Pinal de Amoles, Queretaro, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Pinal de Amoles, Queretaro, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.

Friday, December 20, 2013

The Dune Star

We're currently staying at The Namib Desert Lodge. The lodge is located on the edge of a series of petrified sand dunes. Yes, sand that has sat and compressed for so long that it has turned to rock. The scenery here is so spectacular that Gondwana Collection has built a camp on top of one of these petrified dunes!

Yesterday, we went on a little sundowner safari to have a look at this new camp. The Dune Star Camp.

This camp is brand new. It's so new in fact that we weren't able to stay there as all of the rooms haven't yet been tested. There are eight small chalets, all with solar electric and solar hot water. And they are simply gorgeous!

But first, we had to get there.

The Dune Star is located about 6 kms (4 miles) from the lodge itself, along a dirt track accessible by 4 wheel drive only. If you're going to stay there, you have two choices. You can hike there (about 5 kms) and the lodge will transport your baggage, or you can have one of the lodge safari vehicles take you out there.

Our guide Chanti, explaining how a litre of sand weighs 1.5 kgs. This is how the petrified dunes are formed over thousands of years.

Here's the dirt track to follow!

Wildlife and the petrified dunes.

Guess who??

We had an extra passenger. Here's expert guide Chanti, with Food and Beverage Manager Edward. He was on a special mission to view the new camp!

We spotted lots of oryx along the way.

Oryx are such handsome creatures!

And then Chanti spotted this fellow. She tried to catch him, but he was too fast!

Our first view of The Dune Star. This is the restaurant and bar. There are only eight chalets, so you would unlikely find any more than sixteen customers! Although some rooms do have a third bed for small groups.

Five of the chalet bungalows. 

The bungalows are fairly plain on the outside. But the inside is very comfortable! The most interesting part? You can open the patio doors, and roll your bed outside if you'd like to sleep under the stars!

Bed inside...

And bed outside! How cool is that??!

What a view.

Great place to have an afternoon beverage.

Now, the following is really good.

We've mentioned how great the view is from up here, and it is truly spectacular. So they figured they would design things so that you can have a look at that view from almost anywhere. Including the public toilets! They truly are public!

The view from the toilet.

Yes, those are the women's toilets with Chanti and Ruth demonstrating for the camera!

And here's Kevin, demonstrating the men's room! (Not really!)

Again, beautiful desert scenery.

Ruth, enjoying the view.

Near dusk, the sand changes color with the shadows.

And the sky becomes a gorgeous shade of pink.

We were a couple of weeks too early to try sleeping out under the stars at The Dune Star. But we're glad we got a sneak preview of it, and when we return to Namibia some day you can rest assured that this will be one of our stops!

You can read more about it here...


  1. Amazing photos, incredible place. Unreal and other worldly. One of my fav posts to date!

  2. why are you too early to sleep outside? beautiful pics, what can those oryx's eat doesnt look like there is any vegetation? hard to believe that the resort can be profitable with a 16 guest capacity

    1. Donna, the place is brand new and isn't totally finished for guests. It will be within a couple of weeks though. The oryx eat the dried grass. There's lots of it. The Dune Star is an addition to the main camp that has 76 rooms. When word gets out, the Dune Camp will be sold out every night.

  3. And the highlight is....the view from the loo! Like "a box of chocolates". Never know what you're gonna get! Too funny.

  4. The last picture is a most beautiful scene. I love it. I hope you make this into type of poster someday.

  5. Hard to believe that something so spectacular exists in the middled of nowhere.

  6. Those loos with a view must help cut down on graffiti... :c)

  7. Absolutely incredible. What a gorgeous place. jUst how far is it to the closest airport?

  8. Wow! That is a place I would love to stay.

  9. Awesome views, especially from the public toilets!

  10. What a stunning place! I am amazed by how modern, gracious, and attractive the accommodations in Namibia have been. I had no idea.


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