Scenery near Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Not sure yet.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Would you bungee jump off this??

Yesterday we drove from Knysna to Port Elizabeth. We have to start increasing our driving distances because time is flying by too quickly! It was only 260 kms (161 miles) but there was a lot to see along the way so the drive took us almost all day.

Plus, it was almost 10:00am before we hit the road.

We said goodbye to our couchsurfing host Didi, and headed out. Thanks again Didi...we enjoyed your company!

Didi had suggested that we visit a pretty beach just on the outskirts of town. It's at a place called Noetzie Beach, and there are some interesting accommodation options there!

The road down to Noetzie Beach.

You can rent your own castle!
Only R4500 ($475) per night, but it sleeps six.

Ruth, enjoying the view.

There's one thing that we can't wrap our heads around though, and that's the huge difference in living standards between the have's and the have not's. At the beginning of the entrance road to this beautiful beach and expensive accommodation, are the shacks. We're going to do a full post about this one day, but we're still trying to sort out how to explain it. 

Not a great picture, but this is how most of the other half lives.

We entered a new state!

The nine states of South Africa. We crossed the border from Western Cape into Eastern Cape.

At that border is the Bloukrans Bridge. The highest bridge in South Africa at 216 meters (709 feet) above the river in the gorge below. The bridge opened in June of 1983. In 1997, they began bungee jumping off the bridge!

Now, this is the highest bungee jump in the world. You actually free fall for seven seconds before the elastic band snaps you back up the other way! At a height of 216 meters, this is more than three times higher than the bungee jump that we did last year!

Notice the activity just below the road surface at the center of the bridge.

Lots of people bungee jumping!

We stood and watched them for fifteen or twenty minutes. Ruth decided that she wasn't interested...even if it was free! I think I might have thought about it though. Cost here is R795 ($84.00).

Scenery along the way.

Yesterday's drive 260 kms (161 miles).


  1. An interesting day again, but definitely no bungee jumping for me.

  2. One bungee jump could keep me for a whole life long. It's a very short adventure for the amount that they charge. I haven't tried it - yet - so I still might - once!

    1. Yep, it's a lot of money but it is also quite an experience. We did it that one time last October in Ottawa and I really don't think that we need to do it again.

  3. Jaysus. Considering I wouldn't bungee jump at all, jumping off that bridge is definitely off my list. Not even willing to rappel.
    Probably wouldn't even look over the edge.

    1. I think I would also have a hard time looking over the edge, having said that I might consider rappelling!

  4. I wouldn't bungee jump off anything even if they paid me!

  5. Heh heh ...i don't think so!!!

    Karen and Steve
    (Blog) RVing: The USA Is Our Big Backyard

    1. That's OK, apparently you aren't the only one!

  6. No gracias but thanks for asking :)

    1. No problem Contessa, maybe you could join us on some other venture!

  7. I would certainly consider it. Like you though, the price might turn me off.

    1. Well the price here is about $25 cheaper for a jump almost 3 times higher than the one we did in Ottawa in October. So if you did it here you would get more bang for buck. "Bang" might not be a good word to use in this case, lol!

  8. I can see why you passed on the bungee jump. After swimming with Great Whites and riding ostriches, bungee jumping is just too tame... ;c)

    1. Don't forget we already did a bungee jump in October, but jumping from this high is just a little intimidating, think I would rather try the paragliding.


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