Scenery in the Sierra Gorda mountains near Pinal de Amoles, Queretaro, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Not sure yet.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Happy to be back in Mexico!

Hard to believe that it's been almost a year since we left Mexico. In fact, it was April 6th of last year when we drove the little blue car across the border from Mexico to the United States. Our motorhome Sherman has been sitting patiently waiting for us all that time. And we are missing our motorhome lifestyle! But we don't get back to Sherman until the 19th, a week from today.

For the next week, we are in Cancun!

We were up before 6:00am yesterday morning in order to get to New York's JFK airport in time for our 10:00am flight.

Our timing was actually perfect. We left the apartment shortly after 7:00am and hopped on a subway train. Had to change lines only once, and then it was a 25 minute train ride to the airport. Then, took JFK's "airtrain" to the terminal. Total cost, $15 for the two of us. Not bad.

We were pretty quick checking our bags and getting through security, and then a half hour or so before they started boarding.

Heading to Cancun!

It was our first time flying with JetBlue. We had booked and paid for the tickets last August, because we had found a great deal. Paid a total of $170 each for the one way flight. Not bad.

We departed on time, and we were soon headed south! We thought of a few of you along the way. Our flight path took us directly over the space between Charleston and Columbia, South Carolina. We waved at our friends Pete and Pam as we flew over them, but I don't think they saw us!

Then, it was over the top of Florida. Again we waved, this time at Doug and Nancy, but I don't think they saw us either!

Next, we were over the Gulf of Mexico. The plane did a bit of a strange turn at that point, and we can only assume that it was to avoid flying too close Cuban air space. No idea, that's just a guess. Did seem odd though.

Yesterday's approximate flight path from New York to Cancun.

Zero problems getting through Mexican Customs and Immigration. Smiling faces and fast efficient service. For customs inspection, they have a random system. Push a button and if the light flashes green, you pass through. If it's red, you get pulled over and have your bags inspected. We got a green light!

We haven't been through Cancun airport since 2003 when we came to Playa del Carmen on a one week all inclusive getaway. The airport is VERY busy now! And of course, it's spring break and the planes are coming and going every couple of minutes.

Next, we had to find a telephone. We're staying the first few days with our friend Carmen who we couchsurfed with back at the end of 2008. We've stayed in touch over the years since then and we were looking forward to seeing her again. 

We found a guy with a local cell phone and asked if we could use it to make a call. It turned out that Carmen was driving close to the airport anyhow and ten minutes later was there to pick us up! She works on the hotel zone close to the airport and said we could come to work with her and relax on the beach.

The view from Carmen's office!

We went and lay on the beach for an hour and I stuck my toes in the water. Now that's my kind of water temperature! Could actually picture myself going in for a swim later this week.

Then, we walked across the main road and found a little fish taco place and sat in the shade and had some lunch. Six fish tacos, a beer, and a bottle of water. 137 pesos ($11.75). A little pricey for Mexico, but then we are in a major tourist area!

When Carmen was finished work at 5:00pm, she took us to her place and we relaxed while she went to her yoga class. Then, she came back and picked us up and we met her daughter Ayesha for dinner at a nice restaurant where they have 30% off on Tuesdays. That's our kind of place!

Back home, and hit the sack. We were beat. We've been so busy the last week or two that we really need some time to just relax and do nothing for a couple of days. Cancun seems to be a pretty good place to do exactly that.

We're giving ourselves a little treat in a few days. Totally out of the norm for us, but there's a reason we'll tell you about later. Check this out...


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you Mary-Pat, you know that we will!

  2. Sometimes it's nice to go totally out of the norm. You need down time after this marathon trip. Enjoy!

    1. Yes, you are right and I know that we will get some R and R over the next week or so.

  3. Kevin, Saw yall when you went over. We were out in the yard and saw the jet blue with my powerful binoculars! Glad yall made it safely back. Relax

    Pete, Pam and Gracie

    1. Thanks Pete, glad you were watching for us. Hope everyone is doing well. Tell Pam we said hi and give Gracie and nice hug and pat for us.

  4. Welcome bach to Mexico, looking forward to the next adventure!

    1. Thank you Peter, we're happy to be back and looking forward to spending a bit of time in Sherman.

  5. I would imagine you would need some relaxation time. What a nice place to do just that!

    1. Yep, we really have needed some time to do nothing, although it is hard for us to do nothing but we will try and this is definitely a good place to start!

  6. Welcome back to Mexico enjoy the great weather!

  7. Enjoy - looks B U tiful there! We flew south yesterday, too. Spending ten days in FL!!!
    Connie, Roz, & Kinsey

    1. It is wonderful Connie and Barrie and we are enjoying it. Hope you are having fun in Florida with the girls.

  8. This "travelling thing" is making me tired. You guys need to relax for the sake of us all. *snort*
    Is there going to be some beach life coming up? Sounds like fun. Better find some sunblock.

    1. Looks like you can sit back and relax with us for a few days Bob, before we get on the move again. Definitely getting in some beach time but Kevin forgot the sunblock on his chest and stomach!

  9. I'd lost track of you guys cause I haven't spent much time on time lately. So I was still in Africa. Now I'll have to go back and catch up with you. Welcome back. Sherman is going to be so happy to see you guys again.

    1. Thank you Jim and Sandie, we are looking forward to reuniting with Sherman too, not much longer now!

  10. Looking forward to your Mexican adventures.

  11. Thought you should be ready for some R and R!

  12. Very good deal on getting to the airport. That was our one downfall. We will do that next time. Thanks for posting that.

    Can't wait to see what the surprise is but I have a good idea. Hmm, when are you going to tell us?

    1. We've have arrived and left NYC by plane 3 times now and we have done it from all 3 airports and not once have we used the taxi. In fact, we have NEVER used a taxi the whole 3 times that we have spent time in NYC. The bus, subway or walking are the best ways to experience the city and other than walking they are pretty fast and efficient ways to travel in the city.

  13. Ah, too bad you landed in Cancun during spring break -- I imagine it will be kinda crazy, but at least you have a nice place to stay, and the weather is lovely. Really looking forward to reading about your return to Sherman -- and what you intend to do after that. We are considering RVing in Mexico next winter...

    1. Other than a few places on the beach we aren't noticing a lot of Spring Breakers. The resort we are staying at doesn't seem to have any real party goers and it is well down the beach from the real busy places which is just fine with us.

      Yes, we are looking forward to getting back to Sherman and spending a month in him before heading back north to Canada to work for the summer. You should definitely come to Mexico in your RV next winter, you are pretty much guaranteed hot weather with beautiful, friendly people. If you have any questions concerning traveling here don't hesitate to contact us, we are more than happy to help if we can.


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