Igor, parked for the night in the Sierra Gorda Mountains in Queretaro, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Campestre Pinal in the Sierra Gorda mountains, Queretaro, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Pinal de Amoles, Queretaro, Mexico.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

We don't seem to have any luck with cameras!

I mentioned last Saturday that when we were out on a hike with friends John and Diane, I dropped our new Nikon P520 camera.

Of course, it landed on a rock.


The lens housing was bent and a piece of the edge was broken off. I turned it on, and the lens came out the way it should, but it was rubbing on the housing as it extended and retracted. It seems to take pictures alright still, but last night the battery mysteriously went dead. Related? No idea.

Hm. Not quite round anymore!

You can see the broken piece...

We had paid for it with our Amex card and I thought to myself yesterday "I wonder if there was some kind of purchase protection insurance on that card".

So I looked up the card benefits, and sure enough it has a 90 day protection limit for if anything stupid happens to your new purchase. I called them up, and made the claim. Apparently I will hear from an adjuster within 48 hours to find out what they will do for us. But from everything I've read about other people who have used this purchase protection insurance, I'm feeling pretty confident. Ohh...and our 90 days would have been up on October 10th!

Yesterday, we went for a walk through the forest near here. Still lots of wildflowers out and about.

Ruth, walking in the woods.

Hmm. Gonna have to get around this water.

This is an interesting little plant. Not sure of it was a flower or some kind of berry, but it was the only one around. How does that happen?


More wildflowers.

Heading back into Ottawa this afternoon to do some more exploring! Check in tomorrow for more photos of Canada's Capital Region. Provided the camera recharges...


  1. Well now. That sure sucks when that happens. I know too well that sinking feeling. First thing I always do with a new camera or lens is pony up the extra dough for a screw on UV filter. They're more easily replaced than the lens.
    Just the same, that kind of a drop is beyond what a UV filter would protect.
    Good luck with Amex. I think it should work out. They're pretty good when it comes to looking after their customer base. Explains why they're kinda pricey for the merchants I imagine.

    1. You are right Bob I don't think a UV filter would have protected it from that kind of fall.

  2. No more sleeveless shirts here in the Vancouver area!

    1. Yesterday was a beautiful day in Ottawa!. Almost a record high for this time of year!

  3. I had no idea about that extra insurance protection with AX. Makes me feel good as I just ordered over $1000.00 worth of things to pick up in the US on our way South to Mexico.

    1. I think it may depend on what type of AMEX card you have. We do pay a fee for our card which might explain why there is extra insurance protection on it.

  4. If you have to replace it look at the Fuji Xtr900 it is about $399. I bought one this summer it is pocket size and has an amazing zoom with no shake I will try and send to your e mail some pics I took this summer.

    1. Thanks for the camera suggestion Wendy but I think Kevin is pretty happy with the one we have but I am sure he will check out this one too, just in case. :)

  5. I've heard good things about AMEX standing behind their guarantee so fingers are crossed that they come through for you guys.

    1. We have always been happy with our AMEX card and the service from them.

  6. The camera is still taking nice pics. Good luck with your claim. I hope that works out for you.

    1. You are right Dianna, it is still taking great pictures but we don't want to take the chance that something shakes loose later and then it goes bad on us when we are in Africa.

  7. John and I have our fingers, toes, legs and eyes all crossed that Amex will do the right thing. Every time I think about you dropping the camera on that rock--and seeing the look in your eyes when you realized what happened--my heart skips a beat. :(

    1. It is looking good Dianne, all your finger crossing has worked! I think the look in Kevin's eyes was more from the fact that he couldn't believe that he wasn't more cautious with the camera. Luckily it has all worked out.

  8. Ouch, we have injured a number of cameras. We always seem to forget about the credit card purchase insurance:) Good luck with the claim!

    1. I am so glad that Kevin had thought about it, otherwise we would have forgotten about it too!

  9. Glad to see I'm not the only one that has bad luck with cameras. Hope AMEX comes thru for you.

    1. It has been a good learning experience...always take extra caution with the camera and put it away and zip it up before doing anything else.

  10. I've had good luck with Amex and Visa. They normally extend the original one year warranty to two years. I really pays to keep receipts of electronic gadgets. I've had at least one camera and one laptop replaced.

    1. You are right Roger, I always keep receipts on just about everything, you never know when you may need them. We will have to keep this in mind in the future, hopefully we won't have to use the insurance protection again.

  11. I'm behind on my blog reading, so I just heard about this. I guess I need to get a UV filter on my cameras.

    Glad to hear you have some coverage!


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