! Can't wait to meet her in person. Lindsey was definitely organized, with having everything with her and having to be in the wedding only5 days before that as well. She was ready even in the last 10 minutes, it was the hospital, nurses and doctor that weren't organized. We are just happy everything went well and mother and baby are doing well.

  9. Congratulations to the whole family!!!quite the story to tell her when she gets older!

    1. Thank you Sue and Doug. I don't think Lindsey will forget this delivery, as if any mother would forget what her baby's delivery is like and yes, it will be a fun story to tell.

  10. Congratulations to all of you!

  11. Wow, what a quick delivery! Congratulations, let the spoiling begin. :c)

    1. Thank you Paul and Marti. We can't wait to meet her in person now but we still have 6 weeks to go before we can do that.

  12. Congratulations to the whole family!

  13. What amazing news! Congratulations to you all. And what a story to tell the little girl when she grows up.


    By the way we are loving your header photos.

    We will definitely be following in Ruth's footsteps and heading down to Dorset to hike along the Juraissic Coast line.
    And Mr Sft was very excited about the B-17. He thinks we have 1 in England but it might not be airworthy still.

    1. Thank you Saving for Travel. Yes, Lindsey will have a story to tell her for sure.

      We love that hike along the Dorset Coast. It is my 3rd one and Kevin's 2nd one and it sure is hard to get tired of the views there.

      Kevin is doing a post on that B-17 bomber in today's post so keep your eye out for it.

  14. Oh man! Sure beats pictures of lakes and rivers! Congratulations (again)
    Not sure of the name of that B-17, but I got to sit at the controls of one named "Fuddy Duddy" in Big Flats, N.Y. a few years ago. Pretty impressive, especially considering that all the flight controls were fully manual. No hydraulic assist for flight controls, which I found utterly amazing.

    1. Bet you didn't expect to see that for a header picture! I could have gone on board and had a look at the inside but they were charging a fee for that and there was a line up and I didn't want to wait around. It looked like it would have been very interesting to see though.

  15. Just looked it up, that B-17 is "Sentimental Journey". Kind of a fitting name for the contents of your post today.

    1. Yes, that is a fitting name for the contents of our post today.

  16. Nice easy labor, how wonderful! Congrats on the new addition to the family!
    I bet you can't wait to get down there to see her now!

    Let us know when she has a name!

    1. I wouldn't say it was a nice easy labour, she said the last 10 minutes was very intense!

      The baby's name is Sadie.

  17. That is what I call exciting news. Congrats to everybody. She's beautiful.

    1. Thank you Jim and Sandie. She is beautiful isn't she, mind you we might be a little biased.

  18. Congratulations on your new arrival. Granddaughters are so special. And you can't beat a 10 minute labor!!

    1. Thank you Donna. She didn't have a 10 minute labour but just a very intense last ten minutes of labour. Still it was a fairly quick labour considering that she started getting contractions around 4am and had Sadie at just after after 7am.

  19. Wow that little girl was anxious to get going! Early and a Ten minute labor sounds fabulous. Your daughter will be the envy of every mother and mother-to-be she knows. Great family story for years to come. Congrats to you all!!

    1. Thank you Sherry. As I said in the comment above, that the labour was longer than 10 minutes but the very last 10 minutes were very intense. Lindsey was very happy with the way it went and that she was able to do it naturally.

  20. So glad she at least made it to the hospital. She looks beautiful. Congratulations to you two , her parents and of course the big brother, Cameron.

    1. Thank you Janie and John. I am sure that she was happy to make it to the hospital as well.

  21. Congratulations! Some of these babes are just very impatient and want to do things their way!

    1. Thank you Nan. We'll see as she grows up if she still remains impatient at things.

  22. Congratulations to the 2 grandparents and parents more congratulations. God bless and give you good health and well being to small. greetings amigosss

  23. That is great news - so glad all went well and quickly, too! Congratulations to everyone!!!

  24. How fabulous! Congratulations!!


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