Scenery in the Sierra Gorda mountains near Pinal de Amoles, Queretaro, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Not sure yet.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Down time

Although we enjoyed our four months in southern Africa, we never felt like we got a lot of relax time in. We wanted to experience as much as possible because you never know when we'll get back there. Here in Mexico however, we don't feel the need to rush about.

So yesterday, we took advantage of that.

We even slept in...didn't get up until after 7:00am. In fact, that's been happening since we arrived back at Sherman. We both find that we're sleeping really well.

Ruth made pancakes for breakfast. We had an unopened jug of pure Canadian maple syrup and it needs to be used up before we leave Mexico. No problem there!

We kind of puttered around the motorhome for the morning. We both had showers, and that entailed getting the hot water heater fired up. I had changed out the electronic circuit board last time we were here, and after checking for spider webs etcetera, it fired right up. The showers and bathrooms aren't yet ready for use here at Chema's RV Park, but there are full hookups at the sites.

One thing I noticed is that our fresh water pump in the motorhome isn't working right. When I checked it the other day, it kind of sputtered for a second, and then simply stopped. I'll probably have to take it apart and give it a cleaning. Hopefully that's all that's wrong with it.

I also noticed that our awning is getting to be in pretty rough shape. It's the original fabric, now about 18 years old! We're thinking that next winter we will bring Sherman back to the southwest U.S. and get a few things fixed that can't be done as easily here in Mexico. Besides, we haven't ever properly explored Arizona or California.

The restaurant here at the RV Park was doing a Sunday brunch yesterday, so we walked over there for lunch.

Stuffed after this!

A plate of chilaquiles (fried tortillas cut into pieces and topped with salsa and cheese), a plate of food from the buffet, a cup of cinnamon coffee and a glass of fresh squeezed orange juice. Oh, and a complimentary shot of mescal afterwards "to aid with digestion" as the owner says! Total bill including tip? 150 pesos ($13.20).

View from our table.

Looking back at Sherman from the entrance.

We relaxed and read books for a while in the afternoon. Ruth actually had a nap! That's something she doesn't often do. And then she worked on organizing some pics on the computer while I finished washing the outside of Sherman.

We didn't need much for dinner! A couple of quesadillas and some carrot sticks and that was that.

Not sure what's up for today. Maybe we'll try and take a bus in to Mazamitla.


  1. Relaxing and napping. A great way to spend the day.

    1. It was a nice treat, especially because we don't do that too often.

  2. Our Water pump quit a few years ago and it was the bearing at the bottom of the motor was a bit corroded, cleaning it and put it together works great.
    Good awning service is Pro Shade that have service vehicles we have seen from Quartzsite, to Desert Hot Spring based out of San Diego. Found they were quite reasonable. And can do replacement material.
    Relax now and enjoy Mexico.

    1. Kevin's having a look at the pump today so we will let you know how it goes in tomorrow's post.

  3. We are going to miss Mexico this year, family problems. Our budget has crashed so we are going to our time share for a couple of weeks and out to Kalaloch campground on the Olympic Peninsula. This is close to home and a reasonable place for the motor home.

    1. So sorry that you will miss Mexico but at least you are getting out there and doing something that will make you happy and that is what life is all about! Enjoy your time there.

  4. Yuma, Arizona has a lot of RV supply and repair places. They are really set up for all the snowbirds that flock there every year. Lots of boondocking locations in the southwest!

    1. The motorhome isn't coming out of Mexico this spring so perhaps we can try there next winter. Thanks for the suggestion. We love boondocking and are looking forward to seeing more of Arizona and New Mexico next winter.

  5. Can't remember if you have airline tickets to fly from Mexico to your new job or not. If not, could you find an Arizona repair place like above poster mentioned, drive Sherman there, maybe free storage. That way Sherman would be there for them to work on before you return south next winter. Chema's looks like a great place to relax. Food looks yummy!

    1. Hi Connie and Barry! Yes, we have plane tickets from Puerto Vallarta to Ottawa in mid April. From there, we will drive the little blue car to Saskatchewan. Sherman will be staying at an RV Park near Puerto Vallarta until we return to Mexico in October.

  6. When I saw the blog title I thought... "it's about time". Considering your schedule for the past year, "retirement" has been pretty hectic.

    1. Yep, it was about time and we are enjoying doing nothing for a change. Remember this is only "semi retirement" so we need to make the most of it as we will be back at work soon enough.

  7. Oh, I am so jealous..... I really miss chilaquiles!!!! (Doug B)

    1. Sorry Doug, wish we could have shared them with you, they were so good too!

  8. You relaxed? Really? Come on, I find that hard to believe... :cD

    1. I know it's a rare thing but it does occasionally happen!

  9. I enjoy my naps, can't imagine life without them! Looks like things are going to work out well with Chema.

    1. Kevin enjoys his too but he doesn't have one everyday and me, I rarely have one but sometimes you just have to have one! we think things will work out great at Chema's.

  10. I tried a nap the other day and my body would not go to sleep. So glad that you could nap. I bet Sherman is very happy to have had a bath. Wow, that makes all three of you. Hey Kevin, we have a motorhome here that needs not only a bath but a waxing. You up for it?

    1. That's like me, I don't normally go to sleep but the odd time I just feel like I have to lie down, sometimes I actually fall asleep. Sherman was definitely happy to have a bath but it was just a quick one, hopefully he will get a better one once we are away from all the dust and dirt. Kevin, said sorry but it is all he can do to keep up with keeping Sherman clean.


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