Out for a hike near Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Ixtlahuacán del Río, just north of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico on Friday!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

A drive around Amish country

Bill and Bonnie took us for a drive to see the sights around the area. There is a large Amish population in this area and of course it's interesting to see this culture a little more up close. Sorry we don't have many pictures, but we didn't want to seem intrusive.

First, we went to the general store that's run by the Amish. Really interesting place, and with very reasonable prices. And we don't quite understand their aversion to electricity as this store is not connected to the electrical grid, but does have lights powered by solar panels and batteries, a modern electric cash register. We bought some smoked cheese and they even had some gluten free crackers for Ruth.

Harvest time in an Amish field.

There are also a lot of lumberyards in the area that are Amish run. Interestingly, some of them have diesel generators to provide electricity. However, we saw many Amish homesteads that obviously had no electricity whatsoever. 

We then went to another Amish store. Locally, it's known as the Amish Walmart because it carries just about everything! Really interesting store, and we each bought a new pair of sunglasses...for $2.99 each! Again, really reasonable prices, on everything in the store. Bill and Bonnie needed some plumbing antifreeze, and it was $3.99 a jug. That was the normal price, not a sale price. The stuff usually sells for $5.99, although I think I have seen it at a real Walmart store for cheaper. Bill says that the Amish don't try and make a killing on stuff, just a very small profit on each item. 

Back at the house, we had a look at "the Bus". Bill is a Nascar racing fan, and a few years ago he and a couple of buddies decided to build a bus for going to the Michigan race. They've got it all fully equipped with bunk beds and all the necessary RV parts for a weekend at the races. Including a rooftop viewing platform!

Bill and Kevin on the Nascar bus.

Some year we will make it back to this area and take in a race weekend on the bus. That would be so much fun!

Bonnie's daughter and grandsons came over for dinner so we could meet them and Bill roasted a pork tenderloin on the grill. Then we had a fun game of Euchre in the evening, but we were all pretty tired so called it a night fairly early. Bill and Bonnie are off early this morning taking their new motorhome down to Ann Arbor to get solar panels installed.

And we're off to Canada! Headed back across the border this morning, with a destination of Elliot Lake, Ontario.


  1. Now thats a nice looking race bus, perfect.
    Travel safe.

  2. I'm not a huge Nascar fan, but I'd go to a race if I got to go in that bus. That thing is awesome!
    I remember a time when I was out with my parents in Mennonite country,(like, a million years ago) and of course my Dad had to stop and talk to a fellow who was binding with a three horse binder.
    He could talk the ear off an Elephant.
    At least you left these people alone to get their work done.

    1. It sounds like they have a fantastic time when they get their friends together and head to the race. They party the whole time!

  3. We love Amish country. Where our house is in Ohio we are only about 30 minutes away from Ohio Amish country. There is such a peacefulness about the area.

    1. We loved driving through the area as well. It is very clean and almost makes you feel like you are back in the time.

  4. We like the way the Amish have their farms set up. Glad to hear you are having a great trip to date.

    1. We have been having a great road trip so far, just wish we could take things a bit slower and have more time to explore.

  5. Great bus. We have friends who built one like this for the RAGBRI bike race. When traveling the upper deck stored the bikes. People are so inventive!

  6. When my daughter's family lived in Ohio she gave craft parties in Western Pennsylvania Amish country. I went with her to one of the parties and had a wonderful day and evening with a group of very lovely people. There was no electricity or tractors in sight anywhere at that time.

    1. I would imagine that would have been a very interesting evening. We love those kinds of cultural experiences.

  7. I think the issue with the Amish is not to be tied to "the world". If they can generate their own power there is no objection to that. Love the bus what a hoot!
    Would love to know more about their new RV and the solar they are putting on it. Do they have a blog?? Safe travels to your guys.

    1. That would be like us, just wanting to be "off grid".

      Sorry we never thought to get a picture of their RV. They do have a blog but they don't write in it regularly although I think they may do a post on the installation. Here is their blog and they do have show a picture of the new motorhome but there are no posts on it and it is dated July 18, 2013.www.blog.travelpod.com/members/ironworker025#

  8. We spend quite a bit of time in various Amish areas. In fact, we were in the IN area just a few weeks ago. Always enjoy the rural countryside.

  9. where is the Amish comunity you went to

    1. Hi Wendy, it was in the Lower Peninsula of Michigan.

  10. and where did you cross into Canada?

    1. We crossed over at Sault Ste Marie, Ontario.

  11. Nice bus, no worries about damaging its roof! :c)

  12. kind of like the Mennonite store you see in Cuauhtemoc, Chihuahua. But the Mennonites aren't very friendly. Interesting lifestyle.

    1. I remember you saying that before. To be honest I can't say what the Mennonites are like here but the Amish were certainly friendly.


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