Igor, parked for the night in the Sierra Gorda Mountains in Queretaro, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Campestre Pinal in the Sierra Gorda mountains, Queretaro, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Pinal de Amoles, Queretaro, Mexico.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

No pictures to prove it!

I got ambitious yesterday and cleaned Sherman's roof. I was up there for a couple of hours, and Ruth never got a picture to prove it.

All RV'ers know that an RV rubber roof should be cleaned every three months. But I've stood on Sherman's roof in an RV park and it's pretty easy to tell that most rubber roofs hardly ever get cleaned.

One of the reasons for regular cleaning is to be able to inspect the seams and caulking. Very important to do this because when a roof starts to leak it can mean the end of the RV. Or at least some very expensive repairs.

And sure enough, I noticed one or two spots that need to be re-caulked.

Sherman is going to be 18 years old this year. Hard to believe. We think he's got a few good years left in him though!

We were originally thinking of driving him up to Saskatchewan for our summer job. But when we accepted the new campground manager offer from Cabri Regional Park and found out that it came with a mobile home for our use as part of the deal, we decided to leave Sherman in Mexico one more summer.

Speaking of which, I had an email from them yesterday with our contract enclosed. It says that the mobile home is a three bedroom. Holy cow, what will we do with all of that space?? Well, part of it will be used up when our daughter and grandchildren come and stay with us for a while in June. And, we're hoping to be able to accept some couchsurfers while we're there. We had tried to do this at the last park we were at, but it was so out of the way that we never had any requests. Cabri Regional Park is further south and closer to the trans Canada highway, so hopefully we'll have some couchsurfers come and visit us!

Our location from May 1-Sept 30.

Also, I downloaded the trial version of the campground manager software that the park uses. That way, we'll be familiar with the system for when we start accepting reservations on May 5th! Our job responsibilities are a little different at this park compared to the one we were at last year, and we think (hope) that it's going to mean for a better experience for both us and the park we're managing.

We didn't do much else yesterday. Ruth did some reading, and I had an afternoon nap!

We're going for a hike this morning, not sure where we'll end up, or how far. We can see a dirt road leading up into the mountains, so I guess we'll head that way. Oh, and we're off to a show this evening!

Tickets were only 30 pesos ($2.65) each and it's reserved seating. Should be fun!


  1. Always fun to take in a show, especially at that price. Almost can't afford NOT to go.
    Hopefully the three bedrooms are of a decent size. Looks like it could be a nifty gig for the summer.

    1. It was fun and boy did we get more than our money's worth. We would do this type of thing more often if shows were priced like this.

      We're hoping that this summer will work out great!

  2. Preventive maintenance is a good thing, sure makes vehicles last a lot longer.
    Good deal for the festival.

    1. Yes, it is and preventive maintenance generally costs less than it does to fix the broken problem later.

  3. We are still enjoying your posts everyday, thanks for posting.

    Can you tell us more of what your job responsibilities will be?

    I can't wait to hear about the show and see your pictures.

    1. Thanks Bonnie, glad you are enjoying them. Kevin will do a post about our job responsibilities in a post later on, the good and the bad.

      We had a great time at the show and today's post proves it!

  4. Very nice to make the campground "home" open to couchsurfers. That's a great program. :c)

    1. We hope that we will get some coming through this area. We really want to give back to the system but haven't always had the opportunity to do so. We love the program and have met so many wonderful and interesting people in our travels.

  5. Love your header pictures. Sounds like a fun summer for you two again. Guess you'll be planning your winter adventures while you are there. You'll be hard pressed to top the one you just had.

    1. I think we will have a busy summer again but sounds like we will enjoy ourselves too! Yep, I am sure that we will be working on plans for next winter's travel and yes, it will be hard to beat this past winter's for sure. No matter what we do we will have fun.

  6. That should be a very interesting show. Eager to hear about it in another post.

    1. It was a great show, wait till you see the pictures!

  7. Replies
    1. And you'll get to see them in person this time!

  8. Just out of curiosity, did you ever get a request to return to the campground you were at last summer?

    1. Yes, but another offer came along before they were prepared to make a commitment.

    2. Good to know that you are wanted by one and all :)


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