Out for a hike near Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? La Primavera Forest, just west of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Towards San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico!

Friday, September 27, 2013

Fastest Border Crossing Ever!

Yesterday morning, our friends Bill and Bonnie were getting up early to go get their solar installation done on their motorhome. They had a three hour drive to the appointment, so they woke us up as they were ready to go. It was only 5:40am, but we decided to stay up and get an early start.

Still, it was 8:00am or so by the time we left. We had a 289 mile (465 km) drive ahead of us, plus we had to cross the border and you never know how long that will take!

Yesterday's drive, 289 miles (465 kms)

It was a little foggy when we left, but it didn't take long to burn off.

We stopped at the Walmart in Cheboygan, MI and picked up two blocks of Cabot Extra Sharp cheddar cheese. We love that cheese, and can't buy it in Canada. From there, we drove back across the Mackinac Bridge and onto the Interstate Highway to the border crossing at Sault Ste. Marie.

Boring drive on the Interstate.

Crossing the bridge into Canada. 

There was quite a lineup of people going in the opposite direction. Probably all trying to escape the high prices! There were five or six vehicles in front of us when we got to the other side, but it seemed like they were processing people fairly quickly.

Soon, it was our turn. Handed him our passports, and got asked the standard "where do you live", "what is the value of goods you're bringing into Canada", "do you have any alcohol or cigarettes"?

We had only just opened a five litre box of our favorite $15 wine (that would cost $45 in Canada!) the night before. I think Ruth had had one glass out of it. So we explained that we had "an open five litre box of wine" and he never asked how full it was! 

And he sent us on our way. Just like that. You have to like it when a border crossing goes that smoothly.

Odd that the colors were so much more pronounced in Canada.

Pretty tree colors.

Getting close to Blind River, Ontario.

John and Diane live in Elliot Lake, Ontario and had invited us for a visit. They've been following our travels and reading our blog for about two years now, and wanted to meet us! We love meeting our readers! So we made it here about 3:30pm and we were quickly out on the back porch having a drink and chatting. Never a shortage of things to talk about because they had lots of questions about our lifestyle.

We're going to stay here another night because they want to show us the town and go for a hike. Looks like another beautiful day!


  1. What is your favourite boxed wine? I had forgotten about Cabot cheese. We discovered it last winter. I notice you are going to South Africa, my hubby's birth country and where I lived for 25 years. I was born in what is now called Zimbabwe.

    1. P.S. Are you going to be staying in the Toronto area on your way through?

    2. We like the five litre box of Franzia Chardonnay. You can't buy it in Canada. We have paid anywhere between $11 and $18 for that box depending in what state we're in.

      Unfortunately no, we won't be making it through Toronto on this trip.

    3. We reaaly like the Bota Box Cab.

    4. Have you ever tried the Oak Leaf wines from Walmart? They are pretty good too.

    5. We saw it in the store when we picked up our wine but no we haven't tried it before. Maybe next time we are traveling through the States we will give it a try.

  2. Replies
    1. I think it makes a difference when we are crossing in the little blue car compared to when we cross with Sherman.

  3. Thanks for the lovely fall foliage photos. Fall colors is one thing I miss about being in Ohio during the autumn.

    1. Wait until you see the pictures in our next post!

  4. Not that bad actually, Dugg. Crossing at Sarnia would have saved us 23 miles. But then we would have had to do the 401 through Toronto. Highway 17 is a much nicer drive, plus we had been invited to Elliot Lake!

  5. Looks like you guys are sticking closely to your schedule and still having fun.

    1. I think that the only change in our plans is that we ended up staying for one extra day here in Elliot Lake. Having said that it would have been nice to have even more time for the trip back to Ottawa because we have seen so many places that we would have loved to have stopped and explored more, oh well there is always the next time!

  6. The fall leaves are beautiful. One thing I miss about moving west. It's pouring rain today:(, but you don't have to shovel it LOL

    1. We have been so lucky with the weather, it has been absolutely beautiful and the fall colours here in Ontario are in their prime. Hope it doesn't rain too much for you Dianna!

  7. Glad your border crossing went so smoothly.

  8. Nice fall colors:) We have yet to make a border crossing with an RV, but I am sure we will sometime.

    1. I am sure you would do just fine in the motorhome, sometimes it may just take a little bit longer.

  9. We have been pretty lucky over the years with speedy border crossing, glad yours went well too.
    Welcome back to Ontario!

    1. It seems to depend on the border guard, which ever side of the border you are crossing into.

  10. Great news re: the border crossing. We have been chased by rain or snow since leaving Yellowstone. Last night, it caught up with us in Kearney Nebraska! Wow, what a storm....and brrrr what cooler temperatures.

    1. Sounds like it is time to start heading a little further south. Hope the weather improves for you.


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