Igor, parked for the night in the Sierra Gorda Mountains in Queretaro, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Campestre Pinal in the Sierra Gorda mountains, Queretaro, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Pinal de Amoles, Queretaro, Mexico.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

The Traveler IQ Challenge

Came across a fun game yesterday that will test your geography and travel knowledge.

A screen showing a map appears. Different place names and famous attractions come up near the top of the screen and you have to place your cursor and click where on the map you think that place is. You are scored based on how close to the actual location that you clicked. But there is a time factor as well and you get bonus points if you click fast!

There are several categories that you can choose from. When we each first tried it, we did the World category. We made it through the first few levels without much problem, but when we got to the more difficult stages we quickly learned that our world knowledge is pretty good in regions that we've been to. We'll simply need to travel more I guess!

Here you go, see how well you do!


Our first time trying this, my score was 175,000 and I didn't make it past level 6. Ruth was almost exactly the same at 170,000. However the second time I made it to 375,000 and level 9. Maybe you think you would do better doing a regional version of the game? You can try them all here...


It was sunny but cool yesterday. Ruth and I went for a walk on the dykes that were built in this valley back in the 1700's when the French came to this area. They built the dykes to direct the flood waters from the Bay of Fundy tides. There is rich agricultural land in this valley, and to this day the dykes allow the land to be farmed.

Standing on the dyke you can see the rich farmland. The Gaspereau River is immediately behind me on the other side of the dyke.

Ruth, standing on the dyke. At high tide, the water is covering the long grass on the right side of where she is standing.

Ruth, taking a break overlooking the Gaspereau River. At high tide, the river is about a foot below the bridge!

We're doing a day trip into the city of Halifax today!


  1. With all the traveling we have done, I still didn't blow the top off the meter :( Think we will take your advice and travel more. Thanks for my morning fun.

    1. It's either travel more or play the game more, personally I like the idea of travel more!

  2. 375,000 is pretty impressive. I managed 183,000 on my first go. It's hard to get within a 100 kilometres of a place, even if you KNOW where it should be. Kinda fun though. I might try again later.

    1. I agree, the map needs to be bigger. Having said that I have gotten to within 5km but I think that was just luck.

  3. Those dikes are amazing! And to think they were done with nothing more than shovels and strong backs. I guess having to eat was a strong motivation to protect the farmland! ;c)

    1. Yep, it is totally amazing! We have no idea what hard work is like these days.

  4. Fun game, thanks. You guys did really well!

  5. Thanks for letting me know about the game. It is fun, even though I didn't do very well. Maybe I just need to travel more!

    1. The more you play it the better your knowledge of the world will be. I know I still need to play the Canada portion more, I can't believe how much I still don't know about my own country.

  6. Ha! 334,753 - to level 10! Never would have gotten that far without the tip "quickness counts". I am tired now...

  7. Howdy R&K,
    Kevin, you never did answer how long between tides, but it must have been a LONG TIME back when they built the dikes... Those are great pics of the farmlands, almost like 'crop-circles'... That is a really beautiful country...

    1. Sorry Butterbean, we've been busy. The time difference for the tide between the two pictures was only 1 1/12 hours, the first picture was already several hours into the high tide from the low tide and the second picture was still not at high tide. Minas Basin which is part of the Bay of Fundy has the highest tides in the world. It takes just a little more than 6 hours to go from low tide to high tide. The volume of water moving in & out of the Bay is about 100 billion tonnes each tide cycle. The tide in the spring can go as high as 50 feet!

  8. I did pretty good on North America but dive bombed when I hit the islands off Florida. Never could get that area straight in my mind. That was fun! Thanks!
    Grace (in Tucson)

    1. Glad you enjoyed it Grace. Playing this game has sure made me aware that I still have lots to learn about the world.


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