The spectacular Mexico City Cathedral at night.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Mexico City.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Back to San Miguel de Allende on Wednesday!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

A little bit sore

We've worked hard these last few days. Because the upcoming holiday weekend is early this year, there isn't as many days as normal to get the park ready. And because our muscles are a bit out of shape from winter, we're a little bit sore!

But things are almost ready.

Sorry for the lack of "before" pictures. But figure that there were a LOT of leaves on the ground prior to our raking, blowing, and cleaning...

Section "I" took the two of us all day on Sunday from start to finish.

Section "B" is nice and green. It gets a lot of sun during the day. You can see a hint of green in the trees!

We did section "E" yesterday.

Once we have the seasonal sites ready, the seasonal campers are then responsible for their own upkeep and maintenance on those sites. Including grass cutting. We're curious to see how many are good at the upkeep and how many are not!

Section "H" is for the short term weekend and daily campers. It looks ready, but we still have some leaves to clean up along that back ridge. The sites look nice and big, right? Wrong. Each of those nice looking large lots is actually for two rigs!

Managed to get this cute photo of our resident Great Horned Owl mommy and her little one.

Today, we have a guy coming to help turn the water on. We take lake (river) water for supply to the campsites, so it's not potable. And because it's very low rainfall here during the summer, we also use a constant supply of lake water for watering the grass and trees. They would not grow here otherwise.

And then when we get the water turned on, me and our hired hand will spend the rest of the day fixing water leaks and replacing valves that froze over the winter. If things are done properly in the fall, this shouldn't happen, but apparently it always does. I guess we'll see.

Thanks everyone for your anniversary wishes yesterday! We had a nice day, and a nice dinner, and even had a bottle of home made wine that had been given to us by on of our couchsurfing hosts during our drive out here. (Thanks Sue and Jeff!)

Nice anniversary dinner!


  1. Ahhh nice - work getting done - owl pic - anniversary wine & dine - love it!

  2. Again, a very happy anniversary to you both. Is that pasta gluten-free? It looks delicious.
    As for the leaf blowing, raking, and cleaning; the sites look very clean and ready for folks to enjoy a wonderful vacation with family and friends (old and new). The park looks amazing.

    1. Yes Mary-Pat, the pasta was gluten-free. Everything we eat is gluten-free because we can't and won't eat anything that isn't.

      The leaf blower really helps to make things look even better but it is still lots of work.

  3. Love the owl shot. Sometimes even doing a proper blowout in the fall still leads to broken pipes and leaks. Our landscaper explains it as old pipes.

    1. We love the owl shot too, and we like looking up at them each day and watching the baby's progress.

      I think you are right Contessa, and there have been a few leaks and pump problems.

  4. Nice to finally see some green areas!

    1. It should look even greener in another week.

  5. I have yet to fire up my underground watering system. I didn't even want to go there last year after it had been more or less unused for the last few years that we were away. I've already noticed a bulge in a copper pipe in the shed that supplies the one side. Should be fun. They have more parts at Home Despot I suppose.
    Keep that liniment handy.

    1. Well, I hope that you don't have too many problems with it Bob, you never know you may be pleasantly surprised! If there is, then you have something to keep you busy with for a little while.

  6. The place looks very spiffy. Well done! Great picture of the owl and owlet. How cool that you have them right there and can watch the little one grow. Who is the police for seasonals who don't take care of their maintenance??

    1. Yep, everyday we have to have a look at them but soon the leaves will come in and we may not see them so easily.

      Kevin, will be the "police" and he will tell the ones that don't look after it properly that if we have to do it we will give them a bill for the work.

  7. Owl family seems content and happy !!!

    1. They sure do, the mom doesn't seem too bothered when we stop by for a look up but she does keep a watchful eye on us.

  8. Things are really looking good at the campground. Even is greening up just in time before campers arrive. Congratulations on your anniversary!

    1. Thank you Randy! Yes, things are starting to green up but we think it will be at least another week or so before we notice a real difference.

  9. Everything is coming together.
    That looks like a great anniversary meal, rice or corn pasta I assume, we use it frequently ourselves.

    1. The pasta is actually a blend of rice and corn. We don't notice a difference in taste, although we do notice that it isn't as starchy as regular pasta.


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