Scenery in the Sierra Gorda mountains near Pinal de Amoles, Queretaro, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Not sure yet.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Good News!

So, it looks like Amex is coming through with the coverage on the camera. So, we learned something new about the benefits of some credit cards. And because this was our first claim and it was for under $500, they were able to process it with less documentation than is normally required. Still waiting to hear back from my last email, but it looks like they simply send us a cheque for the amount of the claim. I don't even think they want the old camera back, which could be a bonus because we will now have a spare battery!

Next week, we'll go back to Future Shop (owned by Best Buy here in Canada) and see if they will match the same price they gave me on the original camera.

Yesterday morning Ruth and her sister Lesley went down to the Morris Island Conservation Area to take the dogs for a walk. Lesley is here visiting with her dog Tia.

Don't forget to click on the pictures to make them full sized!

Part of the Ottawa River at the Morris Island Conservation Area.

Ducks on a pond.

Tia and Ruth's sister Lesley.

Can you see this fellow well hidden in the bushes??

Visiting Ottawa this time around, we promised ourselves we would do some things that we've never done before. We both grew up in Ottawa area, so although we know the city very well, it's amazing how many opportunities there are to explore. 

One of them is the area around Shirleys Bay, about 20 kms (13 miles) west of the downtown core.

We parked the little blue car at the boat launch area, and headed out to the 7 kms (4 miles) of trails. 

Kevin on the shore of the Ottawa River at Shirley's Bay.

Ruth on the walking trail at Shirleys Bay. This is a cross country skiing trail in the winter.

Part of the trail goes through a cedar forest.

Ultimately, not the most exciting trail we've been on, but it was a nice afternoon for a walk. Most of the trail would probably have been nicer when there were still leaves on the trees and bushes. We expected more of it to follow the river but most of it heads inland and is fairly flat. Great place to take your dog for a walk.

From there, we drove further towards the city, stopping at Andrew Haydon Park. Really pretty spot along the Ottawa River.

Andrew Haydon park is really pretty.

Kevin and Ruth by the duck pond. Too bad this pic is slightly out of focus! Only one we took though so it will have to do.

Speaking of the "duck" pond, there aren't actually many ducks around. Unfortunately there ARE a lot of Canada Geese around. Rats with wings as our friend Mark in Saskatoon says! They really need to do something about these birds hanging around the park. It may be illegal to not pick up after your dog, but nobody picks up after these big nasty birds and you almost can't walk on the grass without stepping in their do-do! 

Ruth, looking at the sailboats. It was a calm day to try and go sailing!

Like I said, it's a pretty spot.

Heading further in to town, we made it to our dinner spot, the La Cabana restaurant on Merivale Rd. near Carling Ave. This is a Salvadorian restaurant with authentic food from the central American country of El Salvador. It is so authentic that you almost feel you're not in Canada anymore. If not for the prices, you would think you were in a restaurant in Latin America. Even the television was playing a Spanish language station.

We ordered and spoke entirely in Spanish to the people working there! 

Dinner! A filling plate of rice, beans, and a shredded meat and egg dish called "carne deshilada con huevos"!

From there, off to visit a friend for a couple of hours, and then my younger sister. Didn't make it back to Ruth's father's until midnight!

Today, I am off to a weekend away with the boys. A group of ten friends have rented a "cottage" for the weekend. The ten of us haven't been together all at the same time for over 30 years!!! I'm sure the beer will be flowing. Really looking forward to it. Pics tomorrow!


  1. Excellent news on the camera but what a PIA for you guys. Nice pictures with whatever you are using. Ten guys who have been friends for 30 years is really rare. Lucky you!! I so totally agree with the watch where you walk canada goose poop but hey they are your geese. I've tried to send them back. Maybe it's worked. :-))

    1. Believe it or not Sherry but the pictures here are with the same camera. It is still working but it rubs a bit when the lens extends out and there is a chunk missing out of the side of it. We are pretty lucky and really it isn't much of a pain especially when you consider that is was us that caused the problem by not securing the camera properly in the case. Lesson learned and that won't be happening again!

      I wish we could send these geese away, what a mess!

  2. Kinda cool that you got to use your Spanish.
    Good news on the camera. I was kinda thinking it would work out. Amex are pretty good that way. I realize the confluence of "good service" and a "credit card" is a hard thing to get your head around, but that's just one of those mysteries.
    I'm with you on the Canada geese. Hate them.
    The hunters do shoot them down in some states when they fly south. Now if only people would quit feeding the damned things so they would leave in the fall!

    1. Yep, we really enjoyed being able to use our Spanish, we don't get the opportunity to up here very often.

      We agree with you Bob, I wish people would stop feeding them too!

  3. Thankfully our geese have flown south. Enjoy your weekend and we'll understand if you can't post.

    1. Lucky you, how did you manage to get rid of them?!

      Kevin finally managed to post to the blog today, a little late but he made it. :P

  4. Good for you! And a spare battery, too. :c)

    1. We are pretty happy about that extra battery bit as we were going to have to go buy one but now we don't have too! :)

  5. Howdy Ruth & Kevin,
    Thank you, for the stroll & experience... May your day be a delightful & HAPPY DAY!!!

    1. Glad you enjoyed the stroll Butterbean. Hope you had a good day too!

  6. El amuerzo me parece muy bien. Great news about the camera. Amex does have some distinct advantages, this certainly being one of them. Have a great "boys weekend" and hope Ruth does the same with the "Girls."

    1. I am going to go for a manicure and pedicure with my sister next week and I am having some "old" school friends over for coffee/tea and treats on Monday evening which I am looking forward too!

  7. Great news about your camera.
    And that meal looked delicious and probably tasted even better because you spoke spanish.

    1. It was a great meal but it wasn't as spicy as we would have liked to have had.

  8. Hi Kevin and Ruth, Yes it is great news about the camera and it seems that AMEX makes it pretty easy. I see you are getting lovely weather out east.

    1. Thanks Dianna, it is great news for sure.

      We have been having great weather but tomorrow isn't suppose to be as nice. I think you have been having some cooler weather out west, sure hope it gets a little better for you before the bad stuff really starts.

  9. Replies
    1. I asked myself the same question as I have never met anyone personally that has eaten Canada goose but apparently you can. Here is a link that I found on the NY Times website from a while ago.

  10. your geese are a big problem here, they are protected and we have thousands of them. had a friend that the geese had a nest next to door of office bldg, when she came out it started after her, she tripped and wound up having to have stitches in her face...many people I know get attacked at work because of these birds. they arent very nice and yes when you have 15 or 20 of them on your parking lot, wow what a mess.

    1. I can't figure out why they are protected there. Some States actually kill them and send the meat to food banks/kitchens. They are such a nuisance, they really are going to have to start doing something about it. They can be mean, they smell and their feces can be a health risk.


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