Pinal de Amoles, Queretaro, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Pinal de Amoles, Queretaro, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Back in Windhoek

But only for one night.

We did the 425 km (264 mile) drive back to Windhoek from the Damara Mopane Lodge. We've now done most of this route before, so didn't bother with any new pictures.

Problem was, we weren't sure where we were staying for the night!

We had been in contact with Willa, a couchsurfing contact who we had tried to get together with in the past. This time, we had sent a message but not heard back, so when we stopped for a roadside snack I checked the internet just in case, and sure enough there was a note from Willa saying we could come for a visit.

But first, we had been invited to visit Gondwana Lodges head office in Windhoek.

A statue depicting the mule trail walk that Gondwana does in Fish River Canyon.

We didn't stay long, but we had a chat with some of the people who have been organizing our visits to the Gondwana Lodges and so it was nice to be able to meet them in person.

Ruth, trying out one of the tire chairs. Made locally, from three old car tires!

We made our way over to Willa's house where we sat on her porch and got acquainted. Willa was originally from South Africa but has been living in Namibia for a long time now, I think she mentioned 30 years or so. We invited her to join us for dinner, but she had had a big lunch so Ruth and I walked to a nearby Portuguese restaurant where we had piri-piri chicken!

I was a bit anti social last night because Willa had really good internet so I spent a few hours getting caught up on things. Ruth and Willa sat and chatted for a while though. We were in bed by 11:00pm and up again at 6:30am.

Today, driving to the Namib Desert Lodge for a three night stay. Should be relaxing!

Yup. That's what we think!


  1. No pic of Willa? isnt amazing how hooked we all are on internet and keeping up wih peope. have a good trip to next destinaiton

    1. Sorry Donna, we unfortunately forgot to take a picture of her. We mentioned to that to each other in the car as we were driving to our next destination.

  2. I agree with the sentiment - retirement and traveling are NOT BORING. Enjoy yourselves. Where will you be for Christmas?

    1. We agree, but I have heard some people speak of being bored and we just shake our heads. Life is what we make it, so if someone is bored then it is up to them to change it.

      We are scheduled to be at Canyon Road House for Christmas so we will have to see what kind of plans they have. Guaranteed we wouldn't be bored! :)

  3. No chance of you being bored, EVER!!! :cD


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